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Topic: Rewriting `fin n` in summations
Eric Wieser (Nov 20 2020 at 18:18):
Apologies for the long-winded non-m we:
import linear_algebra.clifford_algebra
import group_theory.perm.sign
variables {R : Type*} [comm_ring R]
variables {M : Type*} [add_comm_group M] [module R M]
variables {Q : quadratic_form R M}
open_locale big_operators
open clifford_algebra
variables (Q)
include Q
structure blade.pre :=
(k : R)
(factors : list M)
namespace blade
namespace pre
instance : monoid (pre Q) :=
{ mul := λ a b, ⟨a.k * b.k, a.factors ++ b.factors⟩,
one := ⟨1, []⟩,
mul_assoc := λ a b c, pre.ext _ _ (mul_assoc _ _ _) (list.append_assoc _ _ _),
one_mul := λ a, pre.ext _ _ (one_mul _) (list.nil_append _),
mul_one := λ a, pre.ext _ _ (mul_one _) (list.append_nil _) }
instance : mul_action R (pre Q) :=
{ smul := λ k a, ⟨k * a.k, a.factors⟩,
mul_smul := λ x y k, pre.ext _ _ (mul_assoc _ _ _) rfl,
one_smul := λ x, pre.ext _ _ (one_mul _) rfl }
lemma mul_factors (a b : pre Q) : (a * b).factors = a.factors ++ b.factors := rfl
lemma mul_k (a b : pre Q) : (a * b).k = a.k * b.k := rfl
variables {Q}
def eval (b : blade.pre Q) : clifford_algebra Q :=
b.k • ∑ σ : equiv.perm (fin b.factors.length),
(equiv.perm.sign σ : ℤ) • (b.factors.map (ι Q)).prod
variables (Q)
def of (m : M) : blade.pre Q := ⟨1, [m]⟩
variables {Q}
def of_k (m : M) : (of Q m).k = 1 := rfl
def of_factors (m : M) : (of Q m).factors = [m] := rfl
lemma eval_mul_of (a b : blade.pre Q) (h : a.eval = b.eval) (m : M) : (a * of Q m).eval = (b * of Q m).eval :=
dunfold blade.pre.eval at ⊢ h,
dsimp at ⊢ h,
simp, -- HERE
have : (a.factors ++ (of Q m).factors).length = a.factors.length.succ := by simp,
-- subst this, --fails
lemma eval_mul_eq (a b c : blade.pre Q) (h : a.eval = b.eval) : (a * c).eval = (b * c).eval :=
dunfold blade.pre.eval at ⊢ h,
dsimp at ⊢ h,
simp, -- HERE
induction c.factors,
{ rw [mul_comm _ c.k, mul_comm _ c.k, mul_smul, mul_smul],
have h := congr_arg ((•) c.k) h,
convert h, -- creates 18 goals!!
repeat {sorry} -- new tactic, `very_sorry`?
end pre
end blade
On the lines marked HERE
, the goal contains some obviously simplifiable subexpressions of the form (a ++ b).length
. However, I can't work out any way to rewrite them with list.length_append
, and attempting to hammer the problem with convert
yields a ridiculous number of very similar goals.
Yakov Pechersky (Nov 20 2020 at 18:21):
Taking a look now. But it might work if you replace the fin long-value-here
with a fin k
, then induct on k
Yakov Pechersky (Nov 20 2020 at 18:22):
You need to have some way of breaking down a sum over equiv.perm, a la fin.sum_univ_succ
. Been thinking of making one, but haven't gotten there yet.
Eric Wieser (Nov 20 2020 at 18:23):
Right, obviously I'm missing a lot of lemmas to do the full proof here
Eric Wieser (Nov 20 2020 at 18:23):
But I'm annoyed that I can't apply the lemmas that I do have (list.length_append
, of_factors
, etc) to simplify the problem a little
Yakov Pechersky (Nov 20 2020 at 18:23):
Maybe have a lemma that distributes eval
over a *
Eric Wieser (Nov 20 2020 at 18:24):
I don't think it distributes in any helpful way
Eric Wieser (Nov 20 2020 at 18:26):
Also my definition is wrong anyway - this question is about the rewrites, rather than whether my definitions make sense
Yakov Pechersky (Nov 20 2020 at 18:31):
One of the issues is that the summands are on different types.
Eric Wieser (Nov 20 2020 at 18:34):
Yeah, that probably is where the pain is
Eric Wieser (Nov 20 2020 at 18:34):
So perhaps summing over some mix of list.range
and list.permutations
would work better
Yakov Pechersky (Nov 20 2020 at 18:55):
The docs in data/equiv/basic
say group structure on equiv.perm α. More lemmas about equiv.perm can be found in data/equiv/perm.
but I can't find that data/equiv/perm
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Nov 20 2020 at 19:06):
Hmm, it seems that data/equiv/perm
didn't even exist when that module doc was added: https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib/tree/3f7bf3ca2284d614ee2119edebd5d3db7f923803/src/data/equiv
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Nov 20 2020 at 19:09):
@Yury G. Kudryashov do you know which file you meant to refer to in that module doc?
(As the reviewer of that PR, I should have asked this much earlier :sweat_smile: )
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Nov 20 2020 at 19:16):
The files in group_theory/perm
might fit the bill.
Yury G. Kudryashov (Nov 22 2020 at 07:48):
I'm sorry for the typo.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC