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Topic: Rewriting from def
Guilherme Espada (Mar 17 2021 at 10:35):
Why does the following example not work?
abbreviation ctxtype := list bool
def lookup_list : nat→ctxtype→ option bool
| 0 (head :: tail) := some head
| n (head :: tail) := lookup_list (n-1) tail
| _ [] := none
theorem aaa {t} : lookup_list t ∅ ≠ none -> false :=
intro a,
rw lookup_list at a, ---here
Scott Morrison (Mar 17 2021 at 10:36):
The pattern matching sometimes splits into finer cases than you actually wrote.
Scott Morrison (Mar 17 2021 at 10:36):
I suspect that's happened here: it's doing a case split on the nat
argument first, so there's no equation lemma for your case yet.
Scott Morrison (Mar 17 2021 at 10:37):
Try #print lookup_list
to see what it actually produced.
Guilherme Espada (Mar 17 2021 at 10:39):
It prints out
def lookup_list._main : ℕ → ctxtype → option bool :=
λ (ᾰ : ℕ) (ᾰ_1 : ctxtype),
list.brec_on ᾰ_1
(λ (ᾰ : ctxtype) (_F : list.below bool ᾰ) (ᾰ_1 : ℕ),
(λ (ᾰ : ℕ) (ᾰ_1 : ctxtype) (_F : list.below bool ᾰ_1),
ite (ᾰ = 0)
(list.cases_on ᾰ_1 (λ (_F : list.below bool list.nil), id_rhs (option bool) none)
(λ (ᾰ_hd : bool) (ᾰ_tl : list bool) (_F : list.below bool (ᾰ_hd :: ᾰ_tl)),
id_rhs (option bool) (some ᾰ_hd))
(list.cases_on ᾰ_1 (λ (_F : list.below bool list.nil), id_rhs (option bool) none)
(λ (ᾰ_hd : bool) (ᾰ_tl : list bool) (_F : list.below bool (ᾰ_hd :: ᾰ_tl)),
id_rhs (option bool) (_F.fst.fst (ᾰ - 1)))
I'm not sure how to interpret it.
How do you suggest I fix it?
Scott Morrison (Mar 17 2021 at 10:39):
Write your own simp
lemmas first, and don't rely on the behaviour of the pattern matcher? (I know that's pessimistic advice.)
Scott Morrison (Mar 17 2021 at 10:40):
Sorry, I guess you need to write #print prefix lookup_list
Scott Morrison (Mar 17 2021 at 10:41):
to see what equation lemmas it produced automatically. I agree the actual definition is not something a human should try to read. :-)
Guilherme Espada (Mar 17 2021 at 10:55):
It seems it's handling ∅ as different than list.nil
how can I convert between them
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 17 2021 at 10:58):
The empty set is a set, not a list.
Guilherme Espada (Mar 17 2021 at 10:59):
Ah, I see, makes sense.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC