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Topic: Strictly increasing finite sequence

Way Yan Win (Nov 24 2021 at 06:49):

Given a term f : fin n → ℕ, how do I formalise the notion that f is strictly increasing? I tried something of the form ∀ k, k < n → ..., but I have trouble converting k into a term of type fin n.

Patrick Johnson (Nov 24 2021 at 07:00):

def strictly_increasing {n : } (f : fin n  ) : Prop :=
 {k₁ k₂ : } {h₁ : k₁ < n} {h₂ : k₂ < n},
k₁ < k₂  f k₁, h₁ < f k₂, h₂

Untested, since it wasn't a #mwe

Way Yan Win (Nov 24 2021 at 07:05):

ah right that works, thanks

Scott Morrison (Nov 24 2021 at 07:20):

That's very cumbersome in a few ways! First, no need to quantify over natural numbers: fin n itself already has a < operation. Perhaps look at mathlib's existing docs#order_embedding.

Scott Morrison (Nov 24 2021 at 07:22):

Or just docs#strict_mono.

Scott Morrison (Nov 24 2021 at 07:23):

But if you want to "do it yourself"

def strictly_increasing {n : } (f : fin n  ) : Prop :=
 k₁ k₂, k₁ < k₂  f k₁ < f k₂

should be all you need.

Way Yan Win (Nov 24 2021 at 07:49):

Ah that's useful to know. Let me elaborate on my original question though. The condition I'm formalising is actually stronger than strictly increasing: namely f k.succ > f k + 1 for all k. What would be the idiomatic way to write this?

Yaël Dillies (Nov 24 2021 at 08:51):

Why not write it like that? The only thing you need to know about fin addition is that it's circling around (and we might at some point make it saturating instead), so in your case you must avoid n - 1 + 1 = 0.

example {k : fin n} (hk : k < n - 1) : f k + 1 < f (k + 1) :=

Way Yan Win (Nov 24 2021 at 09:50):

I tried your example, but Lean gives a

failed to synthesize type class instance for
n : ,
x : fin n
 has_one (fin n)

I'm aware that the error goes away if I replace fin n with fin n.succ, but is there a better way to go about it?

Johan Commelin (Nov 24 2021 at 09:53):

You somehow need to write down a definition that works for fin 0 (which is empty).

Johan Commelin (Nov 24 2021 at 09:55):

Doing this in a unified way seems not so straightforward

Johan Commelin (Nov 24 2021 at 09:55):

@Yaël Dillies Does fin n already have a succ : fin n → fin n?

Way Yan Win (Nov 24 2021 at 10:04):

Johan Commelin said:

You somehow need to write down a definition that works for fin 0 (which is empty).

Ah I think I'll try this out then

Yaël Dillies (Nov 24 2021 at 10:07):

No idea, but there's no succ_order instance at least.

Reid Barton (Nov 24 2021 at 12:31):

You could use Scott's definition but add + 1 to the right hand side, since that's equivalent to what you want

Reid Barton (Nov 24 2021 at 12:32):

I wouldn't recommend using + on fin.

Way Yan Win (Nov 25 2021 at 03:33):

Hopefully it's ok for me to post this since it's a continuation of the previous question.
What I'm trying to do is to prove Zeckendorf's theorem, and here's the code I have so far:

import data.nat.fib
import algebra.big_operators.basic
open_locale big_operators

def is_zeckendorf_rep {k : } (kpos : k > 0) (f : fin k  ) : Prop :=
  f 0, kpos > 1   m n, m > n  f m > f n + 1

def has_zeckendorf_rep (n : ) : Prop :=
   (k : ) (kpos : k > 0) (f : fin k  ),
    is_zeckendorf_rep kpos f   (i : fin k), nat.fib (f i) = n

theorem zeckendorf_existence (n : ) : n = 0  has_zeckendorf_rep n :=
  apply nat.strong_induction_on,

Way Yan Win (Nov 25 2021 at 03:34):

But on the line with apply nat.strong_induction_on, Lean throws a

invalid apply tactic, failed to unify
  n = 0  has_zeckendorf_rep n
  ?m_1 ?m_2

Way Yan Win (Nov 25 2021 at 03:35):

This puzzles me, because there was no error when I removed the disjunction. So how do I get Lean to recognise the disjunction as a single proposition?

Way Yan Win (Nov 25 2021 at 03:39):

I could move the n = 0 condition into has_zeckendorf_rep, but I find that to be a hacky solution.

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 25 2021 at 09:42):

Lean can't guess what you're inducting on. apply nat.strong_induction_on n works.

Way Yan Win (Nov 25 2021 at 11:54):

Ah I see, thanks

Way Yan Win (Nov 26 2021 at 05:19):

I finally managed to formalise the existence part of Zeckendorf's theorem, so I thought I'd share here. I still don't know much about Lean so the proof is probably quite inefficient...

import data.nat.fib
import data.fin.tuple
import data.fintype.card
import algebra.big_operators.basic
import algebra.big_operators.order
open_locale big_operators
open classical nat
local attribute [instance] prop_decidable

def is_zeckendorf_rep {k : } (kpos : k > 0) (f : fin k  ) : Prop :=
  f 0, kpos > 1   m n, m > n  f m > f n + 1

def has_zeckendorf_rep (n : ) :=
   (k : ) (kpos : k > 0) (f : fin k  ),
    is_zeckendorf_rep kpos f   (i : fin k), fib (f i) = n

lemma trivial_rep_is_zeckendorf (f : fin 1  ) (h : f 0, by norm_num > 1) :
  is_zeckendorf_rep (by norm_num) f :=
  { assumption },
  { intros m n hmn,
    have hm0 : m = 0 := fin.eq_zero m,
    have hn0 : n = 0 := fin.eq_zero n,
    subst hn0,
    exact (ne_of_gt hmn) hm0 }

lemma fib_three : fib 3 = 2 := begin
  rw fib_succ_succ, ring

lemma eq_last_of_not_lt {k : } {m : fin k.succ} (h : ¬↑m < k) : m = k :=
  le_antisymm (fin.is_le m) (le_of_not_gt h)

lemma fib_inv_strict_mono {m n : } (h : fib m < fib n) : m < n :=
  by_contra h1, exact not_lt.mpr (fib_mono (not_lt.mp h1)) h,

theorem zeckendorf_existence (n : ) : n = 0  has_zeckendorf_rep n :=
  apply nat.strong_induction_on n,
  clear n,
  intros n hm,

  -- Trivial cases
  by_cases n_eq_0 : n = 0,
    left, assumption,

  by_cases n_eq_1 : n = 1,
  { right,
    use [1, by norm_num, (λ i, 2)], -- 1 = fib 2
    { exact trivial_rep_is_zeckendorf _ (by norm_num) },
    { rw [fintype.sum_unique, n_eq_1, fib_two] } },

  by_cases n_eq_2 : n = 2,
  { right,
    use [1, by norm_num, (λ i, 3)], -- 2 = fib 3
    { exact trivial_rep_is_zeckendorf _ (by norm_num) },
    { rw [fintype.sum_unique, n_eq_2, fib_three] } },

  -- Induction step
  have n_ge_2 : n > 2,
  { refine lt_of_le_of_ne _ (ne.symm n_eq_2),
    rw nat.succ_le_iff,
    refine lt_of_le_of_ne _ (ne.symm n_eq_1),
    rw nat.succ_le_iff,
    rwa pos_iff_ne_zero },
  clear n_eq_0 n_eq_1 n_eq_2,

  set fibs := λ i,  k, i = fib k with hfibs,
  -- F = fib l is the greatest Fibonacci number ≤ n
  set F := nat.find_greatest fibs n with hF,

  have two_le_F : 2  F,
  { refine nat.le_find_greatest (le_of_lt n_ge_2) _,
    use 3, rw fib_three },
  have :  m, m  n   k, m = fib k,
    use [1, one_le_of_lt n_ge_2, 1], rw fib_one,
  have F_fib := nat.find_greatest_spec this,
  clear this,
  cases F_fib with l hl,

  have l_gt_1 : l > 1,
  { by_contra h,
    replace h := fib_mono (not_lt.mp h),
    rw [fib_one, hl, hfibs, hF] at h,
    replace h := not_lt.mpr h,
    exact h (succ_le_iff.mp two_le_F) },

  have nF_lt_n : n - F < n,
  { refine nat.sub_lt _ (nat.succ_le_iff.mp (le_of_succ_le two_le_F)),
    exact pos_of_gt n_ge_2 },
  have F_le_n : F  n := nat.find_greatest_le,
  have hnF := hm (n - F) nF_lt_n,

  cases hnF with nF0 hnF,
  -- n = F is a Fibonacci number, thus has trivial Zeckendorf representation
  { have n_eq_F : n = F :=
      nat.le_antisymm (nat.le_of_sub_eq_zero nF0) F_le_n,
    clear nF_lt_n nF0,

    use [1, by norm_num, (λ i, l)],
    { exact trivial_rep_is_zeckendorf _ l_gt_1 },
    { rw fintype.sum_unique, rw [n_eq_F, hl] } },

  -- Otherwise, add F to the Zeckendorf representation of n - F
  { rcases hnF with k, kpos, f, f0, frest⟩, fsum⟩,
    use [k.succ, succ_pos k,
      λ (i : fin k.succ), if h : i < k then f (i.cast_lt h) else l],
    -- This is indeed a Zeckendorf representation
    { split,
      { convert f0, dsimp, rw dif_pos, refl },
      { intros m' n' hmn',
        change n' < m' at hmn',
        split_ifs with h1 h2 h3,

        -- n < m < k → use the hypothesis
        { apply frest,
          change n'.cast_lt h2 < m'.cast_lt h1,
          rwa fin.lt_iff_coe_lt_coe at  hmn' },

        -- m > n, m < k = n → contradiction
        { exfalso,
          rw fin.lt_iff_coe_lt_coe at hmn',
          have : ¬↑n' < m' := nat.lt_asymm (nat.lt_of_lt_of_le h1 (not_lt.mp h2)),
          exact this hmn' },

        -- n < k = m → the interesting case
        { have ha : n-F < fib (l-1),
          { by_contra h,
            replace h := not_lt.mp h,
            rw nat.add_le_to_le_sub (fib (l-1)) F_le_n at h,
            rw [hF, hfibs, hl] at h,
            have l_sub_add : l-1+1 = l := nat.sub_add_cancel (le_of_lt l_gt_1),
            conv_lhs at h { congr, skip, rw l_sub_add },
            rw fib_succ_succ at h,
            change fib (l-1+1).succ  n at h,
            rw (succ_inj'.mpr l_sub_add) at h,

            have contra : fib l.succ  nat.find_greatest fibs n :=
              nat.le_find_greatest h (by use l.succ),
            rw [hfibs, hl, nat.sub_add_cancel l_gt_1] at contra,
            replace contra := not_lt_of_le contra,
            exact contra (fib_add_two_strict_mono (lt_add_one (l - 2))) },

          have hb : fib (f (n'.cast_lt h3)) < fib (l-1),
          { suffices h : fib (f (n'.cast_lt h3))  n - F,
            exact gt_of_gt_of_ge ha h,

            rw fsum,
            change (fib  f) (n'.cast_lt h3)   (i : fin k), (fib  f) i,
            refine finset.single_le_sum _ _,
            { intros i hi_univ,
              change fib (f i)  0,
              exact zero_le _ },
            apply finset.mem_univ },

          replace hb := fib_inv_strict_mono hb,
          exact lt_tsub_iff_right.mp hb },

        -- m > n, m = k, n = k → contradiction
        { exfalso,
          replace h1 := eq_last_of_not_lt h1,
          replace h3 := eq_last_of_not_lt h3,
          rw fin.lt_iff_coe_lt_coe at hmn',
          rw [h1, h3] at hmn',
          exact nat.lt_asymm hmn' hmn' } } },

    -- It sums up to n
    { rw [nat.sub_add_cancel F_le_n, fsum, hF, hfibs, hl],
      rw fin.sum_univ_cast_succ,
      have sum_eq_of_eqs :  (a b c d : ), a = c  b = d  a + b = c + d,
        intros a b c d hac hbd, rw [hac, hbd],
      apply sum_eq_of_eqs,
      { refine fintype.sum_equiv (equiv.cast rfl) _ _ _,
        intro x, rw dif_pos, simp, apply fin.is_lt },
      { rw dif_neg, apply irrefl } } }

Johan Commelin (Nov 26 2021 at 05:58):

Congrats on finishing a non-trivial Lean proof! Enjoy the dopamine rush (-;

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC