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Topic: What is going wrong here
Bolton Bailey (Jan 07 2021 at 08:11):
I am having trouble proving the lemma in the code in the mwe below
-- import data.polynomial.basic
import data.mv_polynomial.basic
noncomputable theory
universes u
parameter {F : Type u}
parameter [field F]
parameters {m n_stmt n_wit : ℕ}
inductive vars : Type
| X : vars
| Y : vars
| Z : vars
def X_poly : mv_polynomial vars F := mv_polynomial.X vars.X
parameters {b : fin m → F}
lemma coeff_powers (j : ℕ) : (λ x : fin m, mv_polynomial.coeff (finsupp.single vars.X j) (b x • X_poly ^ (x : ℕ))) = (λ x : fin m, b x * ite (finsupp.single vars.X (x : ℕ) = finsupp.single vars.X j) 1 0)
apply funext,
intro x,
rw X_poly,
rw mv_polynomial.X_pow_eq_single,
rw mv_polynomial.smul_eq_C_mul,
rw mv_polynomial.coeff_C_mul,
rw mv_polynomial.coeff_monomial,
With the proof so far, the goal reduces to
⊢ b x * ite (finsupp.single vars.X ↑x = finsupp.single vars.X j) 1 0 = b x * ite (finsupp.single vars.X ↑x = finsupp.single vars.X j) 1 0
In the vs code lean infoview. Yet refl does not work. Even trying by_cases on finsupp.single vars.X ↑x = finsupp.single vars.X j
leads to errors when I try to rewrite. What is going on and how do I finish this proof?
Kenny Lau (Jan 07 2021 at 08:12):
Have you tried congr
? It's a "spot the difference" tactic.
Kenny Lau (Jan 07 2021 at 08:13):
my guess is that the decidable
instances for the ite
are different, in which case split_ifs; refl
should work
Mario Carneiro (Jan 07 2021 at 08:14):
if it's decidable instances then congr
alone should kill it
Bolton Bailey (Jan 07 2021 at 08:33):
Yes, the decidable instances may be different somehow - congr
closes the proof. Thanks.
Eric Wieser (Jan 07 2021 at 08:38):
The noncomputable theory
is probably what is causing the problem
Eric Wieser (Jan 07 2021 at 08:39):
I think you can just put @[derive decidable_eq]
on your inductive type
Bolton Bailey (Jan 07 2021 at 09:02):
Removing noncomputable theory
raises errors
import data.mv_polynomial.basic
-- noncomputable theory
universes u
/-- An inductive type from which to index the variables of the 3-variable polynomials the proof manages -/
@[derive decidable_eq]
inductive vars : Type
| X : vars
| Y : vars
| Z : vars
/-- The finite field parameter of our SNARK -/
parameter {F : Type u}
parameter [field F]
/-- Helpers for representing X, Y, Z as 3-variable polynomials -/
def X_poly : mv_polynomial vars F := mv_polynomial.X vars.X
def Y_poly : mv_polynomial vars F := mv_polynomial.X vars.Y
def Z_poly : mv_polynomial vars F := mv_polynomial.X vars.Z
complains of definition 'X_poly' is noncomputable, it depends on 'mv_polynomial.X'
Any work around for this?
Eric Wieser (Jan 07 2021 at 09:03):
Yes, add the word noncomputable
before def X_poly
. But maybe this doesn't help as much as I'd hoped
Eric Wieser (Jan 07 2021 at 09:04):
In fact, I think my comment is just wrong, and I'm confusing noncomputable theory
with open_locale classical
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC