Anyone have any pointers into debugging instance synthesis?
Here I'm attempting to construct a union of terms which depend upon a typeclass instance. I've done this twice; in the first example I'm encountering the synthesis failure, in the second I've provided some of the implicit arguments explicitly.
class Domain ( Φ : Type ) ( s : Type ) where
domain : Φ → Set s
set_option trace.Meta.synthInstance true
variable { Φ : Type } { s : Type } [ inst : Domain Φ s ] ( φ ψ : Φ )
def domainUnion₁ :=
( Domain.domain φ )
typeclass instance problem is stuck, it is often due to metavariables
Domain Φ ?m.9227
( Domain.domain ψ )
def domainUnion₂ :=
( Domain.domain φ )
( @ Domain.domain Φ s inst ψ )
I'm not surprised that synthesis fails; it would be hard to figure out that s
is the type argument we need here, but I'm trying to dig into this example to get some insight out of it and have two questions:
1) Why does synthesis not fail on the first argument of the union?
2) How can I interpret the results of synthesis tracing?
Here's the trace of the synthesis of the successfully traced first argument of the union in the first example:
[Meta.synthInstance] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain ?m.9210 ?m.9211 ▼
[] new goal ValuationAlgebras.Domain ?m.9210 ?m.9211 ▼
[instances] #[inst]
[] :boom: apply inst to ValuationAlgebras.Domain ?m.9210 ?m.9211 ▼
[tryResolve] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain ?m.9210 ?m.9211 ≟ ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ s
[Meta.synthInstance] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9217 ▼
[] new goal ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9217 ▼
[instances] #[inst]
[] :boom: apply inst to ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9217 ▼
[tryResolve] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9217 ≟ ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ s
[Meta.synthInstance] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9217 ▼
[] new goal ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9217 ▼
[instances] #[inst]
[] :boom: apply inst to ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9217 ▼
[tryResolve] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9217 ≟ ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ s
[Meta.synthInstance] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[] new goal ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[instances] #[inst]
[] :boom: apply inst to ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[tryResolve] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ≟ ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ s
[Meta.synthInstance] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[] new goal ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[instances] #[inst]
[] :boom: apply inst to ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[tryResolve] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ≟ ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ s
[Meta.synthInstance] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[] new goal ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[instances] #[inst]
[] :boom: apply inst to ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[tryResolve] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ≟ ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ s
[Meta.synthInstance] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[] new goal ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[instances] #[inst]
[] :boom: apply inst to ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[tryResolve] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ≟ ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ s
Here's the failing instance:
[Meta.synthInstance] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain ?m.9222 ?m.9223 ▼
[] new goal ValuationAlgebras.Domain ?m.9222 ?m.9223 ▼
[instances] #[inst]
[] :boom: apply inst to ValuationAlgebras.Domain ?m.9222 ?m.9223 ▼
[tryResolve] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain ?m.9222 ?m.9223 ≟ ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ s
[Meta.synthInstance] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[] new goal ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[instances] #[inst]
[] :boom: apply inst to ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[tryResolve] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ≟ ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ s
[Meta.synthInstance] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[] new goal ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[instances] #[inst]
[] :boom: apply inst to ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[tryResolve] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ≟ ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ s
[Meta.synthInstance] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[] new goal ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[instances] #[inst]
[] :boom: apply inst to ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[tryResolve] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ≟ ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ s
[Meta.synthInstance] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[] new goal ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[instances] #[inst]
[] :boom: apply inst to ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[tryResolve] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ≟ ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ s
[Meta.synthInstance] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[] new goal ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[instances] #[inst]
[] :boom: apply inst to ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[tryResolve] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ≟ ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ s
[Meta.synthInstance] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[] new goal ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[instances] #[inst]
[] :boom: apply inst to ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ▼
[tryResolve] :boom: ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ ?m.9227 ≟ ValuationAlgebras.Domain Φ s
It does fail, but it only shows one error
Why not [inst : Domain Φ s]
Oh yeah, sorry-- no reason. That was an artifact from some earlier experiments. Changing it doesn't make a difference.
It doesn't even make a difference to the traces?? Are the traces from before or after this change?
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC