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Topic: Simple tactic using `with`

Joey Lupo (Jul 28 2021 at 22:29):

In my code, I have a lemma called bind_skip, and there are numerous instances in my code where I use the pattern

apply bind_skip,
intro x,

and was wondering how to write a basic tactic which could be used like bind_skip_tac with x to execute those exact two lines.

Mario Carneiro (Jul 28 2021 at 22:32):

I would just use refine bind_skip (\lam x, _)

Joey Lupo (Jul 28 2021 at 22:57):

hmm, apply seems to be inferring some parameters of bind_skip that refine doesn't get. Is there anyway to make a tactic which is literally a pseudonym for a fixed set of instructions (but also takes a parameter/identifier via with)?

Joey Lupo (Jul 28 2021 at 22:58):

This was the best MWE I could come up. You can skip everything before the bind_skip. I just needed that there to make it compile.

import data.zmod.basic
import measure_theory.probability_mass_function

variables (G : Type) [fintype G] [group G] [decidable_eq G]

lemma grp_ne_zero : (fintype.elems G).val  0 :=
  have e : G := (_inst_2.one),
  have h1 : e  (fintype.elems G).val :=  finset.mem_univ e,
  have h2 : 0 < multiset.card (fintype.elems G).val :=
    apply (multiset.card_pos_iff_exists_mem).mpr,
    exact Exists.intro e h1,
  exact multiset.card_pos.mp h2,

namespace zmod

instance group : Π (n : ) [fact (0 < n)], group (zmod n) :=
  by {intros n h, exact multiplicative.group}

end zmod

noncomputable theory

instance : monad pmf :=
{ pure := @pmf.pure,
  bind := @pmf.bind }

def uniform_grp : pmf G :=
  pmf.of_multiset (fintype.elems G).val (grp_ne_zero G)

def uniform_zmod (n : ) [fact (0 < n)] : pmf (zmod n) := uniform_grp (zmod n)

variables (A B : Type)

lemma bind_skip (p : pmf A) (f g : A  pmf B) :
  ( (a : A), f a = g a)  p.bind f = p.bind g :=
  intro ha,
  simp_rw ha,

def p1 : pmf (zmod 5) :=
  x  uniform_zmod 5,
  y  uniform_zmod 5,
  z  uniform_zmod 5,
  pure (x + y + z)

def p2 : pmf (zmod 5) :=
  x  uniform_zmod 5,
  y  uniform_zmod 5,
  z  uniform_zmod 5,
  pure (x + z + y)

example : p1 = p2 :=
  apply bind_skip,
  intro x,
  apply bind_skip,
  intro y,
  apply bind_skip,
  intro z,
  simp_rw add_right_comm,

Eric Wieser (Jul 28 2021 at 23:02):

Does congr or congr' make progress on that goal?

Eric Wieser (Jul 28 2021 at 23:03):

Rather that using bind_skip

Mario Carneiro (Jul 28 2021 at 23:03):

oh, you want refine bind_skip _ _ _ (\lam x, _) since the first three arguments are explicit

Eric Wieser (Jul 28 2021 at 23:04):

First five, A and B too

Mario Carneiro (Jul 28 2021 at 23:05):

oh yeah, those should definitely be written variables {A B : Type}

Joey Lupo (Jul 28 2021 at 23:06):

The reason I ask about a tactic is that one of the hopes of the project is to have some sort of "library" for future proofs relating pmfs (which we can use to model cryptographic protocols, etc., etc.) So it'd be nice to say "use bind_skip_tac with x to eliminate the first line of two pmfs which have the same first line" instead of "write refine .... or "write apply bind_skip and then intro x"

Mario Carneiro (Jul 28 2021 at 23:08):

It is possible to introduce such tactics on the spot, although it's easier if they don't have arguments; but it is harder for readers to understand a proof using a lot of bespoke tactics, especially if they are just abbreviating a simple combination of simpler tactics

Mario Carneiro (Jul 28 2021 at 23:09):

I would just suggest writing apply bind_skip, intro x, on one line if you want to make it more like a single tactic

Joey Lupo (Jul 28 2021 at 23:13):

Yea, that could work I guess.

Joey Lupo (Jul 28 2021 at 23:20):

But, hypothetically, if one wanted to do it for this exact situation, how would one do it? The only reason I asked in the first place was because I figured someone might know how to write a 2-3 line tactic on the spot that accomplishes it.

Eric Wieser (Jul 28 2021 at 23:30):

I'm guessing congr didn't work?

Alex J. Best (Jul 28 2021 at 23:36):

You can make simple tactics like so:

meta def bind_skip_tac : tactic unit := do
`[apply bind_skip, intro x]

Joey Lupo (Jul 28 2021 at 23:38):

How would I pass in the identifier x?

Joey Lupo (Jul 28 2021 at 23:38):

So it'd be of the form bind_skip_tac with x

Joey Lupo (Jul 28 2021 at 23:40):

Eric, not sure about congr. I've been doing lots of proofs relating pmfs to each other over the last few weeks and writing the bind_skip lemma (and another similar lemma) made life infinitely easier. My code is at https://github.com/Loops7/cryptolib

Joey Lupo (Jul 28 2021 at 23:40):

The elgamal file has the main result.

Alex J. Best (Jul 28 2021 at 23:41):

Check out https://leanprover-community.github.io/extras/tactic_writing.html, I'm on my phone so I can't do it myself right now sorry!

Joey Lupo (Jul 28 2021 at 23:44):

Awesome, thank you Alex. Thank you for the simple example and link- I think I should be able to get it from here.

Yakov Pechersky (Jul 29 2021 at 02:33):

bind_skip should have A and B as implicit args, and likely f and g implicit too.

Yakov Pechersky (Jul 29 2021 at 02:33):

And it should be called bind_congr

Yakov Pechersky (Jul 29 2021 at 02:34):

And then you won't need a tactic, or write a more useful and general tactic

Joey Lupo (Jul 29 2021 at 03:42):

What do you mean by "and then I won't need a tactic?" I'm trying to figure out how to write a tactic that takes a parameter "id" and then executes "apply bind_skip, intro id". That's all. congr doesn't change the goal in the same way that bind_skip does, at least to my eyes.

Joey Lupo (Jul 29 2021 at 03:45):

btw, thank you @Yakov Pechersky for your tip to not use pattern matching on the left side of the arrow in the do-notation. That made my life a lot easier

Horatiu Cheval (Jul 29 2021 at 06:17):

I think this is the way to pass an identifier to a tactic, like you want

meta def tactic.interactive.bind_skip_tac (x : interactive.parse lean.parser.ident) :=
`[apply bind_skip, intros x]

(that's about the end of my tactic writing knowledge, so hopefully I am not mistaken here)

Joey Lupo (Jul 29 2021 at 06:56):

Thank you, that does exactly what I'd like it to!

Eric Wieser (Jul 29 2021 at 07:10):

Are you sure that works? To me that looks like it always calls the introd variable x

Horatiu Cheval (Jul 29 2021 at 07:19):

Oh, you're right. How do you do it then?

Eric Wieser (Jul 29 2021 at 07:47):

Here's the congr proof I was suggesting:

example : p1 = p2 :=
  dunfold p1 p2,
  congr' with x : 1,
  congr' with y : 1,
  congr' with z : 1,
  simp_rw add_right_comm,

My claim is that the tactic you're asking for already exists, it's congr' (tactic#congr')

Joey Lupo (Jul 29 2021 at 14:42):

Hmm, I must have been too sleepy and hopeful when I tried Horatiu's solution! I am still curious how one would pass in a identifier to a tactic like that, though.

Joey Lupo (Jul 29 2021 at 14:43):

Yes, I agree congr' in that form accomplishes the same task. Is there a similar use of congr or congr' that accomplishes this?

lemma bind_skip_const (pa : pmf A) (pb : pmf B) (f : A  pmf B) :
  ( (a : A), f a = pb)  pa.bind f = pb :=
  intro ha,
  simp_rw ha,
  simp [nnreal.tsum_mul_right],

def p3 : pmf (zmod 5) :=
  x  uniform_zmod 5,
  y  uniform_zmod 5,
  z  uniform_zmod 5,
  pure z

def p4 : pmf (zmod 5) :=
  x  uniform_zmod 5,
  pure x

example : p3 = p4 :=
  apply bind_skip_const,
  intro x,
  apply bind_skip_const,
  intro y,

Alex J. Best (Jul 29 2021 at 15:10):

Here is an example of adding an optional with property:

meta def tactic.interactive.bind_skip_tac  (x : parse (tk "with" *> ident)?) : tactic unit :=
do `[apply bind_skip],
  let a := x.get_or_else `_,
  tactic.interactive.intro a

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC