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Topic: Type issues (card for fintype and member of)

Christopher Schmidt (Jan 14 2023 at 15:16):

Hello everyone,
I am working with (directed) graphs and V is supposed to be the set of vertices. Now I want to construct "A" such that A contains n vertices of V. I managed to do that V being a set of Naturals :

variables {V' : set }

structure vertex_subset_n {n : } {V' : set } :=
(verts : finset )
(sub :  v  verts, v  V')
(card : verts.card = n)

But I would like to generalize it :

universe u
variables {V : Type u}

structure vertex_subset_n {n : } {V : Type u} :=
(verts : fintype V)
(sub :  v  verts, v  V)
(card : verts.card = n)

How can I do this properly ? Obviously ∈ Vand verts.carddo not work. Any help is appreciated.

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 14 2023 at 16:12):

fintype V is the type of constructive proofs that V is a finite type, so verts : fintyoe V means "let verts be a proof that V is finite".

Reid Barton (Jan 14 2023 at 17:01):

You can just use verts : finset V, and get rid of sub

Christopher Schmidt (Jan 14 2023 at 18:08):

Thank you guys.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC