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Topic: Typeclasses for pmf
Joey Lupo (Jun 29 2021 at 12:47):
Hello, I am Joey Lupo, an MSc student at the University of Edinburgh. For my specific question, skip to the MWE a the end.
First a quick intro to let somebody else know what I am doing. For my MSc thesis under the supervision of Prof. Paul Jackson, I am trying to write a simple framework in Lean for formalizing cryptographic protocols. The work is most similar to two previous developments in Coq: David Nowak's 2007 paper "A framework for game-based security proofs" (found at https://www.cristal.univ-lille.fr/~nowakd/cryptogames/) and Adam Petcher's 2015 "The Foundational Cryptographic Framework" (found at https://github.com/adampetcher/fcf). The one-sentence summary is to model an attacker's advantage in breaking a given cryptographic protocol as a probability over a distribution, model our hardness assumption as a probability over a distribution, and then prove these two probabilities are negligibly close.
Okay, in writing these proofs, we need some probabilistic framework to write our definitions. For example, in Nowak, the decisional Diffie-Hellman hardness assumption is written as
Definition DDH (epsilon:R) : Prop :=
forall D : G -> G -> G -> Distrib.T bool,
Equiv (fun b => eqb b true) epsilon
x <$ seqNE 0 (order G) ;
y <$ seqNE 0 (order G) ;
D (g^x) (g^y) ((g^x)^y)
x <$ (seqNE 0 (order G)) ;
y <$ (seqNE 0 (order G)) ;
z <$ (seqNE 0 (order G)) ;
D (g^x) (g^y) (g^z)
The x <$ f; g
idiom is the mondadic bind operation for probability distributions (viewing probability distributions as a (Giry) monad). Since we only need distributions over finite sets (e.g. bitvectors in {0,1}^n
or group elements of \Z_q
), I have been trying to use the probability mass function file at
which has already handled the bind and return (or pure in this file) which define the relevant monad. However, in trying to leverage Lean's do
notation for monads, I have run into an issue with typeclasses in that the pmf
object defined in the probability math function file is not an instance
of the monad
typeclass. Here is a MWE:
import measure_theory.probability_mass_function
--instance : monad (pmf) := sorry
variables {α β: Type} (pa : pmf α) (f : α → pmf β)
def dist : pmf β :=
x ← pa,
b ← f x,
return b
I am having trouble figuring out how to point Lean to the relevant methods to prove that pmf
satisfies a monad. I am having similar troubles with typeclasses in defining a pmf
over bitvec
's of length n
but I can make a later post specific to that issue.
Johan Commelin (Jun 29 2021 at 12:59):
@Joey Lupo Welcome! I'm not an expert on this topic, but are you having trouble to fill in the sorry
that you commented?
instance : monad (pmf) := sorry
Joey Lupo (Jun 29 2021 at 13:09):
Yes, not sure exactly how to do an "instance proof."
Johan Commelin (Jun 29 2021 at 13:09):
If you type a _
, you will get a lightbulb (assuming you are editing in VScode).
Johan Commelin (Jun 29 2021 at 13:09):
If you click on the :bulb: you can choose something like "Generate skeleton for structure"
Yakov Pechersky (Jun 29 2021 at 13:11):
Some more detail, you'll likely also want to prove that whatever instance you provide for monad is also docs#is_lawful_monad
Yakov Pechersky (Jun 29 2021 at 13:13):
Where the skeleton will ask for more fields than you need. To prove the monad portion of lawfulness, you only need to prove pure_bind and bind_assoc
Joey Lupo (Jun 29 2021 at 13:29):
Thank you for the _
+ :light_bulb: tip, Johan, I did not know about that in VSCode. So that has given me the outline. It looks like I'll have to dig a little more into the pmf file/type universe system than I had hoped. I was (optimistically) hoping to be able to just point to the already defined pmf.bind and pmf.pure as my "instance proof."
Yakov Pechersky (Jun 29 2021 at 14:04):
What's the issue with using the existing docs#pmf.bind and the like for the instance proof?
Yakov Pechersky (Jun 29 2021 at 15:32):
import measure_theory.probability_mass_function
noncomputable instance : monad pmf :=
{ pure := λ _, pmf.pure,
bind := λ _ _, pmf.bind }
instance : is_lawful_functor pmf :=
{ id_map := λ _, pmf.map_id,
comp_map := λ _ _ _ f g x, (pmf.map_comp x f g).symm }
instance : is_lawful_monad pmf :=
{ pure_bind := λ _ _, pmf.pure_bind,
bind_assoc := λ _ _ _, pmf.bind_bind }
variables {α β: Type} (pa : pmf α) (f : α → pmf β)
noncomputable def dist : pmf β :=
x ← pa,
b ← f x,
pure b
Joey Lupo (Jun 29 2021 at 18:59):
Yea, using the existing pmf.bind
is exactly what I was trying to do. I was running into difficulty with explicit vs. implicit parameters of pmf
vs. what the typeclass was expecting, and see that we have similar solutions:
noncomputable theory
instance : monad pmf :=
{ pure := @pmf.pure,
bind := @pmf.bind }
Joey Lupo (Jun 29 2021 at 19:04):
Thank you for the quick response though @Yakov Pechersky.
Eric Wieser (Jun 29 2021 at 19:29):
These instances should probably be PR'd, right?
Yakov Pechersky (Jun 29 2021 at 19:33):
The whole file can be probably updated to use things like function.support
, etc.
Joey Lupo (Jun 29 2021 at 19:37):
Side note: what is the general protocol for asking questions about Lean which might require a one or two line answer? Is there a particular stream or thread for simple questions, or is it fine to just start a new thread in #general?
Joey Lupo (Jun 29 2021 at 19:40):
i.e. something that an experienced user would be able to look at and immediately know the issue because they have come across it or similar before, whereas it might take a new user several hours to figure out (e.g. the @pmf.bind
or \lambda _, pmf.bind
working and pmf.bind
not working).
Mario Carneiro (Jun 29 2021 at 19:42):
there used to be a thread for this, but people often make bad estimates about the length of the answer thread so it got pretty noisy. Just make a new topic, they are not very heavyweight
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC