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Topic: Tutorial Proof 0035

leafGecko (Sep 09 2021 at 12:29):

Hi all, I was trying to follow the tutorial on github, this is ID 0035 in the 05_sequence_limit file, where I am asked to prove squeeze theorem.

/- Let's do something similar: the squeezing theorem. -/
-- 0035
example (hu : seq_limit u l) (hw : seq_limit w l)
(h :  n, u n  v n)
(h' :  n, v n  w n) : seq_limit v l :=
  unfold seq_limit,
  intros εg εgg0,
  cases hu (εg / 2) (by linarith) with N1 hu,
  cases hw (εg / 2) (by linarith) with N2 hw,
  have Nt := max N1 N2,
  use Nt,
  intros tx txgNt,
  rw ge_max_iff at txgNt, -- WRONG

But rw failed at the penultimate line. It seems like Lean does not know Nt is max N1 N2.
What I would like is an abstraction feel, similar to use def, so that Nt can be expanded to max N1 N2. How shall I do that?


Kevin Buzzard (Sep 09 2021 at 12:30):

Change have to let and you should be fine.

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 09 2021 at 12:30):

Even better, you could use set Nt := max N1 N2 with hNt and then you can rw hNt if you want to change Nt to its definition.

Ruben Van de Velde (Sep 09 2021 at 12:38):

Or even use

use max N1 N2,

leafGecko (Sep 09 2021 at 12:42):

Thanks! And by the way, if I have

abs_le (x y : ) : |x|  y  -y  x  x  y
H: |a| <= |b|

then why does have H2 := abs_le.1 H work but not have H2 := abs_le.1 _ _ H?
I thought abs_le.1 lead to (x y: R): |x| <= y -> -y <= x /\ x <= y...

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 09 2021 at 12:42):

What's the error?

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 09 2021 at 12:43):

(ps have is correct here -- you use have for proofs and let for data like real numbers, that's why your original code doesn't work)

leafGecko (Sep 09 2021 at 12:43):

Kevin Buzzard said:

What's the error?

function expected at
  abs_le.mp ?m_7
term has type
  -?m_4  ?m_5  ?m_5  ?m_4

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 09 2021 at 12:45):

abs_le.1 doesn't lead to what you say -- that would be (abs_le _ _).1 (the .1 only applies to the iff bit) (Edit: this comment was made assuming the incorrect claim that x and y were explicit in abs_le)

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 09 2021 at 12:46):

I am surprised that have H2 := abs_le.1 H works if abs_le is defined the way you say it is.

leafGecko (Sep 09 2021 at 12:47):

That makes sense :D

leafGecko (Sep 09 2021 at 12:47):


Ruben Van de Velde (Sep 09 2021 at 12:49):

It's mathlib docs#add_le, which takes {a b}

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 09 2021 at 12:52):

So the reason it doesn't work with the _s is because Lean is not expecting the inputs to be explicit.

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 09 2021 at 13:18):

Super-quick Patrick has updated the tutorial project so that now the variables are implicit in the comment.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC