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Topic: default typeclass instances?

Kris Brown (Jul 08 2020 at 05:55):

I'd like to define some functions which can take in any type but have some default behavior if an unexpected type is given. E.g.:

def is_int_or_nat: Π{α:Type}, α  bool
|  _ := tt
|  _ := tt
| _ _ := ff

This doesn't work , but is something similar possible? Typeclasses seem appropriate for this ad-hoc polymorphism, but I don't know how to define a "everything else" typeclass, something like below.

class Z_or_N_typeclass (α : Type*) :=
 (is_Z_or_N : bool := ff) -- possibly a solution involves having a default value?

instance Z_is : Z_or_N_typeclass  :=
 Z_or_N_typeclass.mk tt

instance N_is : Z_or_N_typeclass  :=
 Z_or_N_typeclass.mk tt

--instance everything_else : Z_or_N_typeclass (Type*) :=
-- Z_or_N_typeclass.mk ff

def test: Π{α: Type} [Z_or_N_typeclass α], α  bool
 | _ Z_or_N_fun _ := Z_or_N_fun.is_Z_or_N

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 08 2020 at 06:05):

I suspect this is #xy. Note that nat = int is undecidable in Lean. Your definitions don't work because the equation compiler is expecting an inductive type and universes aren't inductive types

Kenny Lau (Jul 08 2020 at 06:14):

@Kevin Buzzard this feels like those linear algebra assumptions "assume K is R or C"

Mario Carneiro (Jul 08 2020 at 06:16):

Something like your second example works more or less as is

class Z_or_N_typeclass (α : Type*) := (is_Z_or_N : bool)
open Z_or_N_typeclass (is_Z_or_N)

instance Z_is : Z_or_N_typeclass  := tt
instance N_is : Z_or_N_typeclass  := tt
@[priority 0] instance everything_else {α} : Z_or_N_typeclass α := ff

#eval is_Z_or_N nat -- tt
#eval is_Z_or_N int -- tt
#eval is_Z_or_N unit -- ff

Mario Carneiro (Jul 08 2020 at 06:19):

This doesn't go against Kevin's observation because the actual data is in the instance; you can still get is_Z_or_N nat to return false

#eval @is_Z_or_N nat everything_else -- ff

Mario Carneiro (Jul 08 2020 at 06:24):

You can even associate the typeclass with a correctness proof so that you can do things like Kenny's R or C example

class Z_or_N_typeclass (α : Type*) :=
(is_Z_or_N : bool)
(valid : is_Z_or_N  α =   α = )
open Z_or_N_typeclass (is_Z_or_N)

instance Z_is : Z_or_N_typeclass  := tt, λ _, or.inl rfl
instance N_is : Z_or_N_typeclass  := tt, λ _, or.inr rfl
@[priority 0] instance everything_else {α} : Z_or_N_typeclass α := ff, λ h, bool.no_confusion h

Johan Commelin (Jul 08 2020 at 06:27):

On the other hand, I hope you will never have to prove that a certain type is not equal to nat or int...

Mario Carneiro (Jul 08 2020 at 06:28):

that valid field can't be a biconditional because as I showed you can use the everything_else instance with nat and int as well

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 08 2020 at 06:45):

I'm guessing we can't prove mynat = nat either

Kris Brown (Jul 08 2020 at 06:55):

Kevin was originally right that this is probably XY - I was just having difficulties doing things the moral way. I don't understand why my eval function below is wrong:

class has_relop (α : Type) :=
 (evl : relOP  α  α  bool)

class has_binop (α : Type) :=
 (evl : binOP  α  α  α)

def eval : Π{α:Type} [has_relop α] [has_binop α], Exp α  Env  α
 | _ _ _ (Exp.const x) _ := x
 | _ _ _ (Exp.binop o x y) e := has_binop.evl o (eval x e) (eval y e)
 | _ _ _ (Exp.relop o x y) e := has_relop.evl o (eval x e) (eval y e)
 | _ _ _ (Exp.getvar v) env := getEnv v env

The calls to has_binop.evl, eval, and has_relop.evl in the function all say they cannot synthesize typeclass instances for their arguments. E.g.

failed to synthesize type class instance for
eval : Π {α : Type} [_inst_1 : has_relop α] [_inst_2 : has_binop α], Exp α  Env  α,
_x : Type,
_x : has_relop _x,
_x : has_binop _x,
o : binOP,
x y : Exp _x,
e : Env
 has_binop _x

Kris Brown (Jul 08 2020 at 07:17):

Made some fixes:

def Env:=  × 

inductive exVar : Type  Type
 | vx : exVar 
 | vy : exVar 

inductive relOP : Type
 | EQ | NEQ | LE

inductive binOP : Type

class has_relop (α : Type) :=
 (evl : relOP  α  α  bool)

class has_binop (α : Type) :=
 (evl : binOP  α  α  α)

inductive Exp : Type  Type 1
| const {α: Type } : α  Exp α
| relop {α: Type} [has_relop α]: relOP  Exp α  Exp α  Exp bool
| binop {α: Type} [has_binop α]: binOP  Exp α  Exp α  Exp α
| getvar {α: Type}  : exVar α  Exp α

def getEnv : Π{α: Type} , exVar α  Env  α
 | _  (exVar.vx) := λ env, env.1
 | _ (exVar.vy) := λ env, env.2

def eval : Π{α:Type}, Exp α  Env  α
 | _ (Exp.const x) _ := x
 | _ (Exp.relop o x y) e := has_relop.evl o (eval x e) (eval y e)
 | _ (Exp.binop o x y) e := has_binop.evl o (eval x e) (eval y e)
 | _ (Exp.getvar v) env := getEnv v env

And the sole error now is infer type failed, unknown variable __mlocal__fresh_10_435536 on Exp.relop in the definition of eval (reproducible in the Lean web editor)

Reid Barton (Jul 08 2020 at 10:53):

Is this really what you want to do?

Reid Barton (Jul 08 2020 at 10:55):

def eval : Π{α:Type}, Exp α  Env  α
 | _ (Exp.const x) _ := x
 | _ (@Exp.relop α h o x y) e := @has_relop.evl α h o (eval x e) (eval y e)
 | _ (@Exp.binop α h o x y) e := @has_binop.evl α h o (eval x e) (eval y e)
 | _ (Exp.getvar v) env := getEnv v env

Kris Brown (Jul 08 2020 at 17:05):

Yes! thanks for working out the root of the problem.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC