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Topic: cases syntax

David Gold (Oct 25 2023 at 13:57):

hi all! very new to lean, but had a blast working thru the natural number game. now trying to replicate the even/odd proofs in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QI-fEXSX1BA, but struggling with the syntax of cases. the video has this:

lemma succ_even_odd (n : ) : (even n)  (odd (n + 1)) := by
  intro h
  unfold even at h
  cases h with d hd
  unfold odd
  use d

what actually works in my environment (and what the tactics cheat sheet recommends) is

lemma succ_even_odd (n : ) : (even n)  (odd (n + 1)) := by
  intro h
  unfold even at h
  cases h with | intro d hd => {
    rw [hd]
    unfold odd
    use d }

im assuming this is just a lean3/lean4 compatibility issue, but is there something else going on? is there a better/easier way to do this? sorry if this question is in the wrong place/too simple, but thanks in advance :)

Alex J. Best (Oct 25 2023 at 13:58):

Yes this is a lean3 / 4 issue, you can use cases' (which is defined in mathlib4) to get the old style behaviour. But using the new syntax is also fine, and it looks like you worked it out ok!

David Gold (Oct 25 2023 at 14:16):

aha got it! much appreciated!!

Joachim Breitner (Oct 25 2023 at 16:32):

If there is only one case to match against, the constructor name might be more a distraction than helpful, and you can write

cases h with | _ d hd =>

You also don't need { here, I believe, since you are indenting. And since there is only one case, it’s a bit unnatural to even indent, so you could just keep going in the same column here.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 25 2023 at 18:40):

On the tube home I was working on adding EvenOdd World to NNG4. Here's a Zulip-only exclusive of some of the levels in EvenOdd world:

import Mathlib.Tactic

def IsEven (n : ) :=  (t : ), t + t = n

theorem isEven_def (n : ) : IsEven n   t, t + t = n := Iff.rfl

theorem isEven_zero : IsEven 0 := by

theorem isEven_two : IsEven 2 := by

theorem not_isEven_one : ¬ IsEven 1 := by

theorem isEven_add_isEven (a b : ) (ha : IsEven a) (hb : IsEven b) : IsEven (a + b) := by

def IsOdd (n : ) : Prop :=  t : , t + t + 1 = n

theorem isOdd_def (n : ) : IsOdd n   t : , t + t + 1 = n := Iff.rfl

theorem isOdd_one : IsOdd 1 := by

theorem not_isOdd_zero : ¬ IsOdd 0 := by

open Nat

@[simp] theorem isOdd_succ_iff (a : ) : IsOdd (succ a)  IsEven a := by

@[simp] theorem isEven_succ_iff (a : ) : IsEven (succ a)  IsOdd a := by

theorem isEven_or_isOdd (n : ) : IsEven n  IsOdd n := by

theorem not_isEven_and_isOdd (n : ) : ¬ (IsEven n  IsOdd n) := by

theorem isOdd_add_isOdd {a b : } (ha : IsOdd a) (hb : IsOdd b) : IsEven (a + b) := by

theorem IsEven_add_IsOdd( a b :  ) (ha : IsEven a) (hb : IsOdd b) : IsOdd (a + b) := by

theorem IsOdd_add_IsEven( a b :  ) (ha : IsOdd a) (hb : IsEven b) : IsOdd (a + b) := by

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 25 2023 at 18:41):

@David Gold

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC