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Topic: Working with lambdas + "some"
Torger Olson (Oct 03 2021 at 14:15):
I'm almost done formalizing an assignment, but I'm struggling to make progress with this last one. I'm not used to working with 'λ' or 'some'. Any suggests for this current state or where I can read up on 'λ' and 'some'?
A B C : Type,
f : A → B,
g : C → B,
s : f '' univ ⊆ g '' univ,
v : A → C := λ (a : A), (λ (_x : some _ ∈ univ ∧ g (some _) = f a), some _) _,
x : A
⊢ f x = g (v x)
Alex J. Best (Oct 03 2021 at 15:01):
Lambdas are how you define functions, see e.g. https://leanprover.github.io/theorem_proving_in_lean/dependent_type_theory.html#function-abstraction-and-evaluation. And I'm guessing some is docs#classical.some (see https://leanprover.github.io/theorem_proving_in_lean/axioms_and_computation.html#choice).
Alex J. Best (Oct 03 2021 at 15:01):
Its more easy to help if you post a self contained #mwe, so some small block of code with imports that results in this tactic state rather than just the tactic state.
Alex J. Best (Oct 03 2021 at 15:03):
That said you probably want to rw v
to replace v
with its definition and maybe simp or dsimp after to see what you're left with. And the fundamental property of docs#classical.some is docs#classical.some_spec, so you'll likely need that
Torger Olson (Oct 03 2021 at 16:53):
Okay thanks. I'll keep reading/trying.
In case you or someone see's an obvious fix here's my mwe:
import data.set
open set function classical
variables (A B C : Type)
variable (f : A → B)
variable (g : C → B)
example (s : f '' univ ⊆ g '' univ) : ∃ (v : A → C), f = g ∘ v :=
let v : A → C,
intro a,
have h1 : f a ∈ g '' univ,
rw mem_image at h1,
choose c hc using h1,
exact c,
use v,
Alex J. Best (Oct 03 2021 at 18:07):
Here's what I would do, note the use of tactic#generalize_proofs to replace the long and ugly proof term hidden behind the underscore with just h
, that can then be fed into some_spec.
import data.set
open set function classical
variables (A B C : Type)
variable (f : A → B)
variable (g : C → B)
--set_option pp.proofs true -- this will let you see what the underscores are below, but they are long and ugly expressions
example (s : f '' univ ⊆ g '' univ) : ∃ (v : A → C), f = g ∘ v :=
let v : A → C,
{ intro a,
have h1 : f a ∈ g '' univ,
{ apply s,
simp, },
--rw mem_image at h1,
choose c hc using h1,
exact c, },
{ use v,
ext x,
simp [v],
generalize_proofs h,
rw some_spec h, },
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC