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Topic: Search path for packages?

Martin C. Martin (Oct 26 2023 at 19:30):

In my project, I have a src directory, then a mypackage directory, which has two files A.lean and B.lean. However, at the start of B.lean, when I try import mypackage.A, I get the error unknown package 'mypackage'.

Is there documentation somewhere of how to add the src directory to the search path? I would have thought it was added by default. Thanks.

Yaël Dillies (Oct 26 2023 at 19:40):

See the readme of the lake repo.

Shreyas Srinivas (Oct 26 2023 at 19:49):

You are missing a mypackage.lean file which is at the same level as the mypackage folder in the directory hierarchy

Shreyas Srinivas (Oct 26 2023 at 19:52):

You will also need an src.lean file at the same level of src .

Martin C. Martin (Oct 26 2023 at 20:22):

Is the canonical setup not to have a src directory, and just put the mypackage directory in the root, next to lakefile.lean, lean-toolchain, etc?

Shreyas Srinivas (Oct 26 2023 at 20:30):


Shreyas Srinivas (Oct 26 2023 at 20:31):

The build folder is already separate

Shreyas Srinivas (Oct 26 2023 at 20:32):

See the standard template that lake generates for you when you use lake new

Shreyas Srinivas (Oct 26 2023 at 20:34):

You will find a <project_name>.lean file and a <project_name>/Basic.lean file

Shreyas Srinivas (Oct 26 2023 at 20:35):


Shreyas Srinivas (Oct 26 2023 at 20:35):


Shreyas Srinivas (Oct 26 2023 at 20:35):

If you want a separate test directory, you can add a Tests.lean file and a corresponding Tests/ folder

Shreyas Srinivas (Oct 26 2023 at 20:36):


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC