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Topic: Using structures in theorem

Brandon Brown (Jul 02 2020 at 23:36):

I have a definition of a partition:

Brandon Brown (Jul 02 2020 at 23:42):

structure partition (X : Type*) :=
(F : set (set X))
(disjoint :  A B  F, A  B  A  B = )
(cover :  x : X,  A  F, x  A)
(nonempty :  A  F, A  )

And let's say I have a proof that if two sets in a partition share an element, it implies they're the same set.

lemma partition_els_eq_if_share_el'
{X : Type*} {F : partition X} {A B : set X} {h₁ : A  F.F}
{h₂ : B  F.F} : ( x : X, x  A  x  B)  A = B := sorry

The problem is if I use this lemma in some other proof the type inference system (elaborator?) tries to find a term of the form "?.F" so it searches for a partition in the context to match, but I want it to just fill with a set of sets in the context with the proofs that it is a partition also in the context. I.e. as currently written, my goal turns into this undesirable metavariable: A ∈ ?m_1.F

I can fix this by re-writing my lemma as so but it requires me to copy the definition of a partition, which is annoying.

lemma partition_els_eq_if_share_el
{F : set (set X)}
{disjoint :  A B  F, A  B  A  B = }
{cover :  x : X,  A  F, x  A}
{nonempty :  A  F, A  }
{A B  F}
(h :  x : X, x  A  x  B) : A = B

Is there another way to salvage the first, more concise lemma?

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 02 2020 at 23:43):

Just make some stuff explicit in partition_els_eq_if_share_el'

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 02 2020 at 23:43):

You're using { } for inputs and Lean can't guess the inputs. Change some of the brackets to ( ) and supply them yourself.

Mario Carneiro (Jul 02 2020 at 23:43):

h1 and h2 should not be implicit in partition_els_eq_if_share_el' since they can't be inferred

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 02 2020 at 23:44):

lemma partition_els_eq_if_share_el'
{X : Type*} {F : partition X} {A B : set X} (h₁ : A  F.F)
(h₂ : B  F.F) : ( x : X, x  A  x  B)  A = B := sorry

Mario Carneiro (Jul 02 2020 at 23:44):

and your problem suggests that F may also need to be explicit

Brandon Brown (Jul 02 2020 at 23:44):

ohh right, that should work. I'm expecting too much of type inference. Thanks!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC