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Topic: equality for structures

Jake Levinson (Sep 07 2021 at 22:32):

Here is a lemma I am stuck on:

structure bundle (B : Type) :=
  (space : Type)
  (π : space  B)

structure bundle_map {B : Type} (E F : bundle B) :=
  (map : E.space  F.space)
  (h : F.π  map = E.π)

lemma bundle_map.eq_of_map {B : Type} {E F : bundle B} (φ1 φ2 : bundle_map E F)
  (h1 : φ1.map = φ2.map) : φ1 = φ2 :
  /- invalid apply tactic, failed to unify
  φ1 = φ2
  ?m_2 = ?m_2 -/

I thought that split or cases or something should work here. For example I can prove associativity of compositions (which involves showing that two bundle_maps are equal) that way:

def bundle_map.comp {B : Type} {E F G : bundle B}
  (φ' : bundle_map F G) (φ : bundle_map E F) : bundle_map E G :=
{ map := φ'.map  φ.map,
  h   := by rw [ function.comp.assoc, φ'.h, φ.h], }
infix `∘∘`:110 := bundle_map.comp

lemma bundle_map.comp.assoc {B : Type} {E F G H : bundle B}
  (φ'' : bundle_map G H) (φ' : bundle_map F G) (φ : bundle_map E F) :
  (φ'' ∘∘ φ') ∘∘ φ = φ'' ∘∘ φ' ∘∘ φ := by split

Thanks for any help!

Kyle Miller (Sep 07 2021 at 22:35):

For this, you need an extensionality lemma. The @[ext] attribute is a way to generate one for you automatically:

structure bundle_map {B : Type} (E F : bundle B) :=
  (map : E.space  F.space)
  (h : F.π  map = E.π)

lemma bundle_map.eq_of_map {B : Type} {E F : bundle B} (φ1 φ2 : bundle_map E F)
  (h1 : φ1.map = φ2.map) : φ1 = φ2 :=
  ext x,  -- or ext1 to just do a single level; follow by `exact h1`


Kevin Buzzard (Sep 07 2021 at 22:35):

Cases works for me:

lemma bundle_map.eq_of_map {B : Type} {E F : bundle B} (φ1 φ2 : bundle_map E F)
  (h1 : φ1.map = φ2.map) : φ1 = φ2 :=
  cases φ1 with map1 h1,
  cases φ2 with map2 h2,
  simp * at *,

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 07 2021 at 22:36):

(Kyle's answer is in some sense "the same as mine", because you prove ext lemmas for structures precisely by doing cases on the components)

Jake Levinson (Sep 07 2021 at 22:37):

Thank you both!

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 07 2021 at 22:37):

PS your by split proof is bogus:

lemma bundle_map.comp.assoc {B : Type} {E F G H : bundle B}
  (φ'' : bundle_map G H) (φ' : bundle_map F G) (φ : bundle_map E F) :
  (φ'' ∘∘ φ') ∘∘ φ = φ'' ∘∘ φ' ∘∘ φ := rfl

Jake Levinson (Sep 07 2021 at 22:38):


Kevin Buzzard (Sep 07 2021 at 22:39):

split never closes goals unless they are somehow degenerate, in my experience.

Kyle Miller (Sep 07 2021 at 22:42):

Also, split is for splitting a goal that's a constructor of some kind (something with parts) -- the goal is an equality, which can't be split.

Using Kevin's direct proof, you'd want congr, like cases φ1, cases φ2, congr, exact h1,

Kyle Miller (Sep 07 2021 at 22:46):

I should have been paying more attention... you're proving the extensionality lemma that @[ext] generates of course, so my suggestion is sort of absurd.

structure bundle_map {B : Type} (E F : bundle B) :=
  (map : E.space  F.space)
  (h : F.π  map = E.π)

lemma bundle_map.eq_of_map {B : Type} {E F : bundle B} (φ1 φ2 : bundle_map E F)
  (h1 : φ1.map = φ2.map) : φ1 = φ2 := bundle_map.ext _ _ h1

Jake Levinson (Sep 07 2021 at 23:14):

Thanks Kyle and Kevin! That's very helpful.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC