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Topic: Solving ite goals
Hanting Zhang (Jan 07 2021 at 23:19):
I'm trying to golf this proof, but I'm not sure how to apply n ≠ 0
to the if-else goal after the first rewrite.
import tactic
import ring_theory.polynomial.basic
import algebra.polynomial.big_operators
universes u v
open_locale big_operators
open polynomial fin finset
-- in polynomial.
theorem coeff_C_ne_zero {R : Type u} {a : R} {n : ℕ} [semiring R] (h : n ≠ 0) : (C a).coeff n = 0 :=
rw polynomial.coeff_C,
intro hn,
apply h,
exact hn,
Hanting Zhang (Jan 07 2021 at 23:20):
Is there a one-line way to do this? (Also, yes, I have a non-terminal simp
Kevin Buzzard (Jan 07 2021 at 23:41):
What's the goal after the rewrite? If it's an ite
you can use if_neg
Adam Topaz (Jan 07 2021 at 23:42):
Here's a 2-line proof: a one line proof
theorem coeff_C_ne_zero {R : Type u} {a : R} {n : ℕ} [semiring R] (h : n ≠ 0) : (C a).coeff n = 0 :=
by finish [coeff_C]
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC