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Topic: Tactic Proof not Responding. Overflow?
ROCKY KAMEN-RUBIO (Feb 14 2020 at 20:54):
Hi everyone! I'm trying to do a tactic proof that ends with a very long proposition that should simplify to false. Rather than going through it manually, I'm trying to use simp, finish, norm_num, etc. The problem is that the window with the goal state just goes to "updating" indefinitely. Have I reached the limit of what these tactics can do, or am I doing something wrong? Thanks!
import init.data.nat.basic import init.algebra.ring import init.algebra.norm_num import tactic set_option class.instance_max_depth 15000000 def myIsEven (n : ℕ) : Prop := n = (n/2)*2 def myIsOdd (n : ℕ) : Prop := ¬ (n = (n/2)*2) --Alice only sees r and Bob only sees c. The strategy isn't (r,c) → (...) but two maps, r→(r1 r2 r3) and c → (c1 c2 c3) --I'm using 0 and 1 instead of Green and Red as the two options to fill squares. This makes checking parity of strategies easier def checkStrategyrc (r c : ℕ) (strategy : ((ℕ → ℕ × ℕ × ℕ) × (ℕ → ℕ × ℕ × ℕ))) : Prop := --functionalize this with lists. let r1 := (strategy.1 r).1, r2 := (strategy.1 r).2.1, r3 := (strategy.1 r).2.2, c1 := (strategy.2 c).1, c2 := (strategy.2 c).2.1, c3 := (strategy.2 c).2.2 in myIsEven(r1 + r2 + r3) ∧ myIsOdd(c1 + c2 + c3) ∧ ((r = 1 ∧ c = 1 ∧ r1 = c1) ∨ (r = 1 ∧ c = 2 ∧ r2 = c1) ∨ (r = 1 ∧ c = 3 ∧ r3 = c1) ∨(r = 2 ∧ c = 1 ∧ r1 = c2) ∨ (r = 2 ∧ c = 2 ∧ r2 = c2) ∨ (r = 2 ∧ c = 3 ∧ r3 = c2) ∨(r = 3 ∧ c = 1 ∧ r1 = c3) ∨ (r = 3 ∧ c = 2 ∧ r2 = c3) ∨ (r = 3 ∧ c = 3 ∧ r3 = c3)) --checks all three conditions are met for the strategy def checkStrategy (strategy : ((ℕ → ℕ × ℕ × ℕ) × (ℕ → ℕ × ℕ × ℕ))) : Prop := (checkStrategyrc 1 1 strategy) ∧ (checkStrategyrc 1 2 strategy) ∧ (checkStrategyrc 1 3 strategy) ∧ (checkStrategyrc 2 1 strategy) ∧ (checkStrategyrc 2 2 strategy) ∧ (checkStrategyrc 2 3 strategy) ∧ (checkStrategyrc 3 1 strategy) ∧ (checkStrategyrc 3 2 strategy) ∧ (checkStrategyrc 3 3 strategy) --someone on Zulip said to try putting this not directly after the import statements. This seems to have helped open_locale classical --given a strategy, we can't have it satisfy all the conditions theorem noStrategy2 (strategy : ((ℕ → ℕ × ℕ × ℕ) × (ℕ → ℕ × ℕ × ℕ))) : ¬ (checkStrategy (strategy)) := begin intro s, rw checkStrategy at s, repeat {rw checkStrategyrc at s}, simp at s, revert s, end
Johan Commelin (Feb 14 2020 at 20:57):
@ROCKY KAMEN-RUBIO Pro tip: If you wrap your code in
```lean code goes here ```
then you'll get pretty formatting with syntax highlighting.
ROCKY KAMEN-RUBIO (Feb 14 2020 at 20:59):
Thank you!!! I was trying to figure out how to do that.
Johan Commelin (Feb 14 2020 at 21:02):
@ROCKY KAMEN-RUBIO Instead of repeat { rw foobar at s }
, you could do simp only [foobar] at s
Johan Commelin (Feb 14 2020 at 21:02):
I would also simp myIsEven
and myIsOdd
Johan Commelin (Feb 14 2020 at 21:03):
Be sure to use simp only
, because without the only
Lean might try lots of other stuff as well.
Johan Commelin (Feb 14 2020 at 21:03):
In fact, you could even use dsimp only
Johan Commelin (Feb 14 2020 at 21:03):
After that, I would try feeding it to tauto
Johan Commelin (Feb 14 2020 at 21:04):
But really, here an external solver would be very helpful. Some people are working on this, but atm it isn't easy to use.
ROCKY KAMEN-RUBIO (Feb 14 2020 at 21:17):
dsimp only
is giving me a "failed to simplify state" error, and tauto
is updating forever.
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 14 2020 at 21:20):
Setting the class instance max depth to such a high value might well cause timeout problems. Why are you changing the max depth at all?
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 14 2020 at 21:21):
Actually you don't even seem to be using any typeclasses :-)
ROCKY KAMEN-RUBIO (Feb 14 2020 at 21:26):
I was getting class instance max depth exceeded errors so I increased the max depth. I'm still pretty new to lean so I don't fully understand the best practices. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 14 2020 at 21:26):
I'm a bit confused by this because your code doesn't have any typeclasses in.
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 14 2020 at 21:27):
What's the human-readable argument that proves this theorem?
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 14 2020 at 21:31):
theorem noStrategy2 (strategy : ((ℕ → ℕ × ℕ × ℕ) × (ℕ → ℕ × ℕ × ℕ))) : ¬ (checkStrategy (strategy)) := begin intro s, rw checkStrategy at s, repeat {rw checkStrategyrc at s}, simp at s, revert s, unfold myIsEven, unfold myIsOdd, rw (show 1 = 2 ↔ false, by norm_num), rw (show 2 = 1 ↔ false, by norm_num), rw (show 3 = 1 ↔ false, by norm_num), rw (show 1 = 3 ↔ false, by norm_num), rw (show 3 = 2 ↔ false, by norm_num), rw (show 2 = 3 ↔ false, by norm_num), simp only [false_and, false_or], tauto!, -- fails end
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 14 2020 at 21:32):
⊢ ((strategy.fst 1).fst + ((strategy.fst 1).snd.fst + (strategy.fst 1).snd.snd) = ((strategy.fst 1).fst + ((strategy.fst 1).snd.fst + (strategy.fst 1).snd.snd)) / 2 * 2 ∧ ¬(strategy.snd 1).fst + ((strategy.snd 1).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 1).snd.snd) = ((strategy.snd 1).fst + ((strategy.snd 1).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 1).snd.snd)) / 2 * 2 ∧ ((strategy.fst 1).fst = (strategy.snd 1).fst ∨ false)) ∧ ((strategy.fst 1).fst + ((strategy.fst 1).snd.fst + (strategy.fst 1).snd.snd) = ((strategy.fst 1).fst + ((strategy.fst 1).snd.fst + (strategy.fst 1).snd.snd)) / 2 * 2 ∧ ¬(strategy.snd 2).fst + ((strategy.snd 2).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 2).snd.snd) = ((strategy.snd 2).fst + ((strategy.snd 2).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 2).snd.snd)) / 2 * 2 ∧ ((strategy.fst 1).snd.fst = (strategy.snd 2).fst ∨ false)) ∧ ((strategy.fst 1).fst + ((strategy.fst 1).snd.fst + (strategy.fst 1).snd.snd) = ((strategy.fst 1).fst + ((strategy.fst 1).snd.fst + (strategy.fst 1).snd.snd)) / 2 * 2 ∧ ¬(strategy.snd 3).fst + ((strategy.snd 3).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 3).snd.snd) = ((strategy.snd 3).fst + ((strategy.snd 3).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 3).snd.snd)) / 2 * 2 ∧ ((strategy.fst 1).snd.snd = (strategy.snd 3).fst ∨ false)) ∧ ((strategy.fst 2).fst + ((strategy.fst 2).snd.fst + (strategy.fst 2).snd.snd) = ((strategy.fst 2).fst + ((strategy.fst 2).snd.fst + (strategy.fst 2).snd.snd)) / 2 * 2 ∧ ¬(strategy.snd 1).fst + ((strategy.snd 1).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 1).snd.snd) = ((strategy.snd 1).fst + ((strategy.snd 1).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 1).snd.snd)) / 2 * 2 ∧ ((strategy.fst 2).fst = (strategy.snd 1).snd.fst ∨ false)) ∧ ((strategy.fst 2).fst + ((strategy.fst 2).snd.fst + (strategy.fst 2).snd.snd) = ((strategy.fst 2).fst + ((strategy.fst 2).snd.fst + (strategy.fst 2).snd.snd)) / 2 * 2 ∧ ¬(strategy.snd 2).fst + ((strategy.snd 2).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 2).snd.snd) = ((strategy.snd 2).fst + ((strategy.snd 2).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 2).snd.snd)) / 2 * 2 ∧ ((strategy.fst 2).snd.fst = (strategy.snd 2).snd.fst ∨ false)) ∧ ((strategy.fst 2).fst + ((strategy.fst 2).snd.fst + (strategy.fst 2).snd.snd) = ((strategy.fst 2).fst + ((strategy.fst 2).snd.fst + (strategy.fst 2).snd.snd)) / 2 * 2 ∧ ¬(strategy.snd 3).fst + ((strategy.snd 3).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 3).snd.snd) = ((strategy.snd 3).fst + ((strategy.snd 3).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 3).snd.snd)) / 2 * 2 ∧ ((strategy.fst 2).snd.snd = (strategy.snd 3).snd.fst ∨ false)) ∧ ((strategy.fst 3).fst + ((strategy.fst 3).snd.fst + (strategy.fst 3).snd.snd) = ((strategy.fst 3).fst + ((strategy.fst 3).snd.fst + (strategy.fst 3).snd.snd)) / 2 * 2 ∧ ¬(strategy.snd 1).fst + ((strategy.snd 1).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 1).snd.snd) = ((strategy.snd 1).fst + ((strategy.snd 1).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 1).snd.snd)) / 2 * 2 ∧ ((strategy.fst 3).fst = (strategy.snd 1).snd.snd ∨ false)) ∧ ((strategy.fst 3).fst + ((strategy.fst 3).snd.fst + (strategy.fst 3).snd.snd) = ((strategy.fst 3).fst + ((strategy.fst 3).snd.fst + (strategy.fst 3).snd.snd)) / 2 * 2 ∧ ¬(strategy.snd 2).fst + ((strategy.snd 2).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 2).snd.snd) = ((strategy.snd 2).fst + ((strategy.snd 2).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 2).snd.snd)) / 2 * 2 ∧ ((strategy.fst 3).snd.fst = (strategy.snd 2).snd.snd ∨ false)) ∧ (strategy.fst 3).fst + ((strategy.fst 3).snd.fst + (strategy.fst 3).snd.snd) = ((strategy.fst 3).fst + ((strategy.fst 3).snd.fst + (strategy.fst 3).snd.snd)) / 2 * 2 ∧ ¬(strategy.snd 3).fst + ((strategy.snd 3).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 3).snd.snd) = ((strategy.snd 3).fst + ((strategy.snd 3).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 3).snd.snd)) / 2 * 2 ∧ (strategy.fst 3).snd.snd = (strategy.snd 3).snd.snd → false
ROCKY KAMEN-RUBIO (Feb 14 2020 at 21:34):
The argument goes something like: Alice and Bob need both of their strategies to be consistent. This means that we can think of their strategies as sampling from a single coloring of the 3x3 board with Green/Red tiles (represented by 1 and 0). If we impose the condition that each row has an even number of green tiles, and each column has an odd number of tiles, then the total number of green tiles should be even by summing the rows, but odd by summing the columns, which is impossible.
My strategy is more of a brute force approach though. I figured this would be easier to implement in lean and once i got this working I'd go to more complex arguments.
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 14 2020 at 21:35):
I don't know anything about the board or tiles or strategy that you're talking about so I don't understand your argument.
Yury G. Kudryashov (Feb 14 2020 at 21:40):
Could you please describe the game in English? I can try to decode Lean but it takes some time.
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 14 2020 at 21:56):
theorem noStrategy2 (strategy : ((ℕ → ℕ × ℕ × ℕ) × (ℕ → ℕ × ℕ × ℕ))) : ¬ (checkStrategy (strategy)) := begin intro s, rw checkStrategy at s, repeat {rw checkStrategyrc at s}, simp at s, revert s, rw (show 1 = 2 ↔ false, by norm_num), rw (show 2 = 1 ↔ false, by norm_num), rw (show 3 = 1 ↔ false, by norm_num), rw (show 1 = 3 ↔ false, by norm_num), rw (show 3 = 2 ↔ false, by norm_num), rw (show 2 = 3 ↔ false, by norm_num), simp only [false_and, false_or, or_false], have h : myIsOdd = myIsOdd' := rfl, rw h, unfold myIsOdd', intro s, rcases s with ⟨⟨s1, t1, u1⟩, ⟨s2, t2, u2⟩, ⟨s3, t3, u3⟩, ⟨s4, t4, u4⟩, ⟨s5, t5, u5⟩, ⟨s6, t6, u6⟩, ⟨s7, t7, u7⟩, ⟨s8, t8, u8⟩, ⟨s9, t9, u9⟩⟩, rw u1 at *, rw u2 at *, rw u3 at *, rw u4 at *, rw u5 at *, rw u6 at *, rw u7 at *, rw u8 at *, rw u9 at *, sorry end
gets us to
1 goal strategy : (ℕ → ℕ × ℕ × ℕ) × (ℕ → ℕ × ℕ × ℕ), h : myIsOdd = myIsOdd', t1 : ¬myIsEven ((strategy.snd 1).fst + ((strategy.snd 1).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 1).snd.snd)), u1 : (strategy.fst 1).fst = (strategy.snd 1).fst, t2 : ¬myIsEven ((strategy.snd 2).fst + ((strategy.snd 2).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 2).snd.snd)), u2 : (strategy.fst 1).snd.fst = (strategy.snd 2).fst, t3 : ¬myIsEven ((strategy.snd 3).fst + ((strategy.snd 3).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 3).snd.snd)), u3 : (strategy.fst 1).snd.snd = (strategy.snd 3).fst, t4 : ¬myIsEven ((strategy.snd 1).fst + ((strategy.snd 1).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 1).snd.snd)), u4 : (strategy.fst 2).fst = (strategy.snd 1).snd.fst, t5 : ¬myIsEven ((strategy.snd 2).fst + ((strategy.snd 2).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 2).snd.snd)), u5 : (strategy.fst 2).snd.fst = (strategy.snd 2).snd.fst, t6 : ¬myIsEven ((strategy.snd 3).fst + ((strategy.snd 3).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 3).snd.snd)), u6 : (strategy.fst 2).snd.snd = (strategy.snd 3).snd.fst, t7 : ¬myIsEven ((strategy.snd 1).fst + ((strategy.snd 1).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 1).snd.snd)), u7 : (strategy.fst 3).fst = (strategy.snd 1).snd.snd, t8 : ¬myIsEven ((strategy.snd 2).fst + ((strategy.snd 2).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 2).snd.snd)), u8 : (strategy.fst 3).snd.fst = (strategy.snd 2).snd.snd, t9 : ¬myIsEven ((strategy.snd 3).fst + ((strategy.snd 3).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 3).snd.snd)), u9 : (strategy.fst 3).snd.snd = (strategy.snd 3).snd.snd, s1 s2 s3 : myIsEven ((strategy.snd 1).fst + ((strategy.snd 2).fst + (strategy.snd 3).fst)), s4 s5 s6 : myIsEven ((strategy.snd 1).snd.fst + ((strategy.snd 2).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 3).snd.fst)), s7 s8 s9 : myIsEven ((strategy.snd 1).snd.snd + ((strategy.snd 2).snd.snd + (strategy.snd 3).snd.snd)) ⊢ false
ROCKY KAMEN-RUBIO (Feb 14 2020 at 21:57):
Sorry, I don't think I've been very clear. Here is a more detailed explanation:
The Game: Alice is assigned a row and Bob is assigned a column of a 3x3 board. Neither knows the assignment of the other. The task is for each of them to color their respective row/column with Green and Red tiles (aka 1s and 0s) while meeting the following criteria:
- Rows must have an even number of Green tiles
- Columns must have an odd number of Green tiles
- The two colorings must be consistent - they must agree on the color of the shared tile
They can plan a strategy beforehand but can't communicate after each gets their respective assignment.
My goal is to prove that there is no guaranteed successful strategy.
Lean Proof We can think of a strategy as a pair of maps, one from a row number to a triple of values we use to fill that row, the other from a column number to a triple of values we use to fill that column. checkStrategyrc
checks that a given strategy works for a specific row r and column c by showing that the row sum is even, the column sum is odd, and the two agree at the intersection. checkStrategy
calls checkStrategy
on every combination of r and c in the 3x3 grid. Now we just need to show that no strategy passes checkStrategy.
More Intuitive proof (This is what I would like to implement next) Since Alice and Bob must agree on the value of the intersection of their respective row/column, and the location of this intersection is arbitrary, we can think of their strategies as sampling from a single tiled 3x3 board. Summing the values in the rows of this single board we get an even number, but summing the values in the columns we get an odd number. The sums of the values in all the tiles should be the same whether we do it by rows or columns, so we get a contradiction.
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 14 2020 at 21:58):
And now it seems to me that you might be able to prove it by observing that something like t1,t2,t3 (or whatever) together say that the sum of 9 terms is odd, and s1,s4,s7 (or whatever) say that the sum of the same 9 terms is even. But you can't expect Lean to figure this argument out because it knows no properties at all about your myIsEven
and myIsOdd
ROCKY KAMEN-RUBIO (Feb 14 2020 at 21:59):
I also want to add that there are probably a number of ways to do what I'm attempting to do in much more efficient ways, both mathematically and in lean. I am open to any/all suggestions.
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 14 2020 at 21:59):
So this is why it gets stuck, I suspect. Your proof involves summing all nine entries of the board. But no tactic will even prove myIsEven(x) \and myIsEven(y) -> myIsEven(x+y)
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 14 2020 at 22:00):
If you want Lean to reason about your myIsEven
you're going to have to train it or guide it.
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 14 2020 at 22:01):
So the next thing to need to do is to prove things like this. Alternatively you can use Lean's built in predicates, where this stuff might well be proved already.
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 14 2020 at 22:05):
t1 : ¬myIsEven ((strategy.snd 1).fst + ((strategy.snd 1).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 1).snd.snd)), t2 : ¬myIsEven ((strategy.snd 2).fst + ((strategy.snd 2).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 2).snd.snd)), t3 : ¬myIsEven ((strategy.snd 3).fst + ((strategy.snd 3).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 3).snd.snd)), s1 : myIsEven ((strategy.snd 1).fst + ((strategy.snd 2).fst + (strategy.snd 3).fst)), s4 : myIsEven ((strategy.snd 1).snd.fst + ((strategy.snd 2).snd.fst + (strategy.snd 3).snd.fst)), s7 : myIsEven ((strategy.snd 1).snd.snd + ((strategy.snd 2).snd.snd + (strategy.snd 3).snd.snd))
Lean can't get from there to the end (these are facts from my session above). To get from there to the end you'll need ¬myIsEven x \and ¬myIsEven y -> myIsEven (x + y)
, ¬myIsEven x \and myIsEven y -> ¬myIsEven (x + y)
and myIsEven x \and myIsEven y -> myIsEven (x + y)
. Note that the first of these is not at all obvious, you'll need some argument that says that every integer has remainder 0 or 1 when divided by 2 -- there is some content here. This is why Lean can't solve your problem. Once you have these three lemmas you'll be done modulo the fact that you'll have to prove (a+b+c)+(d+e+f)+(g+h+i)=(a+d+g)+(b+e+h)+(c+f+i) but the ring
tactic will do this once you've isolated this as the thing to prove.
Yury G. Kudryashov (Feb 14 2020 at 22:07):
Are you sure you want to use your own myIsEven
instead of nat.even
from data/nat/parity
in mathlib
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Feb 14 2020 at 22:08):
By the way, you don't need to explicitly import anything that starts with init
, all of those files are automatically imported by Lean unless you tell it not to by starting the file with prelude
ROCKY KAMEN-RUBIO (Feb 14 2020 at 22:10):
That makes sense. I was having trouble importing mathlib so I thought I'd just define my own even/odd functions. I finally got it working though so I think you're right and that would be much easier.
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 14 2020 at 22:12):
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 14 2020 at 22:13):
I was having trouble importing mathlib so I thought I'd just define my own even/odd functions.
That's fine, but you then also have to prove every theorem about even and odd numbers which you need ;-)
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 14 2020 at 22:15):
is currently my favourite mathlib theorem name :-)
Yury G. Kudryashov (Feb 14 2020 at 22:15):
I'd prove this for any pair of odd numbers (n, m)
instead of (3, 3)
. Then strategies will have the types fin m → fin n → nat
and fin n → fin m → nat
, respectively, and you can use ∀ i, (finset.univ.sum (f i)).even
Yury G. Kudryashov (Feb 14 2020 at 22:18):
You can also make your functions take the values in zmod 2
, then it will be ∀ i, finset.univ.sum (f i) = 0
and ∀ j, finset.univ.sum (g j) = 1
Yury G. Kudryashov (Feb 14 2020 at 22:21):
zmod 2
is defined as fin 2={n : nat | n < 2}
with 1+1=0
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 14 2020 at 22:23):
Here's a proof of your result with your even/odd modulo the standard facts:
theorem noStrategy2 (strategy : ((ℕ → ℕ × ℕ × ℕ) × (ℕ → ℕ × ℕ × ℕ))) : ¬ (checkStrategy (strategy)) := begin intro s, rw checkStrategy at s, repeat {rw checkStrategyrc at s}, simp at s, revert s, rw (show 1 = 2 ↔ false, by norm_num), rw (show 2 = 1 ↔ false, by norm_num), rw (show 3 = 1 ↔ false, by norm_num), rw (show 1 = 3 ↔ false, by norm_num), rw (show 3 = 2 ↔ false, by norm_num), rw (show 2 = 3 ↔ false, by norm_num), simp only [false_and, false_or, or_false], intro s, rcases s with ⟨⟨s1, t1, u1⟩, ⟨s2, t2, u2⟩, ⟨s3, t3, u3⟩, ⟨s4, t4, u4⟩, ⟨s5, t5, u5⟩, ⟨s6, t6, u6⟩, ⟨s7, t7, u7⟩, ⟨s8, t8, u8⟩, ⟨s9, t9, u9⟩⟩, rw u1 at *, rw u2 at *, rw u3 at *, rw u4 at *, rw u5 at *, rw u6 at *, rw u7 at *, rw u8 at *, rw u9 at *, apply odd_add_even t1 (odd_add_odd t2 t3), convert even_add_even s1 (even_add_even s4 s7) using 1, ring, congr' 2, ring, end
But I used
theorem odd_add_odd {m n} : myIsOdd m → myIsOdd n → myIsEven (m + n) := sorry theorem odd_add_even {m n} : myIsOdd m → myIsEven n → myIsOdd (m + n) := sorry theorem even_add_even {m n} : myIsEven m → myIsEven n → myIsEven (m + n) := sorry
so now it suffices to prove these.
ROCKY KAMEN-RUBIO (Feb 14 2020 at 22:28):
Kevin Buzzard said:
I was having trouble importing mathlib so I thought I'd just define my own even/odd functions.
That's fine, but you then also have to prove every theorem about even and odd numbers which you need ;-)
I see that now. Here I was trying to be all clever thinking I could just rewrite basic natural number definitions without importing any subsequent theorems.
ROCKY KAMEN-RUBIO (Feb 14 2020 at 22:31):
@Yury G. Kudryashov Doing it for a board of size (m,n) for odd m and n was one of my next goals. Can I just use quantifiers like that to iterate over all the elements of fin m? I was looking for some kind of for loop structure but it makes sense that this would be the lean-ier way of doing it.
Yury G. Kudryashov (Feb 14 2020 at 22:33):
∀ i : fin n, ...
says exactly "for every element i
of type fin n
the following proposition holds".
Rocky Kamen-Rubio (Feb 16 2020 at 17:40):
Yury G. Kudryashov said:
I'd prove this for any pair of odd numbers
(n, m)
instead of(3, 3)
. Then strategies will have the typesfin m → fin n → nat
andfin n → fin m → nat
, respectively, and you can use∀ i, (finset.univ.sum (f i)).even
@Yury G. Kudryashov I'm trying to implement this and I'm getting errors on finset.univ.sum. I've imported data.finset. Do I need to convert the function (StrategyA r) into a set, or tell lean to map it first? Screen-Shot-2020-02-16-at-12.39.09-PM.png Screen-Shot-2020-02-16-at-12.39.04-PM.png Screen-Shot-2020-02-16-at-12.38.56-PM.png Screen-Shot-2020-02-16-at-12.38.49-PM.png
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Feb 16 2020 at 17:44):
Could you post copy+pastable code (or a link to a github gist containing such) so that we can reproduce your errors?
Yury G. Kudryashov (Feb 16 2020 at 17:55):
Did you import algebra.big_operators
Rocky Kamen-Rubio (Feb 16 2020 at 18:03):
Just added that and I'm still getting the same errors.
Yury G. Kudryashov (Feb 16 2020 at 18:20):
Please copy+paste the file from start to the first error.
Rocky Kamen-Rubio (Feb 16 2020 at 18:21):
import init.data.nat.basic import init.algebra.ring import init.algebra.norm_num import init import tactic import data.nat.parity import data.finset import algebra.big_operators set_option class.instance_max_depth 15000000 def checkStrategymn {m n : nat} (strategyA : fin m → fin n → nat) (strategy B: fin n → fin m → nat) : Prop := ∀ r : fin m, (finset.univ.sum (strategyA r)).even
Yury G. Kudryashov (Feb 16 2020 at 18:36):
Compiles with no errors here.
Rocky Kamen-Rubio (Feb 16 2020 at 18:41):
Weird... Any ideas?
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Feb 16 2020 at 18:41):
What version of mathlib are you using?
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Feb 16 2020 at 18:45):
I just tried with an older version of mathlib and you might need to try adding import data.fintype
. By the way, I think I said this before, but you can delete everything that starts with import init
since all of that is imported automatically by Lean.
Rocky Kamen-Rubio (Feb 16 2020 at 18:49):
Ok I added import data.fintype
and that seems to have resolved the issue. That's interesting the issue would be mathlib being out of date because I only downloaded it about two weeks ago. Was there an update since then? Maybe I downloaded it from the wrong source by mistake...
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Feb 16 2020 at 18:51):
From playing around with commenting / uncommenting imports, it looks like something in import tactic
now has data.fintype
as a dependency, whereas it didn't previously.
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Feb 16 2020 at 18:53):
Hah, I guess I was the culprit: see PR #1962. I added fin_cases
to the imports in tactic.default
, and that indeed depends on data.fintype
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Feb 16 2020 at 18:53):
mathlib is a continuously moving target, for better or worse...
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 16 2020 at 20:26):
Rocky Kamen-Rubio said:
Was there an update since then?
There are updates most days! You can follow #rss if you want to see the progression of the library.
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 16 2020 at 20:40):
In fact you might want to check you're on Lean version 3.5.1 or you'll be missing the new goodies
Rocky Kamen-Rubio (Feb 16 2020 at 21:04):
Fascinating. This actually explains a lot...
Rocky Kamen-Rubio (Feb 17 2020 at 05:14):
Thank you all for you amazing support! Another potentially basic question. How do I get rid of a universal quantifier when there is a negation in front of it? It seems like generally one would use intro
and then just prove the statement generally. If there's a negation though, this seems to not work, and I get stuck with a proposition with a quantifier that I can't use with rw
or other common tactics.
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Feb 17 2020 at 05:19):
Try rw
or simp
with not_forall
. You might need to open_locale classical
before to work with classical logic if you aren't already.
Scott Morrison (Feb 17 2020 at 05:19):
(we really need rw_hint
... it shouldn't be hard)
Mario Carneiro (Feb 17 2020 at 05:27):
You probably don't need to use classical for this. Just prove a contradiction from the forall assumption, presumably by constructing a counterexample
Rocky Kamen-Rubio (Feb 17 2020 at 05:30):
I tried doing both rw not_forall at h,
and simp only [not_forall] at h,
but neither was successful. Here's a more specific minimal example of the type of situation I'm struggling with.
theorem myTheorem : ¬ (∀ x : nat, x = 2) := begin intro h, end
Edit: I've already done open_locale classical
earlier in the file, so I assume that's not the issue. I feel like there's something about the way lean handles quantifiers that I'm not understanding (I remember the book talking about them being somehow equivalent to Pi functions, but the example they gave was pretty different from this)
Yury G. Kudryashov (Feb 17 2020 at 05:34):
After intro h
you no longer have a negation in front of ∀
. You can try replace h := h 1, norm_num at h
Scott Morrison (Feb 17 2020 at 05:56):
Note that intro h
here is doing exactly what by_contradiction h
would do, which may help understand what's happening.
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 17 2020 at 08:31):
I don't really understand the question. Does push_neg
help? This moves negations inside quantifiers
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 17 2020 at 08:32):
So it will turn not forall into exists not
Patrick Massot (Feb 17 2020 at 09:34):
Rocky, your question is a bit hard to answer without knowing whether you want a low-level answer or learn how to crush such a goal. You can still have a look at the following variations.
import tactic example : ¬ (∀ x : nat, x = 2) := λ h, nat.succ_ne_zero 1 (h 0).symm example : ¬ (∀ x : nat, x = 2) := begin intro h, exact nat.succ_ne_zero 1 (h 0).symm, end example : ¬ (∀ x : nat, x = 2) := begin intro h, specialize h 0, tauto, end example : ¬ (∀ x : nat, x = 2) := begin push_neg, use 0, end
Rocky Kamen-Rubio (Feb 17 2020 at 18:41):
Thank you all for your replies! This has been very useful. Here are the two more complex cases I've been working with where I have trouble negotiating the universal quantifiers. I copied my previous post explaining what I'm trying to prove below. I'm having trouble producing a counterexample, and feel like it would be easier to use predicate logic to reduce the expression to something false, though I'm not totally sure how to best handle expressions like finset.univ.sum
in cases like this. Any thoughts would be appreciate!
open_locale classical def checkStrategyMN {m n : nat} (strategyA : fin m → fin n → nat) (strategyB: fin n → fin m → nat) : Prop := (∀ r : fin m, (∀ c : fin n, ((finset.univ.sum (strategyA r)).even) ∧ (¬ (finset.univ.sum (strategyB c)).even) ∧ ((strategyA r c) = (strategyB c r)))) theorem noStrategyMN {m n : nat} (strategyA : fin m → fin n → nat) (strategyB: fin n → fin m → nat) : ((¬ m.even) ∧ (¬ n.even)) → ¬ (checkStrategyMN strategyA strategyB) := begin rw checkStrategyMN, intros h1, finish, end
def board {m n : nat} (strategyA : fin m → fin n → nat) (strategyB: fin n → fin m → nat) : fin m → fin n → nat := strategyA --woah man...these representations are THE SAME!!!! (function that returns a vector and a matrix) def consistent {m n : nat} (strategyA : fin m → fin n → nat) (strategyB: fin n → fin m → nat) : Prop := ∀ (r : fin m) (c : fin n), (strategyA r c) = (strategyB c r) def sampleA {m n : nat} (board : fin m → fin n → nat) : fin m → fin n → nat := board def sampleB {m n : nat} (board : fin m → fin n → nat) : fin n → fin m → nat := λ (n : fin n) (m : fin m), board m n #check sampleA #check sampleB lemma board_equiv_strategy {m n : nat} (strategyA : fin m → fin n → nat) (strategyB: fin n → fin m → nat) : (consistent strategyA strategyB) → (strategyA = ((sampleA (board strategyA strategyB))) ∧ (strategyB = (sampleB (board strategyA strategyB)))) := begin intro h, split, rw sampleA, rw board, rw consistent at h, rw sampleB, rw board, rw h, end def each_row_sum_even {m n : nat} (board : fin m → fin n → nat) : Prop := ∀ (r : fin m), (finset.univ.sum (sampleA board r)).even def each_col_sum_odd {m n : nat} (board : fin m → fin n → nat) : Prop := ∀ (c : fin n), ¬(finset.univ.sum (sampleB board c)).even def even_strategy {m n : nat} (strategyA : fin m → fin n → nat) : Prop := (∀ r : fin m, (∀ c : fin n, ((finset.univ.sum (strategyA r)).even))) def odd_strategy {m n : nat} (strategyB : fin n → fin m → nat) : Prop := (∀ r : fin m, (∀ c : fin n, (¬ (finset.univ.sum (strategyB c)).even))) lemma even_strategy_implies_even_rows {m n : nat} (strategyA : fin m → fin n → nat) (strategyB : fin n → fin m → nat) : (even_strategy strategyA) → each_row_sum_even (board strategyA strategyB) := begin sorry end lemma odd_strategy_implies_odd_cols {m n : nat} (strategyA : fin m → fin n → nat) (strategyB : fin n → fin m → nat) : (odd_strategy strategyB) → each_col_sum_odd (board strategyA strategyB) := begin sorry end def row_sum {m n : nat} (board : fin m → fin n → nat) : nat := (finset.univ.sum (sampleA board)) def col_sum {m n : nat} (board : fin m → fin n → nat) : nat := (finset.univ.sum (sampleB board)) lemma row_sum_eq_col_sum {m n : nat} (board : fin m → fin n → nat) : row_sum board = col_sum board := begin sorry end theorem noStrategyMN2 {m n : nat} (strategyA : fin m → fin n → nat) (strategyB: fin n → fin m → nat) : ¬ ((consistent strategyA strategyB) ∧ (even_strategy strategyA) ∧ (odd_strategy strategyB)) := begin intro h, cases h with c y, cases y with even odd, have x := even_strategy_implies_even_rows strategyA strategyB even, have y := odd_strategy_implies_odd_cols strategyA strategyB odd, end
The Game: Alice is assigned a row and Bob is assigned a column of a 3x3 mxn board for odd m and n. Neither knows the assignment of the other. The task is for each of them to color their respective row/column with Green and Red tiles (aka 1s and 0s) while meeting the following criteria:
- Rows must have an even number of Green tiles
- Columns must have an odd number of Green tiles
- The two colorings must be consistent - they must agree on the color of the shared tile
- They can plan a strategy beforehand but can't communicate after each gets their respective assignment.
My goal is to prove that there is no guaranteed successful strategy.
Lean Proof 1: We can think of a strategy as two maps (strategyA
and strategyB
) one from a row number to a map from column number to element of that row, the other from a column number to a map from row number to element in that column. checkStrategy
checks that a given strategy satisfies the conditions listed.
Lean Proof 2: Since Alice and Bob must agree on the value of the intersection of their respective row/column, and the location of this intersection is arbitrary, we can think of their strategies as sampling from a single tiled 3x3 m x n board. Summing the values in the rows of this single board we get an even number, but summing the values in the columns we get an odd number. The sums of the values in all the tiles should be the same whether we do it by rows or columns, so we get a contradiction. To do this in lean, I start by defining the equivalent board, and what sampleA and sampleB would be from that board. Next, I am trying to prove board_equiv: the statement that sampling from this board is equivalent to both strategies if all the conditions are met. Next I show that the rows of the board must have even sums and the cols have odd sums, if the original strategies have even and odd sums. From here, I'm hoping showing the contradiction shouldn't be too hard, but I haven't gotten that far yet.
Yury G. Kudryashov (Feb 17 2020 at 19:47):
Please add "lean" after each opening of a code block. This way you'll have syntax highlighting.
Rocky Kamen-Rubio (Feb 17 2020 at 20:09):
Forgot about that, thanks for the reminder!
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC