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Topic: define a function by iterating
Jake Levinson (Mar 05 2022 at 20:24):
I have a function that either maps α → α
or α → β
depending on whether a "termination" predicate p : α → Prop
holds. I know that the function terminates after finitely many steps, so I'd like to define f_total : α → β
by repeating the function until it finishes. What's the best way to do this?
I'm not sure how to express the "terminates in finitely many steps" thing (as in ∀ (a : α), ∃ (n : ℕ), ... something p n a
), but conveniently there is a decreasing natural number associated to each a
and the function must stop if the number is 0 (but may finish sooner), so I managed to use that instead.
Still my formalization feels messy. In particular I have a tactic-based definition of f_total
. Here it is:
import tactic
import data.set.basic
variables {α β : Type}
def p : α → Prop := sorry
def f_go {a : α} (hp : p a) : α := sorry
def f_stop {a : α} (hnp : ¬ p a) : β := sorry
def p_rank : α → ℕ := sorry
lemma p_rank_decr {a : α} (hp : p a) :
(p_rank (f_go hp)).succ = p_rank a := sorry
lemma p_stop0 {a : α} (hpr : p_rank a = 0) : ¬ p a := sorry
def totalf_0 : {a : α // p_rank a = 0} → β :=
λ a, f_stop (p_stop0 a.prop)
noncomputable def totalf_succ (n : ℕ) (fn : {a : α // p_rank a = n} → β) :
{a : α // p_rank a = n.succ} → β :=
λ a, begin
by_cases hp : p a.val,
-- fn ∘ f_go
apply fn ⟨f_go hp, _⟩,
rw [← nat.succ_inj', p_rank_decr hp],
exact a.prop,
-- f_stop
exact f_stop hp,
noncomputable def totalf' : Π (n : ℕ), {a : α // p_rank a = n} → β :=
λ (n : ℕ), nat.rec totalf_0 totalf_succ n
noncomputable def totalf : α → β := λ a, totalf' (p_rank a) ⟨a, rfl⟩
So this basically works for this toy case, but the tactic-based definition of totalf_succ
makes me worry it would be hard to work with.
The function I'm trying to work with is quite a bit more complicated, so I also wonder if I'm missing an easier way to use nat.rec
or something.
Thanks for any help!
Jake Levinson (Mar 05 2022 at 20:39):
Maybe this is better, using dite
def totalf_0 : {a : α // p_rank a = 0} → β :=
λ a, f_stop (p_stop0 a.prop)
lemma totalf_aux {n : ℕ} {a : α} (h : p a) (h' : p_rank a = n.succ) :
p_rank (f_go h) = n :=
rw [← nat.succ_inj', p_rank_decr h],
exact h',
def totalf_succ [∀ (a : α), decidable (p a)] (n : ℕ)
(fn : {a : α // p_rank a = n} → β) : {a : α // p_rank a = n.succ} → β :=
λ a, dite (p a.val) (λ h, fn ⟨f_go h, totalf_aux h a.prop⟩) f_stop
def totalf' [∀ (a : α), decidable (p a)] : Π (n : ℕ), {a : α // p_rank a = n} → β :=
λ (n : ℕ), nat.rec totalf_0 totalf_succ n
def totalf [∀ (a : α), decidable (p a)] : α → β :=
λ a, totalf' (p_rank a) ⟨a, rfl⟩
Mario Carneiro (Mar 05 2022 at 21:33):
That sounds pretty similar to docs#pfun.fix
Mario Carneiro (Mar 05 2022 at 21:34):
It produces a partial function, but you can prove it terminates separately and thus get a regular function out
Mario Carneiro (Mar 05 2022 at 21:43):
The usual way we would write this is using well founded recursion like so:
variables {α β : Type}
def p : α → Prop := sorry
def f_go (a : α) (hp : p a) : α := sorry
def f_stop (a : α) (hnp : ¬ p a) : β := sorry
instance : decidable_pred (@p α) := sorry
def p_rank : α → ℕ := sorry
lemma p_rank_decr {a : α} (hp : p a) : (p_rank (f_go a hp)).succ = p_rank a := sorry
def totalf : α → β
| a :=
if h : p a then
have p_rank (f_go a h) < p_rank a, by rw [← p_rank_decr h]; apply nat.lt_succ_self,
totalf (f_go a h)
else f_stop a h
using_well_founded { rel_tac := λ _ _, `[exact ⟨_, measure_wf p_rank⟩] }
Jake Levinson (Mar 06 2022 at 07:25):
Interesting, yes this looks very much like what I wanted. Thank you very much!
Jake Levinson (Mar 06 2022 at 07:31):
What does the notation
Jake Levinson (Mar 07 2022 at 04:46):
@Mario Carneiro Further question, is there a way to do this without having to write down the output type?
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2022 at 06:37):
The `[...]
syntax constructs a tactic unit
using the interactive parser. It is just like begin ... end
, but instead of running the tactic on the current goal it just constructs the tactic and returns it. The using_well_founded
syntax is a bit arcane and 99% of the time it's just exact
of some term like here, but in principle you can use a tactic to generate the well founded relation.
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2022 at 06:47):
I'm not sure which output type you are referring to. If you mean the T
in have T, from ...
in the example, you don't really need it but the decreasing tactic is using assumption
to find a proof that the call is decreasing so you need something defeq to that in the context one way or another. Also the rw
proof doesn't really work if the type is not known.
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2022 at 06:47):
All of the sorry
'd definitions can be inlined, there is no need to have them separate
Jake Levinson (Mar 07 2022 at 07:47):
Actually I just meant α
and β
. My function is actually of the form Π (a : α), α_aux a → Σ' (b : β), β_aux b
and it's a bit involved to write down the full type of the output. (Some intermediate steps in what I have were just defined as foo x := ...
without explicitly writing down the type of foo x
I actually managed to get the function working based on the skeleton you provided!
I also just tried to add some more stuff to it and encountered this error: rec_fn_macro only allowed in meta definitions
. Any idea what this means? It would be a little tricky to extract a mwe for this.
Jake Levinson (Mar 07 2022 at 07:49):
Mario Carneiro said:
I'm not sure which output type you are referring to. If you mean the
inhave T, from ...
in the example, you don't really need it but the decreasing tactic is usingassumption
to find a proof that the call is decreasing so you need something defeq to that in the context one way or another. Also therw
proof doesn't really work if the type is not known.
Ah, that's quite enlightening. Thanks.
Jake Levinson (Mar 07 2022 at 08:10):
The rec_fn_macro
error seems to arise when I try to replace β
by a dependent type of the form Σ' (b : β) (h1 : p1 b) (h2 : p2 b), β_aux b
where p1 b
and p2 b
are some extra Prop
s about the function output type.
The problem seems to occur with only one of the extra Prop
s, namely one that involves set.finite.to_finset.card
... roughly it's like h2 : b.size = a.size + 1
where b.size
and a.size
are two finset.card
's associated to the input and output.
Jake Levinson (Mar 07 2022 at 08:10):
(I realize this is vague, I'll try to extract a mwe... but whatever it is is something subtle)
Jake Levinson (Mar 07 2022 at 08:25):
Maybe it would be simpler to leave the output type as just Σ' (b : β), β_aux b
since I had that one working. In that case I have one more question, which is how do I inductively prove facts about the output of the totalf
function, given appropriate facts about f_go
and f_stop
Jake Levinson (Mar 08 2022 at 08:50):
I'm not sure how to prove things about a function defined with using_well_founded
. Continuing with the totalf
function defined above, given a property preserved by f_go
and f_stop
, how can I prove it holds for outputs of totalf
? This is the lemma r_totalf
below (I have an attempt at a proof, which doesn't seem to work). Complete mwe, sorry it's getting a bit long:
import tactic
import data.set.basic
def α : Type := sorry
def β : Type := sorry
def p : α → Prop := sorry
instance : decidable_pred p := sorry
def f_go {a : α} (hp : p a) : α := sorry
def f_stop {a : α} (hnp : ¬ p a) : β := sorry
def p_rank : α → ℕ := sorry
lemma p_rank_decr {a : α} (hp : p a) : (p_rank (f_go hp)) < p_rank a := sorry
def totalf : α → β
| a :=
if h : p a then
have p_rank (f_go h) < p_rank a := p_rank_decr h,
totalf (f_go h)
else f_stop h
using_well_founded { rel_tac := λ _ _, `[exact ⟨_, measure_wf p_rank⟩]}
-- A property preserved by f:
def r : α → Prop := sorry
def rβ : β → Prop := sorry
lemma rf_go {a : α} (hp : p a) : r a → r (f_go hp) := sorry
lemma rf_stop {a : α} (hnp : ¬ p a) : r a → rβ (f_stop hnp) := sorry
lemma r_totalf : Π {a : α}, r a → rβ (totalf a)
| a h :=
rw totalf,
by_cases hp : p a; simp [hp], rotate,
exact rf_stop hp h,
have wf : p_rank (f_go hp) < p_rank a := p_rank_decr hp,
exact r_totalf (rf_go hp h), -- *** this line is not accepted
using_well_founded { rel_tac := λ _ _, `[exact ⟨_, measure_wf (λ ⟨a, h⟩, p_rank a)⟩]}
I get the following error message:
1 goal
r_totalf: ∀ {a : α}, r a → rβ (totalf a)
a: α
h: r a
hp: p a
wf: p_rank (f_go hp) < p_rank a
⊢ rβ (totalf (f_go _))
Messages (1)
failed to prove recursive application is decreasing, well founded relation
@has_well_founded.r (Σ' {a : α}, r a)
(@has_well_founded.mk (Σ' {a : α}, r a)
(@measure (Σ' {a : α}, r a)
(λ (_x : Σ' {a : α}, r a),
(λ (_a : Σ' {a : α}, r a), _a.cases_on (λ (fst : α) (snd : r fst), id_rhs ℕ (p_rank fst))) _x))
The nested exception contains the failure state for the decreasing tactic.
nested exception message:
default_dec_tac failed
r_totalf : ∀ (_p : Σ' {a : α}, r a), rβ (totalf _p.fst),
a : α,
h : r a,
hp : p a
⊢ id_rhs ℕ (p_rank (f_go hp)) < id_rhs ℕ (p_rank a)
It looks like the desired well-foundedness inequality id_rhs ℕ (p_rank (f_go hp)) < id_rhs ℕ (p_rank a)
is pretty close to the hypothesis wf: p_rank (f_go hp) < p_rank a
, I'm not sure what's wrong.
Jake Levinson (Mar 08 2022 at 19:31):
Figured it out, and I might as well include the answer for posterity (in case anyone else encounters the same error message):
"Note that the have
must not be in tactics mode, i.e. inside any begin end
. If you are in tactics mode, there is the option of putting the have
statement inside the exact
So for the example above, it's enough to change
have wf : p_rank (f_go hp) < p_rank a := p_rank_decr hp,
exact r_totalf (rf_go hp h), -- *** this line is not accepted
to this:
exact have p_rank (f_go hp) < p_rank a := p_rank_decr hp,
r_totalf (rf_go hp h), -- works!
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC