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Topic: disjoint covers of compacts
Christian Merten (Sep 28 2023 at 21:48):
Is there something like "If a compact set in a topological space is covered by pairwise disjoint opens, the covering is finite." in mathlib? I tried to loogle, but without success.
Michael Rothgang (Sep 28 2023 at 22:37):
docs#IsCompact.elim_finite_subcover should do what you want
Michael Rothgang (Sep 28 2023 at 22:37):
(Disjointness of the open sets is not required.)
Patrick Massot (Sep 28 2023 at 22:49):
Michael, I think you read too quickly Christian's statement.
Patrick Massot (Sep 28 2023 at 22:50):
Of course it will follow from the lemma you quoted, and I'm pretty confident Christian knows this, he simply want to know whether this result is already there.
Michael Rothgang (Sep 28 2023 at 22:56):
Patrick Massot said:
Of course it will follow from the lemma you quoted, and I'm pretty confident Christian knows this, he simply want to know whether this result is already there.
Ah, right. Indeed, I was too hasty. I should go to bed :-)
Christian Merten (Sep 29 2023 at 06:23):
So I suppose the answer is: It is not there yet?
Christian Merten (Sep 29 2023 at 21:01):
Is this the right way to state this?
import Mathlib.Topology.SubsetProperties
universe v
variable {α : Type*} [TopologicalSpace α] [CompactSpace α]
example {ι : Type v} (U : ι → Set α) (hUo : ∀ i, IsOpen (U i))
(hsU : Set.univ ⊆ ⋃ i, U i) (hdU : ∀ i j, i ≠ j → Disjoint (U i) (U j))
(hnU : ∀ i, (U i).Nonempty) : Finite ι :=
I formulated it for the whole space, otherwise one would have to say something like:
variable {α : Type*} [TopologicalSpace α]
example {ι : Type v} {s : Set α} (hs : IsCompact s)
(U : ι → Set α) (hUo : ∀ i, IsOpen (U i)) (hsU : s ⊆ ⋃ i, U i)
(hdU : ∀ i j, i ≠ j → Disjoint (U i ∩ s) (U j ∩ s))
(hnU : ∀ i, (U i ∩ s).Nonempty) : Finite ι := sorry
which feels very clumsy.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC