I am trying to learn the category theory library in mathlib, and am having difficulty understanding how to tackle the following exercise using mathlib. I have a proof using my own home-brewed category definitions.
lemma AProd.lift_square_aux { G H : C } ( φ : G ⟶ H ) :
Nonempty ( Unique ({ fg : G × _C G ⟶ H × _C H // fg ≫ fstHom = fstHom ≫ φ ∧ fg ≫ sndHom = sndHom ≫ φ })) := by
refine' ⟨⟨ lift ( fstHom ≫ φ ) ( sndHom ≫ φ ), lift_comp_fst _ _ , lift_comp_snd _ _ ⟩, _ ⟩
intro ⟨ h , hl , hr ⟩
exact Subtype.ext ( lift_unique h hl hr )
The full code to make my proof work is here:
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Types
set_option autoImplicit false
open CategoryTheory
def Final { C : Type _ } [ Category C ] ( F : C ) :=
∀ A : C , Unique ( A ⟶ F )
instance example39_down { C : Type _ } [ hC : Category C ] ( A B : C ) :
Category ( Σ ( Z : C ), hC.Hom Z A × hC.Hom Z B ) where
Hom := λ ⟨ Z₁ , f₁ ⟩ ⟨ Z₂ , f₂ ⟩ => { σ : Z₁ ⟶ Z₂ // σ ≫ f₂.fst = f₁.fst ∧ σ ≫ f₂.snd = f₁.snd }
id _ := ⟨ 𝟙 _ , hC.id_comp _ , hC.id_comp _ ⟩
comp := λ ⟨ f , hf ⟩ ⟨ g , hg ⟩ => ⟨ f ≫ g ,
by rw [ hC.assoc , hg.left , hf.left ],
by rw [ hC.assoc , hg.right , hf.right ]⟩
id_comp := by
exact Subtype.ext ( hC.id_comp _ )
comp_id := by
exact Subtype.ext ( hC.comp_id _ )
assoc := by
exact Subtype.ext ( hC.assoc _ _ _ )
class HasFiniteProducts ( C : Type _ ) [ hC : Category C ] : Prop where
hasFinal : ∀ A B : C , ∃ F : ( Σ ( Z : C ), hC.Hom Z A × hC.Hom Z B ), Nonempty ( Final F )
variable { C : Type _ } [ hC : Category C ] [ hp : HasFiniteProducts C ]
def AProd ( A B : C ) : C :=
( hp.hasFinal A B ) . choose.fst
local notation A : 80 " ×_C " B : 80 => AProd A B
def AProd.fstHom { A B : C } : A × _C B ⟶ A :=
( hp.hasFinal A B ) . choose.snd.fst
def AProd.sndHom { A B : C } : A × _C B ⟶ B :=
( hp.hasFinal A B ) . choose.snd.snd
lemma AProd_Final_sigma ( A B : C ) :
Nonempty ( Final (⟨ A × _C B , AProd.fstHom , AProd.sndHom ⟩
: ( Σ ( Z : C ), hC.Hom Z A × hC.Hom Z B ))) :=
( hp.hasFinal A B ) . choose_spec
lemma AProd.lift_aux { A B X : C } ( f : X ⟶ A ) ( g : X ⟶ B ) :
Nonempty ( Unique ({ fg : X ⟶ A × _C B // fg ≫ fstHom = f ∧ fg ≫ sndHom = g })) := by
obtain ⟨ F ⟩ := AProd_Final_sigma A B
let ⟨⟨ Z ⟩, hZ ⟩ := F ⟨ X , f , g ⟩
refine' ⟨⟨ Z ⟩, λ w => _ ⟩
exact hZ w
def AProd.lift { A B X : C } ( f : X ⟶ A ) ( g : X ⟶ B ) : X ⟶ A × _C B :=
( Classical.choice ( AProd.lift_aux f g )) . default
lemma AProd.lift_comp_fst { A B X : C } ( f : X ⟶ A ) ( g : X ⟶ B ) : lift f g ≫ fstHom = f :=
( Classical.choice ( AProd.lift_aux f g )) . default.prop.left
lemma AProd.lift_comp_snd { A B X : C } ( f : X ⟶ A ) ( g : X ⟶ B ) : lift f g ≫ sndHom = g :=
( Classical.choice ( AProd.lift_aux f g )) . default.prop.right
lemma AProd.lift_unique { A B X : C } { f : X ⟶ A } { g : X ⟶ B } ( h : X ⟶ A × _C B )
( hf : h ≫ fstHom = f ) ( hg : h ≫ sndHom = g ) : h = lift f g := by
have := ( Classical.choice ( AProd.lift_aux f g )) . uniq
exact congr_arg Subtype.val ( this ⟨ h , hf , hg ⟩)
lemma AProd.lift_square_aux { G H : C } ( φ : G ⟶ H ) :
Nonempty ( Unique ({ fg : G × _C G ⟶ H × _C H // fg ≫ fstHom = fstHom ≫ φ ∧ fg ≫ sndHom = sndHom ≫ φ })) := by
refine' ⟨⟨ lift ( fstHom ≫ φ ) ( sndHom ≫ φ ), lift_comp_fst _ _ , lift_comp_snd _ _ ⟩, _ ⟩
intro ⟨ h , hl , hr ⟩
exact Subtype.ext ( lift_unique h hl hr )
Where can I find some documentation/guide to understand how to reinterpret my proof in mathlib-style category theory defns?
This is a really poorly stated exercise imo.
It’s not true that there is a unique morphism. What is true is that there is a unique morphism such that the composition with the projections satisfies some commutative square involving phi.
That last point is left very implicit in the notation ( ϕ , ϕ ) (\phi,\phi) ( ϕ , ϕ ) .
Agreed. That's why I constrained the uniqueness to the subtype of homs such that composition equals composition with with phi.
Initially, I was stuck for a while because I didn't have that constraint. But then I realized that if there was another hom psi between G and H, that would induce another hom between the products.
The main definition you want to look at from mathlib would be docs#CategoryTheory.prod and the relevant api
we have docs#CategoryTheory.Limits.prod.map
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC