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Topic: an error
tsuki hao (Jul 27 2023 at 05:23):
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Lattice
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Prime
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Parity
import Mathlib.Tactic
variable {α : Type _}
variable (s t u : Set α)
open Set
example : s ∩ t = t ∩ s := by
ext x
simp only [mem_inter_iff]
· rintro ⟨xs, xt⟩
exact ⟨xt, xs⟩
. rintro ⟨xt, xs⟩
There is an error reporting expected checkColGt
, does anyone know why?
Ruben Van de Velde (Jul 27 2023 at 05:27):
No error here
Anne Baanen (Jul 27 2023 at 10:11):
These kinds of checkColGt
errors indicate that Lean has trouble parsing indentation, but I can't see any error here.
Peter Gumm (Jul 27 2023 at 11:08):
I think I got Lean4 installed. Trying "Mathematics in Lean" , the first line "import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic" results in an error:
c:\Users\gumm\.elan\toolchains\leanprover--lean4---nightly-2023-06-20\bin\lake.exe print-paths Init Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic Mathlib.Data.Nat.Parity Mathlib.Tactic` failed:
info: [52/379] Building Std.CodeAction.Attr
error: external command c:\Users\gumm\.elan\toolchains\leanprover--lean4---nightly-2023-06-20\bin\lean.exe
exited with code 3221225477
What to do?
Ruben Van de Velde (Jul 27 2023 at 11:09):
Did you run a lake exe cache get
Eric Wieser (Jul 27 2023 at 11:10):
Note that you have to stop vscode from running lean before running that command, either by closing vscode, or running pkill lean
Peter Gumm (Jul 27 2023 at 11:13):
I did all commands described in the Manual
OK I ran the command ...
OK I killed lean and ran the command again
Now I get a Windows message
Mauricio Collares (Jul 27 2023 at 11:59):
Try killing lean and running lake exe cache get!
instead (the exclamation point forces redownloading existing files). Corrupted caches are weirdly common.
Peter Gumm (Jul 27 2023 at 12:06):
OK, I did it. But that command has been stuck for some minutes now after "99%" :
Here is my command and lake's response:
C:\Users\gumm\mathematics_in_lean>lake exe cache get!
Attempting to download 3538 file(s)
Downloaded: 3527 file(s) [attempted 3527/3538 = 99%]
Hm !!??
Mauricio Collares (Jul 27 2023 at 12:22):
Yes, that (stalled downloads and cache corruption on less-than-perfect network connections) matches my pre-leantar
experience too, unfortunately. Hopefully there will be a mathlib bump soon so leantar
can be used in mathematics_in_lean.
Mauricio Collares (Jul 27 2023 at 12:24):
If you run gzip -t *.gz
inside the cache folder (should be called .mathlib
in your home folder or something) then it will tell you which files are corrupted. You can then delete them and run lake exe cache get
(without the exclamation point) to re-download the files you deleted.
Mauricio Collares (Jul 27 2023 at 12:24):
Assuming you have a working gzip program on windows, at least
Mauricio Collares (Jul 27 2023 at 12:48):
Test mathlib bump at https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathematics_in_lean/pull/9 if you want to see if it helps with your cache corruption problems
Mauricio Collares (Jul 27 2023 at 12:56):
(A "proper" mathlib bump is at https://github.com/avigad/mathematics_in_lean_source/pull/100)
Peter Gumm (Jul 27 2023 at 16:52):
sorry, I dont have gzip installed, neither do I know what a "bump" is
I'll try to see whether some other lean tutorial works on my machine ...
Mauricio Collares (Jul 27 2023 at 17:22):
I think I didn't explain myself too well, sorry! What I mean is that I updated mathlib on my fork of the tutorial (https://github.com/collares/mathematics_in_lean), and you can clone that if you'd like to test whether lake exe cache get
works any better. In the future this update will be in the main tutorial too.
Peter Gumm (Jul 27 2023 at 22:28):
YES ! This worked. Thanks a lot !!
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC