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Topic: SIGSEGV errors
Danila Kurganov (Jul 02 2020 at 10:38):
Hi. My Lean keeps giving me a SIGSEGV error every 5 minutes or so while I'm working on it, are there any general fixes for this?
Kevin Buzzard (Jul 02 2020 at 10:39):
Are you putting .s at the end of your file? That can cause this
Mario Carneiro (Jul 02 2020 at 10:39):
Danila Kurganov (Jul 02 2020 at 10:40):
.s? I have no .s's anywhere from what I can tell
Mario Carneiro (Jul 02 2020 at 10:40):
The thing you were last typing is often important to debugging this kind of thing
Kevin Buzzard (Jul 02 2020 at 10:40):
I meant .
, but there was a new segfault introduced recently and possibly also removed recently
Mario Carneiro (Jul 02 2020 at 10:41):
Does it trigger again immediately on restart?
Kevin Buzzard (Jul 02 2020 at 10:41):
If you can reliably reproduce the segfault we'd be interested to see it
Danila Kurganov (Jul 02 2020 at 10:41):
ok, here's what I've been typing:
lemma G1mul_left_inv (a : G1) : a⁻¹ * a = G1one :=
ext, simp, -- ring,
-- rw mul_assoc,
-- it seems like doing norm_num does some infinite loop!
refine (mul_left_inj' _).mp _,
exact 2,
exact two_ne_zero,
rw [mul_assoc, div_mul_cancel],
--unfold has_inv.inv,
Mario Carneiro (Jul 02 2020 at 10:41):
#mwe please
Danila Kurganov (Jul 02 2020 at 10:42):
ok, one sec I'll try to reproduce the segfault, and fix my code block
Mario Carneiro (Jul 02 2020 at 10:42):
in particular we need all the imports and opens
Mario Carneiro (Jul 02 2020 at 10:42):
use triple backtick
Mario Carneiro (Jul 02 2020 at 10:42):
Danila Kurganov (Jul 02 2020 at 10:43):
sweet #backticks
the whole file?
my imports are:
import data.real.basic
import tactic.interactive
open nat
Mario Carneiro (Jul 02 2020 at 10:43):
enough to make the lemma in question have the errors you expect
Mario Carneiro (Jul 02 2020 at 10:44):
what you gave isn't enough because I don't know what G1
and G1one
Danila Kurganov (Jul 02 2020 at 10:45):
oh that's the whole file since I told simp many things, I'll just upload the whole .lean
Mario Carneiro (Jul 02 2020 at 10:45):
feel free to paste the entire code block here, zulip will hide it appropriately
Danila Kurganov (Jul 02 2020 at 10:46):
oh nice, that's better
import data.real.basic
import tactic.interactive
open nat
def G1 := {x : ℚ // 0 < x}
def G2 := { x : ℚ | 0 < x}
#check G1
#check ℚ
#check G2
variable a : G1
#check a.val
#check a.property
#check pos_of_one_div_pos
#check mul_pos
example : 0 < 4 := by exact four_pos
example (a b c: ℚ ) : a * b/c = a/c * b := by library_search
-- so we want G1 -- a type -- to make a group
example (a : G1) : 0 < a.val := a.property --> a.property stores 0 < a.val
/-- ##Def of mul --/
@[simp] def G1mul (a b : G1) : G1 := ⟨ (a.val) * (b.val / 2), mul_pos a.property (half_pos b.property) ⟩
instance : has_mul G1 := ⟨ G1mul ⟩ -- now we have *
/-- ##Def of One --/
@[simp] def G1one : G1 := ⟨ 2, two_pos⟩
instance : has_one G1 := ⟨ G1one ⟩
-- clearly follow other axioms since from field
/-- ##Def and Lemmas for Inverse --/
lemma G1_val_pos (a : G1) : 0 < a.val⁻¹ :=
cases a with x y,
simp, exact y,
def G1_inv (a : G1) : G1 := ⟨ 4/(a.val), mul_pos four_pos (G1_val_pos a)⟩
instance : has_inv G1 := ⟨ G1_inv ⟩
-- what does extensionality mean in this context?
/-- ##Extensionality and Simplification Lemmas --/
@[ext] lemma ext (a b : G1) (hVal : a.val = b.val): a = b :=
cases a with x y,
cases b with w z,
simp * at *,
-- I see that simp is doing something, but what exactly is it doing?
@[simp] lemma mul_val (a b :G1) : (a * b).val = a.val*(b.val/2) :=
@[simp] lemma G1one_div_two : G1one.val/2 = (1 : ℚ) :=
@[simp] lemma G1one_mul_half : G1one.val * (1/2) = (1 : ℚ) :=
@[simp] lemma G1one_mul_two_inv : G1one.val * 2⁻¹ = (1 : ℚ ) :=
@[simp] lemma G1_val_mul_inv (a : G1) : a.val * a⁻¹.val = 4 :=
refine (div_left_inj' _).mp _,
exact a.val, -- DK : I don't know how it magically changed everything to a.val but I'm not complaining
intro h1,
have h2 : 0 < a.val := a.property,
rw h1 at h2,
by exact (and_not_self (0 ≤ 0)).mp h2, -- DK : Is there an easier way to use h2?
rw [mul_comm, mul_div_assoc, div_self, mul_one],
intro h,
have h2 : 0 < a.val := a.property, -- DK : I'm repeating things from before, is this good practice?
rw h at h2,
by exact (and_not_self (0 ≤ 0)).mp h2, -- DK : I did it!!
/-- ##Group Axioms --/
lemma G1mul_assoc (a b c : G1) : a * b * c = a * (b * c) :=
ext, simp, ring,
lemma G1one_mul (a : G1) : G1one * a = a :=
ext, simp, ring, --simp, ring, -- DK : I added G1one to simp, made it better
lemma G1mul_one ( a : G1) : a * G1one = a :=
ext, simp, ring,
-- DK : Below was 'G1mul_left_inv' which I thought was a typo given the goal
-- DK : so I changed it to right, also further amending the Poof.
lemma G1mul_left_inv (a : G1) : a⁻¹ * a = G1one :=
ext, simp, -- ring,
-- rw mul_assoc,
-- it seems like doing norm_num does some infinite loop!
refine (mul_left_inj' _).mp _,
exact 2,
-- DK : I am using my approach from the previous question, not sure if it's ok
-- DK : since it's quite different to your structure
exact two_ne_zero,
rw [mul_assoc, div_mul_cancel],
--unfold has_inv.inv,
/-- ##Poof G1 is a group --/
instance : group G1 := {
-- mul
mul := G1mul,
-- mul_assoc
mul_assoc := G1mul_assoc,
-- one
one := G1one,
-- one_mul
one_mul := G1one_mul,
-- mul_one
mul_one := G1mul_one,
-- inv
inv := G1_inv,
-- mul_left_inv
mul_left_inv := G1mul_left_inv,
Mario Carneiro (Jul 02 2020 at 10:46):
well at least it didn't segfault for me
Danila Kurganov (Jul 02 2020 at 10:47):
yeah, when I do nothing it's fine, but when I try to fix the (lemma G1mul_left_inv) at the end it does it eventually
i'll try to reproduce it and send over what I've done
Mario Carneiro (Jul 02 2020 at 10:48):
hm, the norm_num
loop seems to be an issue with simp
normal form battling norm_num
normal form
Mario Carneiro (Jul 02 2020 at 10:49):
example (a : ℚ) : 1 / 2 * a = a := by norm_num
Danila Kurganov (Jul 02 2020 at 10:51):
Ok, that explains one of the infinite loops I was having!
Danila Kurganov (Jul 02 2020 at 10:58):
I think I'll just do my thing and if it segfaults again just mimic what I've done to get the server to stop. Thanks for now :+1:
Mario Carneiro (Jul 02 2020 at 10:59):
I took the liberty of cleaning up the proofs a bit. Hope this helps:
import data.real.basic
import tactic.interactive
open nat
-- One way to define a subtype (G1) out of a type (ℚ)
def G1 := {x : ℚ // 0 < x}
-- This instead is a "set"
def G2 := { x : ℚ | 0 < x}
lemma G1.nz (a : G1) : a.val ≠ 0 := ne_of_gt a.2
@[simp] def G1mul (a b : G1) : G1 := ⟨ (a.val) * (b.val / 2), mul_pos a.property (half_pos b.property) ⟩
instance : has_mul G1 := ⟨ G1mul ⟩ -- now we have *
@[simp] theorem G1_mul_val (a b : G1) : (a * b).val = (a.val) * (b.val / 2) := rfl
/-- ##Def of One --/
@[simp] def G1one : G1 := ⟨ 2, two_pos⟩
instance : has_one G1 := ⟨ G1one ⟩
@[simp] theorem G1_one_val : (1 : G1).val = 2 := rfl
-- clearly follow other axioms since from field
/-- ##Def and Lemmas for Inverse --/
lemma G1_val_pos (a : G1) : 0 < a.val⁻¹ := by simpa using a.2
def G1_inv (a : G1) : G1 := ⟨ 4/(a.val), mul_pos four_pos (G1_val_pos a)⟩
instance : has_inv G1 := ⟨ G1_inv ⟩
@[simp] theorem G1_inv_val (a : G1) : a⁻¹.val = 4 / a.val := rfl
-- what does extensionality mean in this context?
/-- ##Extensionality and Simplification Lemmas --/
@[ext] lemma ext : ∀ (a b : G1) (hVal : a.val = b.val), a = b
| ⟨x,y⟩ ⟨w, z⟩ rfl := rfl
@[simp] lemma mul_val (a b :G1) : (a * b).val = a.val*(b.val/2) := rfl
@[simp] lemma G1_val_mul_inv (a : G1) : a.val * a⁻¹.val = 4 :=
rw [mul_div_cancel' _ a.nz],
/-- ##Group Axioms --/
lemma G1mul_assoc (a b c : G1) : a * b * c = a * (b * c) :=
ext, simp, ring,
lemma G1one_mul (a : G1) : 1 * a = a :=
ext, simp, ring,
lemma G1mul_one ( a : G1) : a * 1 = a :=
ext, simp, ring,
-- example (a : ℚ) : 1 / 2 * a = a := by norm_num
-- DK : Below was 'G1mul_left_inv' which I thought was a typo given the goal
-- DK : so I changed it to right, also further amending the Poof.
lemma G1mul_left_inv (a : G1) : a⁻¹ * a = 1 :=
ext, simp, ring,
simp [a.nz],
/-- ##Poof G1 is a group --/
instance : group G1 := {
-- mul
mul := G1mul,
-- mul_assoc
mul_assoc := G1mul_assoc,
-- one
one := G1one,
-- one_mul
one_mul := G1one_mul,
-- mul_one
mul_one := G1mul_one,
-- inv
inv := G1_inv,
-- mul_left_inv
mul_left_inv := G1mul_left_inv,
Danila Kurganov (Jul 02 2020 at 11:07):
Oh that is much better than what I have
So does the lemma_name.ext let you use the .ext as a method onto some object?
maybe .ext is a bad name for it, extension
Johan Commelin (Jul 02 2020 at 11:09):
in this context means roughly speaking that X
and Y
are equal if all their "components" are equal.
Mario Carneiro (Jul 02 2020 at 11:09):
yes, if you give theorems names like G1.foo
then you can write a.foo
instead of G1.foo a
if one of the arguments to the theorem has type G1
Johan Commelin (Jul 02 2020 at 11:10):
And sometimes, you can get away with less than all components, because for example some of the components are proofs
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC