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Topic: Using matrix notation and calculation
Yakov Pechersky (Jun 21 2020 at 07:06):
Trying to use the matrix.notation to do some calculation, but am having issues doing simple transformations on scalar \bu matrix. I had to write a new lemma that I think wasn't in data.matrix.notation to get the smul to even partially work. Looks like the current issue is that matrix.vec_empty isn't being inferred as the correct type. Am I misunderstanding something about the notation?
import data.real.basic
import data.matrix.notation
import tactic.fin_cases
universe u
variables {α : Type u} [semiring α]
variables {m n : ℕ} {m' n' : Type} [fintype m'] [fintype n']
@[simp] lemma smul_cons_cons (x : α) (v : n' → α) (A : matrix (fin m) n' α) :
x • matrix.vec_cons v A = matrix.vec_cons (x • v) (x • A) :=
by { ext i, refine fin.cases _ _ i; simp }
example (x : ℝ) (A B : matrix (fin 1) (fin 1) ℝ) (hx : x = 2)
(hA : A = ![![1]]) (hB : B = ![![2]]) :
x • A = B :=
rw [hx, hA, hB],
simp only [mul_one, smul_cons_cons, matrix.smul_cons, matrix.smul_empty], -- does not solve goal
-- ⊢ matrix.vec_cons ![2] (2 • matrix.vec_empty) = ![![2]]
Kenny Lau (Jun 21 2020 at 07:19):
that's (2 : ℝ) • (@matrix.vec_empty (fin 1 → ℝ) : fin 0 → fin 1 → ℝ)
Yakov Pechersky (Jun 21 2020 at 07:21):
Do you mean that I did not notate my matrix properly?
Kenny Lau (Jun 21 2020 at 07:22):
I mean, the reason the goal has that 2 • matrix.vec_empty
term is because that's (2 : ℝ) • (@matrix.vec_empty (fin 1 → ℝ) : fin 0 → fin 1 → ℝ)
Kenny Lau (Jun 21 2020 at 07:22):
so naturally matrix.smul_empty
cannot solve that
Kenny Lau (Jun 21 2020 at 07:22):
you would need another simp lemma
Kenny Lau (Jun 21 2020 at 07:25):
import data.real.basic
import data.matrix.notation
import tactic.fin_cases
universe u
variables {α : Type u} [semiring α]
variables {m n : ℕ} {m' n' : Type} [fintype m'] [fintype n']
@[simp] lemma smul_cons_cons (x : α) (v : n' → α) (A : matrix (fin m) n' α) :
x • matrix.vec_cons v A = matrix.vec_cons (x • v) (x • A) :=
by { ext i, refine fin.cases _ _ i; simp }
@[simp] lemma matrix.smul_empty' (x : α) : x • @matrix.vec_empty (m' → α) = matrix.vec_empty :=
matrix.ext $ λ i, fin.elim0 i
example (x : ℝ) (A B : matrix (fin 1) (fin 1) ℝ) (hx : x = 2)
(hA : A = ![![1]]) (hB : B = ![![2]]) :
x • A = B :=
rw [hx, hA, hB],
simp only [mul_one, smul_cons_cons, matrix.smul_cons, matrix.smul_empty, matrix.smul_empty']
Kenny Lau (Jun 21 2020 at 07:25):
like this
Yakov Pechersky (Jun 21 2020 at 07:25):
Gotcha. I guess I can write another for matrices
Yakov Pechersky (Jun 21 2020 at 07:26):
Ah there it is. Would there be a way to write one single one for n-dim tensors as opposed to just what we have now for 1- and 2-dim?
Kenny Lau (Jun 21 2020 at 07:28):
Kenny Lau (Jun 21 2020 at 07:29):
is there any theorem about n-dim tensors?
Yakov Pechersky (Jun 21 2020 at 07:31):
Not at the moment I don't think
Yakov Pechersky (Jun 21 2020 at 07:32):
Thanks for the insights here. I'll PR these two lemmas in, maybe I'll find some more on the way.
Kenny Lau (Jun 21 2020 at 07:32):
unless you invent a new notation for n-dim tensors (maybe using list
), this wouldn't be possible
Yakov Pechersky (Jun 21 2020 at 07:32):
why wouldn't ![ ![ ![1] ] ]
indicate a 1x1x1 tensor?
Kenny Lau (Jun 21 2020 at 07:34):
it will, but you can't say "forall n, ![![![... ( n times ) 1]]]"
Kenny Lau (Jun 21 2020 at 07:35):
because "... (n times)" isn't Lean
Patrick Massot (Jun 21 2020 at 07:35):
Yakov, I haven't been reading that thread, but I see you're doing linear algebra and matrices. If you don't know what to do next, then I suggest defining the determinant of a family of vectors with respect to a basis. This hole in mathlib is annoying for the sphere eversion project.
Kenny Lau (Jun 21 2020 at 07:37):
why isn't this just determinant?
Kenny Lau (Jun 21 2020 at 07:37):
aha you want to take determinant of a function \io \to M
w.r.t. some basis \io \to M
Yakov Pechersky (Jun 21 2020 at 07:39):
Do you mean just finite dimensional \io -> M
or functional determinants?
Yakov Pechersky (Jun 21 2020 at 07:41):
Regarding the tensor notation, I just meant a lemma that wasn't just for (x : α) : x • @matrix.vec_empty (m' → α)
but for (x : α) : x • @matrix.vec_empty ( ... → ... → ... → α)
Kenny Lau (Jun 21 2020 at 07:43):
yes, and I'm saying there is no way to state it.
Yakov Pechersky (Jun 21 2020 at 07:43):
Got it.
Patrick Massot (Jun 21 2020 at 07:46):
I meant finite dimensional.
Kenny Lau (Jun 21 2020 at 07:52):
Kenny Lau said:
aha you want to take determinant of a function
\io \to M
w.r.t. some basis\io \to M
where \io
is a fintype
Patrick Massot (Jun 21 2020 at 07:53):
Yakov Pechersky (Jun 21 2020 at 09:47):
Something like this? Would your family of vectors be a finset? I might have the indices swapped here.
import linear_algebra.basis
import linear_algebra.determinant
variables {ι : Type*} {R : Type*} {M : Type*}
variables {v : ι → M}
variables [fintype ι] [decidable_eq ι]
variables [comm_ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M]
variables (hv : is_basis R v)
#check matrix.det (λ i j, is_basis.repr hv (v i) j)
Patrick Massot (Jun 21 2020 at 09:55):
Unless I'm misreading, you defined the number 1. You need a second family of vectors. And also note the actual work is to build a nice set of lemmas allowing to use it. For instance say v
is your basis and w
is your family of vectors, you want to know that w
is a basis iff the determinant of w
with respect to v
is invertible.
Patrick Massot (Jun 21 2020 at 09:56):
Also note that I don't know what works over any commutative ring, even if you assume your module has a basis.
Patrick Massot (Jun 21 2020 at 09:56):
I would need to look it up in Bourbaki.
Patrick Massot (Jun 21 2020 at 10:12):
Also, you should think about using Sébastien's multilinear map stuff to get free lemmas.
Patrick Massot (Jun 21 2020 at 10:13):
Kevin Buzzard (Jun 21 2020 at 10:24):
Here's my guess as to what it looks like. If you have two maps from a fintype \i of size n to any torsion-free R-module M (R any commutative ring) and the image of the second is contained in the span of the image of the first, then there will be a well defined determinant, because in the nth wedge power of M the wedge power of the second will be a unique R-multiple of the nth wedge power of the first. There will be some id, symm and comp lemmas. If you drop the torsion free assumption then there will be some set of elements of R which work -- a coset of an ideal -- so it will be a predicate on R and there will be analogous symm and comp lemmas.
Kevin Buzzard (Jun 21 2020 at 10:26):
I don't think you need anything to be a basis of anything. Maybe a development of wedge powers is what's needed
Patrick Massot (Jun 21 2020 at 11:17):
Of course the proper way to do determinant would be develop exterior powers. That's why I wrote I was a bit sad to see people working towards an elementary proof of Cayley-Hamilton a couple of weeks ago. But having an elementary theory of determinants is better than nothing.
Reid Barton (Jun 21 2020 at 15:13):
Kenny Lau said:
is there any theorem about n-dim tensors?
There is some stuff like this under a non-math name I don't remember.
Reid Barton (Jun 21 2020 at 15:13):
Rob Lewis (Jun 21 2020 at 15:16):
IIRC Alex originally used the name "tensor" and the mathematicians forced him to change it to "holor."
Kenny Lau (Jun 21 2020 at 15:17):
Coined by Parry Hiram Moon, and Domina Eberle Spencer, from holo- (“whole”).Noun
holor (plural holors)(mathematics) A mathematical entity made up of one or more independent quantities, or merates, as distinguished from a tensor.
Yakov Pechersky (Jun 21 2020 at 19:04):
Do you think it is worth restating matrix.notation
defns and lemmas in terms of holor? Right now, with regards to the questions about arbitrary n-dim structures, I'm experimenting with something like:
import data.fintype.card
import data.matrix.basic
import tactic.fin_cases
namespace matrix
universe u
variables {α : Type u}
open_locale matrix
section matrix_notation
variables {ι : Type} [fintype ι]
def vec_empty : (fin 0 × ι) → α :=
λ ⟨n, i⟩, fin_zero_elim n
def vec_cons {n : ℕ} (h : ι → α) (t : (fin n × ι) → α) : (fin n.succ × ι) → α :=
λ ⟨⟨ni, hni⟩, mi⟩, dite (ni < n) (λ hn, t ⟨⟨ni, hn⟩, mi⟩) (λ _, h mi)
notation `![` l:(foldr `, ` (h t, vec_cons h t) vec_empty `]`) := l
def vec_head {n : ℕ} (v : (fin n.succ × ι) → α) : ι -> α :=
λ i, v ⟨⟨0, nat.succ_pos'⟩, i⟩
def vec_tail {n : ℕ} (v : (fin n.succ × ι) → α) : (fin n × ι) → α :=
λ ⟨⟨k, hn⟩, i⟩, v ⟨⟨k.succ, nat.succ_lt_succ hn⟩, i⟩
end matrix_notation
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC