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Topic: Sum of elements in a finite set
Manoj Kummini (Jul 17 2021 at 18:14):
I have a polynomial ring and would like to take the sum and the product of some of the variables. This is what I tried; I have added the errors I got as comments.
import data.mv_polynomial.basic
import data.mv_polynomial.comm_ring
import data.zmod.basic
import ring_theory.ideal.operations
open mv_polynomial
noncomputable theory
-- column sum of an nxn matrix of variables using zmod
parameter n : ℕ
abbreviation S := mv_polynomial (zmod n × zmod n) (zmod 101)
#check S
-- OK.
def h : zmod n → S := λ i, ∑ j in zmod n, X (i,j)
-- unexpected token at ∑
#check h
-- unknown identifier "h"
How should I do this? (I looked in Theorem proving in Lean and Mathematics in Lean for examples of using and , but, I might have missed it.)
As a supplementary question: is there a way to search using these unicode characters (in zulip or in the archive on github)?
Eric Wieser (Jul 17 2021 at 18:16):
open_locale big_operators
will enable that notation
Eric Wieser (Jul 17 2021 at 18:16):
The docs above docs#finset.sum should describe that notation
Manoj Kummini (Jul 18 2021 at 01:10):
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC