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Topic: Rotation ≠ Reflection
Shadman Sakib (Jul 16 2021 at 22:19):
I'm working on a lemma that shows a rotation by is never the same as a reflection about the x-axis. Simplified to an equation, I am trying to prove . I found an example of z for which this equation is not true, but I am having trouble finishing the proof.
Shadman Sakib (Jul 16 2021 at 22:20):
import analysis.complex.isometry
import analysis.special_functions.trigonometric
noncomputable theory
open complex
local notation `π` := real.pi
lemma reflection_rotation : ∀ θ, ∃ z, rotation (exp_map_circle θ) z ≠ conj_lie z :=
intro θ,
use exp(I * (- (θ/2) + 2)),
rw ← exp_conj,
rw conj.map_mul,
rw conj.map_div,
rw ← exp_add,
rw mul_add,
rw ← add_assoc,
have : ↑θ * I + I * -(↑θ/2) = I * (θ/2),
{ ring, },
rw this,
rw add_comm,
rw exp_eq_exp_iff_exists_int,
Shadman Sakib (Jul 16 2021 at 22:21):
How can I show that there is, in fact, not an that satisfies the equation or that the equation before I rewrite exp_eq_exp_iff_exists_int is, in fact, false?
Notification Bot (Jul 16 2021 at 22:45):
Shadman Sakib has marked this topic as resolved.
Notification Bot (Jul 16 2021 at 22:46):
Shadman Sakib has marked this topic as unresolved.
Eric Rodriguez (Jul 16 2021 at 23:23):
intros n h,
replace h := add_left_cancel (mul_right_cancel' I_ne_zero h),
will get you closer to your goal. a word of advice, though, usingsimp
every line is slow + bad style (what if someone adds a new simp lemma? then it could break your whole proof). try use squeeze_simp
if simp
doesn't finish your goal and replace the simp
with the simp only
it suggests
Eric Rodriguez (Jul 16 2021 at 23:24):
you can also group rw
s using the syntax rw [add_comm, exp_eq_exp_iff_exists_int]
(for example)
Eric Rodriguez (Jul 16 2021 at 23:25):
it'd be interesting, but not sure if possible in mathlib, to prove this via complex diffability; the lhs is complex diffable whilst the rhs isn't
Kyle Miller (Jul 16 2021 at 23:37):
@Shadman Sakib Sometimes it pays to generalize a lemma to prove a more specialized one:
import analysis.complex.isometry
noncomputable theory
open complex
lemma reflection_rotation' (w : ℂ) : ∃ z, ¬ w * z = conj z :=
by_cases hu : w.re = -1,
{ use 1,
simp only [mul_one, ring_hom.map_one],
rintro rfl,
rw one_re at hu,
linarith, },
{ use I,
rw [conj_I, ←add_left_inj I, neg_add_self],
nth_rewrite 1 ←one_mul I,
rw [←right_distrib, mul_eq_zero],
simp only [I_ne_zero, or_false],
rw ←add_left_inj (-1 : ℂ),
simp only [add_neg_cancel_right, zero_add],
rintro rfl,
simpa using hu, }
lemma reflection_rotation (θ : ℝ) : ∃ z, rotation (exp_map_circle θ) z ≠ conj_lie z :=
simp only [rotation_apply, ne.def, conj_lie_apply],
exact reflection_rotation' (exp_map_circle θ),
Kyle Miller (Jul 16 2021 at 23:39):
(I'm sure those with more facility than me with complex numbers and algebraic expressions could simplify the proof of the supporting lemma.)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC