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Topic: Syntax sugar for `dite`
Pedro Minicz (Jul 04 2020 at 03:04):
Is there syntax sugar for dite
? It would be nice to have a "dependent if
" or maybe if
could add the hypothesis to the context and generate ite
or dite
based on whether or not it was used.
example {n : ℕ} (f : fin (n + 2)) : fin (n + 1) :=
if f = 0 then 0 else f.pred _
example {n : ℕ} (f : fin (n + 2)) : fin (n + 1) :=
dite (f = 0) (λ _, 0) f.pred
Reid Barton (Jul 04 2020 at 03:04):
if h : f = 0 then 0 else f.pred h
Mario Carneiro (Jul 04 2020 at 03:05):
if h : p then t else e = dite p (\lam h, t) (\lam h, e)
Pedro Minicz (Jul 04 2020 at 03:09):
Thank you very much!
Pedro Minicz (Jul 05 2020 at 02:24):
Is there an equivalent for match
? I want a proof of equality with (e.g. cmp x y = lt
) in each branch like I would have with the cases
match cmp x y with
| ordering.lt := sorry -- I want a hypothesis `h : cmp x y = lt` here!
| ordering.eq := sorry
| ordering.gt := sorry
Pedro Minicz (Jul 05 2020 at 02:45):
I came up with the following, which is horribly ugly.
@ordering.cases_on (λ o, cmp x y = o → term Γ) (cmp x y)
(λ h, sorry)
(λ h, sorry)
(λ h, sorry) rfl
Pedro Minicz (Jul 05 2020 at 02:47):
I am trying to define a function that lives on Type
. I remember seeing here a while ago that tactics should only be used to generate proof and not definitions of function.
Yury G. Kudryashov (Jul 05 2020 at 03:51):
You should not use tactics for definitions if you care about details of the generated term (e.g., presence of unneeded id
s etc). If you don't care, then you can use tactics.
Yury G. Kudryashov (Jul 05 2020 at 03:51):
You can also define mydef
using tactics, then #print mydef
Yury G. Kudryashov (Jul 05 2020 at 03:53):
I don't know how to deal with match
but you can use something like this (from algebra/order
/-- `compares o a b` means that `a` and `b` have the ordering relation
`o` between them, assuming that the relation `a < b` is defined -/
@[simp] def compares [has_lt α] : ordering → α → α → Prop
| lt a b := a < b
| eq a b := a = b
| gt a b := a > b
theorem compares.eq_lt [preorder α] :
∀ {o} {a b : α}, compares o a b → (o = lt ↔ a < b)
| lt a b h := ⟨λ _, h, λ _, rfl⟩
| eq a b h := ⟨λ h, by injection h, λ h', (ne_of_lt h' h).elim⟩
| gt a b h := ⟨λ h, by injection h, λ h', (lt_asymm h h').elim⟩
theorem compares.eq_eq [preorder α] :
∀ {o} {a b : α}, compares o a b → (o = eq ↔ a = b)
| lt a b h := ⟨λ h, by injection h, λ h', (ne_of_lt h h').elim⟩
| eq a b h := ⟨λ _, h, λ _, rfl⟩
| gt a b h := ⟨λ h, by injection h, λ h', (ne_of_gt h h').elim⟩
Yury G. Kudryashov (Jul 05 2020 at 03:55):
Now I know:
lemma ordering.compares.symm {α} [has_lt α] {x y : α} (o : ordering) (h : o.compares x y) :
o.swap.compares y x :=
match o, h with
| ordering.lt, h := h
| ordering.eq, h := h.symm
| ordering.gt, h := h
Pedro Minicz (Jul 06 2020 at 03:03):
Yury G. Kudryashov said:
Now I know:
lemma ordering.compares.symm {α} [has_lt α] {x y : α} (o : ordering) (h : o.compares x y) : o.swap.compares y x := match o, h with | ordering.lt, h := h | ordering.eq, h := h.symm | ordering.gt, h := h end
I ended up setting for a solution using algebra/order
. This lemma is very elegant, thank you!
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC