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Topic: Simple arithmetic statements: 1...4 divide 12
Laurent Bartholdi (Jun 23 2023 at 08:28):
Could some kind soul explain to me how to optimize the following:
example : ∀i ∈ ({1,2,3,4} : finset ℕ), ∃j : ℕ, i*j=12 := begin
intros i ih,
use 12/i,
? It takes for ages, and I'd like a 1-liner avoiding heavy-hitters like finish
. I tried ring
and its variants, without success, and case-by-case also seems not to work smoothly
Damiano Testa (Jun 23 2023 at 08:52):
First of all, rcases ih with rfl | rfl | rfl | rfl | ⟨⟨⟩⟩,
helps! You can find out about it by using rcases? ih
Damiano Testa (Jun 23 2023 at 08:54):
After that, norm_num
example : ∀i ∈ ({1,2,3,4} : finset ℕ), ∃j : ℕ, i*j=12 := begin
rintros i ih,
use 12/i,
rcases ih with rfl | rfl | rfl | rfl | ⟨⟨⟩⟩;
This is almost instant. Also the original version was not so bad, though...
Damiano Testa (Jun 23 2023 at 08:57):
Do you really need the ∃?
Damiano Testa (Jun 23 2023 at 08:57):
example : ∀i ∈ ({1,2,3,4} : finset ℕ), i*(12/i)=12 := by
rintros i (rfl | rfl | rfl | rfl | ⟨⟨⟩⟩); norm_num
Damiano Testa (Jun 23 2023 at 09:09):
Actually, with the last formulation, you can also prove it as: example : ∀i ∈ ({1,2,3,4} : finset ℕ), i*(12/i)=12 := by norm_num
Laurent Bartholdi (Jun 23 2023 at 09:09):
Thanks a lot! Yes, I wrote a M(N)WE, but I need to get hold of the j
. If you have improvement suggestions, here is where the code comes from:
variables {G : Type} [group G] (g : G) (foobar : G → set ℕ)
lemma l1 (j : ℕ) : foobar g ⊆ foobar (g^j) := sorry
lemma l2 : ∀i ∈ ({1,2,3,4} : finset ℕ), foobar (g^i) ⊆ foobar (g^12) := begin
intros i ih,
let j : ℕ := 12/i,
have div_12 : i*j = 12 := begin rcases ih with rfl | rfl | rfl | rfl | ⟨⟨⟩⟩; tauto end,
exact div_12 ▸ (pow_mul g i j).symm ▸ l1 (g^i) foobar j,
Anand Rao Tadipatri (Jun 23 2023 at 09:14):
Here is a (partial) solution using decide
(this code snippet is in Lean4):
import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic
class DecideForAllMemMem (F : Type _ → Type _) [∀ α, Membership α (F α)] where
decideForAllMem {P : α → Prop} [DecidablePred P] (l : F α) : Decidable (∀ a : α, a ∈ l → P a)
instance : DecideForAllMemMem List where
decideForAllMem := sorry
instance : DecideForAllMemMem Multiset where
decideForAllMem := sorry
instance : DecideForAllMemMem Finset where
decideForAllMem := sorry
attribute [instance] DecideForAllMemMem.decideForAllMem
example : ∀ i ∈ ({1,2,3,4} : Finset ℕ), i ∣ 12 := by
sorry -- decide
Lean already knows that a ∣ b
is a decidable problem when a b : ℕ
, and consequently for any l : Finset ℕ
, the proposition ∀ i : ℕ, i ∈ l → i ∣ x
should be decidable by enumeration. The code above is an (incomplete) attempt at getting Lean to perform decision by enumeration on Finset
s. When all the sorry
s are filled in, the proof should ideally just be by decide
Damiano Testa (Jun 23 2023 at 09:43):
I do not know if this is any better for your application, but I find that the convert
line let's me, as a human, know what is happening: we are applying l1
; after that, it is just a case-check.
lemma l2 : ∀i ∈ ({1,2,3,4} : finset ℕ), foobar (g^i) ⊆ foobar (g^12) := begin
intros i ih,
convert l1 (g ^ i) foobar (12 / i) using 2,
rw ← pow_mul,
fin_cases ih;
Maybe this is more show-casing some of the automation that can be used, though...
The more I use Lean, the more I prefer writing proofs for humans, over highly-compressed machine-parseable code.
Laurent Bartholdi (Jun 25 2023 at 22:45):
If I dare, a followup question: how do I convert inequalities to a finset, as in
example (a : ℕ) (h : 1 ≤ a) (k : a ≤ 4) : a ∈ ({1,2,3,4} : finset ℕ) := sorry
Heather Macbeth (Jun 25 2023 at 22:50):
interval_cases a; tauto
? (Untested)
Damiano Testa (Jun 25 2023 at 22:53):
example (a : ℕ) (h : 1 ≤ a) (k : a ≤ 4) : a ∈ ({1,2,3,4} : finset ℕ) :=
rcases a with _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | a;
try {linarith <|> simp, done},
change a + 5 ≤ 4 at k,
Damiano Testa (Jun 25 2023 at 22:56):
Heather's suggestion is better though, but using simp
instead of tauto
Yakov Pechersky (Jun 26 2023 at 10:32):
If you're converting inequalities to a finset, then you should use a construction like Finset.range instead of a manual construction as you have now that is via Finset.insert
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC