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Topic: Rewriting inside quantifiers

Daniel Roca González (Dec 28 2021 at 12:11):

I would like this to work, but it doesn't

import topology.metric_space.basic

variables {α : Type*} [metric_space α] {P : α  α  Prop}

lemma test :  x y : α, P x y  dist x y  2    x y : α, P x y  dist y x  2 :=
  rw dist_comm, -- rewrite tactic failed, did not find instance of the pattern in the target expression dist ?m_3 ?m_4

Using dist_comm would make the lemma trivial, but Lean doesn't seem to be able to rewrite "inside quantifiers". Is there a nice way to get it to do this? The obvious solution would be to rcases to get xand y, use them and rewrite, but that would be disappointing.

Mario Carneiro (Dec 28 2021 at 12:11):

you can either use conv to enter the binder, or use simp or simp_rw, which can rewrite under binders

Daniel Roca González (Dec 28 2021 at 12:22):

I see thank you, I will look into conv

Daniel Roca González (Dec 28 2021 at 12:37):

A version using conv (closer to what I actually need), it's still longer than using intro and cases though...

import topology.metric_space.basic

variables {α : Type*} [metric_space α] {P : α  α  Prop}

lemma test : ( r,  x y : α, P x y  dist x y  r)    r,  x y : α, P y x  dist x y  r :=
  conv in ( r,  x y : α, P y x  dist x y  r)
    congr, funext,
    rw forall_swap,
    find (dist _ _) {rw dist_comm},

Stuart Presnell (Dec 28 2021 at 13:26):

Does simp_rw dist_comm work for this?

Patrick Johnson (Dec 28 2021 at 17:27):

rw cannot rewrite under binders, but simp_rw can:

example {α : Type*} [metric_space α] {P : α  α  Prop} :
  ( (x y : α), P x y  dist x y  2) 
  ( (x y : α), P x y  dist y x  2) :=
by simp_rw dist_comm; exact id

Also, note that your original example is incorrect. Parentheses around the first existential quantifier are not optional. The statement

∃ x y : α, P x y ∧ dist x y ≤ 2 → ∃ x y : α, P x y ∧ dist y x ≤ 2

is interpreted as

∃ x y : α, (P x y ∧ dist x y ≤ 2 → ∃ x y : α, P x y ∧ dist y x ≤ 2)

which is not true, because a metric space can be empty:

example : ¬Π {α : Type*} [h₁ : metric_space α] {P : α  α  Prop}
  (dist : α  α  )
  (h₂ : dist = h₁.to_pseudo_metric_space.to_has_dist.dist),
   (x y : α), P x y  dist x y  2 
  ( (x y : α), P x y  dist y x  2) :=
  rw not_forall, use empty, push_neg,
  refine by split; intro x; cases x, _⟩,
  refine by intro x; cases x, _⟩,
  refine by intro x; cases x, _⟩,
  refine by ext x; cases x, _⟩,
  intro x, cases x,

Kyle Miller (Dec 28 2021 at 18:22):

I've been unsure about precisely what it means when we say "rw cannot rewrite under binders," because it definitely can sometimes.

example (p q : Prop) (h : p  q) : ( x : , p)  ( x : , q) := by rw h -- OK

example (p q :   Prop) (h : p = q) : ( x : , p x)  ( x : , q x) := by rw h -- OK

example (p q :   Prop) (h :  x, p x = q x) : ( x : , p x)  ( x : , q x) := by rw h -- fails

Is the rule actually "rw cannot rewrite subexpressions containing bound variables"?

Ruben Van de Velde (Dec 28 2021 at 18:50):

That sounds like an accurate summary, yeah

Daniel Roca González (Dec 28 2021 at 20:16):

@Stuart Presnell gives me "simplify tactic failed to simplify"

Daniel Roca González (Dec 28 2021 at 20:21):

Patrick Johnson said:

rw cannot rewrite under binders, but simp_rw can:

example {α : Type*} [metric_space α] {P : α  α  Prop} :
  ( (x y : α), P x y  dist x y  2) 
  ( (x y : α), P x y  dist y x  2) :=
by simp_rw dist_comm; exact id

That's nice, but it doesn't work in my (second, correct) example, and I have no idea what the diference is. That is how I would expect it to work.

Patrick Johnson (Dec 28 2021 at 20:39):

-- Without using dist_comm
lemma test :
  ( r,  x y : α, P x y  dist x y  r) 
   r,  x y : α, P y x  dist x y  r :=
λ r, h⟩, r, λx y, ⟨(h y x).1, (h x y).2⟩⟩

Patrick Johnson (Dec 28 2021 at 20:44):

or if you insist to use dist_comm:

lemma test :
  ( r,  x y : α, P x y  dist x y  r) 
   r,  x y : α, P y x  dist x y  r :=
  rintro r, h⟩,
  rw forall_swap at h,
  simp_rw dist_comm at h, -- works
  exact r, h⟩,

Patrick Johnson (Dec 28 2021 at 20:53):

Daniel Roca González said:

it doesn't work in my (second, correct) example, and I have no idea what the diference is.

I'm not sure what your question exactly is. The two examples you showed are different statements. I don't think you can simplify the proof of the second one too much further.

Kyle Miller (Dec 28 2021 at 21:01):

Another proof, using the contextual configuration for simp (this causes it to use p in p -> q when simplifying q).

example {α : Type*} [metric_space α] {P : α  α  Prop} :
  ( (x y : α), P x y  dist x y  2) 
  ( (x y : α), P x y  dist y x  2) :=
by simp [dist_comm] { contextual := tt }

Stuart Presnell (Dec 28 2021 at 21:37):

Ah, I think this is the crucial missing piece of the puzzle!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC