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Topic: coe trouble, i guess

jachym simon (Mar 19 2022 at 11:10):

Hi, how can i prove the following?

import tactic

instance {n : } : has_coe (fin n) (fin n.succ) :=
by split; intro i; exact i.val, nat.lt.step i.property

lemma lem1 (n : )(i : fin n)(h : (i : fin n.succ) = (n : fin n.succ)) : i.val = n :=

Eric Wieser (Mar 19 2022 at 11:34):

I assume you're aware that both h and the goal are false?

jachym simon (Mar 19 2022 at 11:42):

Yes. I would like to show, that h implies false. Probably should have written it this way right away

import tactic

instance {n : } : has_coe (fin n) (fin n.succ) :=
by split; intro i; exact i.val, nat.lt.step i.property

lemma lem1 (n : )(i : fin n)(h : (i : fin n.succ) = (n : fin n.succ)) : false :=

jachym simon (Mar 19 2022 at 11:48):

I managed to get this far, but can't prove the sorry.

import tactic

instance {n : }: has_coe (fin n) (fin n.succ) :=
by split; intro i; exact i.val, nat.lt.step i.property

lemma lem1 (n : )(i : fin n)(h : (i : fin n.succ) = (n : fin n.succ)) : false :=
  have : i.val = n,
    simp * at *,
    have : (n : fin n.succ) = (⟨n, by omega : fin n.succ),
    unfold_coes at *,
    rw this at h,
  linarith[(i.property), this]

Chris B (Mar 19 2022 at 12:07):

Not a big lean 3 user, but here's one way.

lemma lem1 (n : ) (i : fin n) (h : (i : fin n.succ) = (n : fin n.succ)) : i.val = n :=
  have h0 : (i : fin n.succ).val = (n : fin n.succ).val, from congr_arg subtype.val h,
  simp [nat.mod_eq_of_lt (nat.lt.base n)] at h0,
  unfold_coes at h0,
  rw [h0]

jachym simon (Mar 19 2022 at 12:10):

Cool, thank you :)

jachym simon (Mar 19 2022 at 14:40):

One more connected question. If i have open tactic in the same file, the unfold_coes goes red with an error. Why is that?

import tactic
open tactic

instance {n : }: has_coe (fin n) (fin n.succ) :=
by split; intro i; exact i.val, nat.lt.step i.property

lemma lem1 (n : )(i : fin n)(h : (i : fin n.succ) = (n : fin n.succ)) : false :=
  have : i.val = n,
    have h0 : (i : fin n.succ).val = (n : fin n.succ).val, from congr_arg subtype.val h,
    simp [nat.mod_eq_of_lt (nat.lt.base n)] at h0,
    unfold_coes at h0, -- error: unfold tactic failed, lift does not have equational lemmas nor is a projection
    rw [h0],
  linarith[(i.property), this]

Alex J. Best (Mar 19 2022 at 15:10):

Looks like a bug in https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib/blob/3ba1c0230e76b8dbd19cd2d2179cd102df533dfa/src/tactic/interactive.lean#L45-L48 (or unfold itself perhaps) I can try and take a look later if nobody else does first. In the meantime you can do something like open tactic (hiding lift) (I don't remember the exact sequence right now but hopefully you can find examples in mathlib)

jachym simon (Mar 19 2022 at 16:01):

ok, i will try that, thanks :) i dealt with it by putting the part of my code that needs open tactic in a separate section, which is not ideal but works for now

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC