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Topic: easier way to define subtype by restricting constructors?
Malvin Gattinger (Jan 15 2022 at 21:22):
I am wondering if there is an easier way to define redStuff
in the below, saying "give me the subtype which only uses this subset of type constructors"?
inductive stuff : Type
| red : stuff
| blue : stuff
| inside : stuff -> stuff
open stuff
def onlyRed : stuff -> Prop
| red := true
| blue := false
| (inside s) := onlyRed s
def redStuff := subtype onlyRed
Alex J. Best (Jan 15 2022 at 21:29):
You could use an inductive Prop instead, which saves you a case
inductive stuff : Type
| red : stuff
| blue : stuff
| inside : stuff -> stuff
open stuff
inductive onlyRed : stuff -> Prop
| red : onlyRed red
| inside {s : stuff} : onlyRed s → onlyRed (inside s)
def redStuff := subtype onlyRed
Malvin Gattinger (Jan 15 2022 at 21:32):
ah, did not know that before - let me try it out :-)
Patrick Johnson (Jan 15 2022 at 21:35):
def redStuff := {s : stuff // ∃ n, s = (inside^[n]) red}
Malvin Gattinger (Jan 15 2022 at 21:37):
Hehe, this also looks nice, and works for my toy example, but in my non-mwe I have an "inside" that takes a list of previous "stuff".
Malvin Gattinger (Jan 15 2022 at 22:00):
Many thanks to both of you! I managed to write what I wanted for my real use-case, a definition of open and closed tableaus :+1:
inductive tableau : finset formula → Type
| byRule {α : finset formula} { B : finset (finset formula) } : (rule α B) → (∀ β ∈ B, tableau β) → tableau α
| isOpen {α : finset formula} : (¬ ∃ B : finset (finset formula), ∃ r : rule α B, true) → tableau α
inductive isClosedTableau { α B } : tableau α -> Prop
| byRule { r : rule α B } { prev : (∀ β ∈ B, tableau β) } :
(∀ b, isClosedTableau b) → isClosedTableau (tableau.byRule r prev)
def closedTableau { α B } := subtype (@isClosedTableau α B)
Malvin Gattinger (Jan 15 2022 at 22:06):
Hm, it compiles but maybe is not what I wanted. Now I cannot write "closedTableau α" analogous to "tableau α" to indicate the subtype of closed tableaus for that finset. Is there a way to make α explicit but B still implicit? :thinking:
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC