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Topic: examples

Alex Zhang (Jul 11 2021 at 18:09):

How can I close the following goal?
example (h :card I = 0) (i : I) : false := sorry

Adam Topaz (Jul 11 2021 at 18:14):

We have docs#cardinal.ne_zero_iff_nonempty

Adam Topaz (Jul 11 2021 at 18:15):

And even docs#cardinal.eq_zero_iff_is_empty

Adam Topaz (Jul 11 2021 at 18:16):

Do you need more help using such lemmas?

Alex Zhang (Jul 11 2021 at 18:56):

Thanks and I will try!

Alex Zhang (Jul 15 2021 at 17:47):

This is simple to prove example (a : ℚ): - ((λ i, a) : α → ℚ) = (λ i, -a) := by {ext, simp}.
But are there any built-in lemmas pushing or pulling scalars around maps?

Kyle Miller (Jul 15 2021 at 17:53):

In this case, it turns out to be true definitionally:

example {α : Type*} (a : ): - ((λ i, a) : α  ) = (λ i, -a) := rfl

Eric Wieser (Jul 15 2021 at 18:16):


Eric Wieser (Jul 15 2021 at 18:17):

Hmm. We have docs#pi.add_def

Eric Wieser (Jul 15 2021 at 18:17):

Want to PR that missing lemma?

Alex Zhang (Jul 15 2021 at 18:19):

Yes! (but perhaps not by me :) )

Alex Zhang (Jul 15 2021 at 18:20):

Let me know when things are PRed :)

Eric Wieser (Jul 15 2021 at 18:24):

I'm guessing docs#pi.sub_def is also missing

Eric Wieser (Jul 15 2021 at 18:24):


Kyle Miller (Jul 15 2021 at 18:36):

I haven't checked -- would @[simps] be able to add these definition lemmas? I'm partly not sure if it would work at all, and partly not sure how it interacts with to_additive.

Eric Wieser (Jul 15 2021 at 18:44):

Yes, but it would mark them simp which might not be helpful

Alex Zhang (Jul 19 2021 at 09:29):

How should I prove

import tactic
example (a : ) : (a.pred) = (a) - (1 :) := by {sorry}

Anne Baanen (Jul 19 2021 at 09:30):

Some sort of docs#nat.pred_eq_sub_one followed by tactic#norm_cast?

Anne Baanen (Jul 19 2021 at 09:30):

(Note that this is only true for 0 < a)

Eric Rodriguez (Jul 19 2021 at 09:30):

0.pred = 0

Anne Baanen (Jul 19 2021 at 09:31):

In fact, there is just docs#nat.cast_pred

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 19 2021 at 09:31):

@Alex Zhang you really want to move away from nat.pred and nat.sub. They are very poorly behaved functions mathematically, and you can always rewrite in terms of addition.

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 19 2021 at 09:31):

Just like we don't use > and >= because we can rewrite in terms of < and <=.

Alex Zhang (Jul 19 2021 at 09:36):

I guess they are not provable actually as Eric pointed out.

example : (nat.pred 0) = 0 := rfl
example : 0 - (1 :) = -1 := by simp

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 19 2021 at 09:37):

Right, but the corresponding addition versions are true and provable.

Alex Zhang (Jul 19 2021 at 09:42):

I unfortunately encountered pred as I used finset.card_erase_of_mem

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 19 2021 at 09:42):

But in that situation you can prove that you're not taking pred of 0

Mario Carneiro (Jul 19 2021 at 09:42):

there are other card_erase lemmas that don't use pred I think

Mario Carneiro (Jul 19 2021 at 09:44):

looks like most users just use something along the lines of rw [finset.card_erase_of_mem, nat.pred_succ]

Alex Zhang (Jul 19 2021 at 09:45):

I am just rewriting

lemma finset.card_erase_of_mem' [decidable_eq α] {a : α} {s : finset α} :
  a  s  finset.card (finset.erase s a) + 1 = finset.card s :=

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 19 2021 at 09:45):

This is a better lemma because it's a stronger statement.

Mario Carneiro (Jul 19 2021 at 09:46):

It's not a good rewrite lemma though

Mario Carneiro (Jul 19 2021 at 09:46):

what's the #xy here? How did you get here

Alex Zhang (Jul 19 2021 at 09:51):

Mario Carneiro said:

It's not a good rewrite lemma though

perhaps change the direction?

Alex Zhang (Jul 19 2021 at 09:51):

Mario Carneiro said:

what's the #xy here? How did you get here

I am proving

import algebra.big_operators
import data.fintype.card
import data.finset.basic

open_locale big_operators

variables {I : Type*} [fintype I] [decidable_eq I]
def fn : I  I   := λ i j, ite (i = j) 0 1
lemma eg (j : I) :  (i : I), (fn i j) = fintype.card I - 1 :=
by {simp [fn, finset.sum_ite], simp [finset.filter_ne'],
  simp [finset.card_erase_of_mem],sorry}

Mario Carneiro (Jul 19 2021 at 09:52):

you have a - in the theorem statement

Mario Carneiro (Jul 19 2021 at 09:53):

how about writing it as (∑ (i : I), fn i j) + 1 = fintype.card I instead

Alex Zhang (Jul 19 2021 at 09:58):

It will not be super helpful

lemma eg (j : I) :  (i : I), (fn i j) + 1 = fintype.card I :=
by {simp [fn, finset.sum_ite], simp [finset.filter_ne'],
  simp [finset.card_erase_of_mem],sorry}

I have got around this by writing an "add" version for finset.card_erase_of_mem, which is easy.

Alex Zhang (Jul 26 2021 at 09:59):


Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2021 at 10:04):

import tactic

example (a : ) (h : a  4) (h₁ : a  1) (h₂ : a  2) : a = 4 :=
  have h2 : a  4 := nat.le_of_dvd dec_trivial h,
  interval_cases a,
  { revert h, norm_num },
  { revert h₁, norm_num },
  { revert h₂, norm_num },
  { revert h, norm_num }

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2021 at 10:06):

Even better:

import tactic

example (a : ) (h : a  4) : a  1  a  2  a = 4 :=
  have h2 : a  4 := nat.le_of_dvd dec_trivial h,
  revert h,
  interval_cases a;

Alex Zhang (Jul 26 2021 at 10:06):

Many thanks, Kevin!

Alex Zhang (Jul 26 2021 at 10:07):

I didn't know interval_cases before

Alex Zhang (Jul 26 2021 at 16:50):

How can I prove that the card of a field is >= 1?

import tactic.gptf
import data.fintype.card
import field_theory.finite.basic

variables {F : Type*} [field F] [fintype F] [decidable_eq F] (p : ) [char_p F p]

open fintype

example : 1  card F := by sorry

Alex Zhang (Jul 26 2021 at 16:53):

I got it! example : 1 ≤ card F := fintype.card_pos_iff.mpr ⟨1⟩

Alex Zhang (Aug 05 2021 at 15:19):

Is there a way to improve tauto! a little bit such that it can close goals like

import tactic
example {α} (a b c : α): a = b  b = c  ¬a = b  a = c  a = c := by tauto!

or is there any other tactic(s) that are able to close this goal?
I noticed tauto {closer := tac} in https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib_docs/tactics.html#tautology. But not sure how to use this feature.

Kevin Buzzard (Aug 05 2021 at 15:24):

import tactic
example {α} (a b c : α): a = b  b = c  ¬a = b  a = c  a = c :=
  by_cases h : a = b;
  simp [h],

I am a bit surprised that tauto! doesn't close this.

Kevin Buzzard (Aug 05 2021 at 15:25):

Oh, I guess tauto just does plain logic, and this proof needs transitivity of =.

Alex Zhang (Aug 05 2021 at 15:26):

Kevin Buzzard said:

Oh, I guess tauto just does plain logic, and this proof needs transitivity of =.


Alex Zhang (Aug 05 2021 at 15:26):

It seems that tauto {closer := tac} is able to improve it, but not quite sure about this.

Kevin Buzzard (Aug 05 2021 at 15:27):

import tactic

meta def tidytauto := `[tidy, tauto!]

example {α} (a b c : α): a = b  b = c  ¬a = b  a = c  a = c :=

Alex Zhang (Aug 05 2021 at 15:30):

I didn't know this trick for combining tactics.

Kevin Buzzard (Aug 05 2021 at 15:32):

it makes for unreadable code so it's not really used much in practice.

Alex Zhang (Aug 05 2021 at 15:37):

How can I make this a local or private definition?

Alex Zhang (Aug 05 2021 at 15:40):

and why isn't meta def tidytauto := [ tauto!, tidy]` able to close the goal?

Kevin Buzzard (Aug 05 2021 at 15:41):

because tauto! fails (rather than succeeding and leaving two goals) and tidy would only work on one goal.

Kevin Buzzard (Aug 05 2021 at 15:42):

The answer to your question is simply that tauto!, tidy does not close the goal. You can see the errors yourself.

Alex Zhang (Aug 05 2021 at 15:46):

Because tauto! is a finishing tactic, so doesn't tidy actually do anything in tauto!, tidy?

Horatiu Cheval (Aug 05 2021 at 17:43):

I always thought such things like tidytauto should be in the tactic.interactive namespace. Why isn't it the case? It seems all my rudimentary knowledge about tactics is wrong :)

Alex Zhang (Aug 22 2021 at 22:37):

How can I prove that

import field_theory.finite.basic
example {F : Type*} [fintype F] [has_zero F] [decidable_eq F] :
fintype.card {a : F // a = 0} = 1 := sorry

Eric Rodriguez (Aug 22 2021 at 22:40):


Eric Rodriguez (Aug 22 2021 at 22:40):

actually, simp does it - did you even try that?

Alex Zhang (Aug 22 2021 at 22:47):

I don't think simp itself will do. I tried simp.

Alex Zhang (Aug 22 2021 at 22:48):

simp [fintype.card_eq_one_iff] closes the goal!

Eric Rodriguez (Aug 22 2021 at 23:12):

Simp works on my local machine. Are uou on the latest mathlib?

Alex Zhang (Aug 22 2021 at 23:18):

No. Thanks for letting me know this! :)

Alex Zhang (Aug 24 2021 at 12:34):

Is "b⁻¹ *_ is an equivalence for nonzero b in a field " established in mathib?

Anne Baanen (Aug 24 2021 at 12:40):

I don't think so, but here's a quick bit of code:

def units.mul_equiv {M : Type*} [monoid M] (u : units M) : M  M :=
{ to_fun := (*) u,
  inv_fun := (*) u⁻¹,
  left_inv := λ x, by simp,
  right_inv := λ x, by simp }

def group_with_zero.nonzero_mul_equiv {G : Type*} [group_with_zero G] (b : G) (hb : b  0) : G  G :=
(units.mk0 b hb).mul_equiv

Anne Baanen (Aug 24 2021 at 12:45):

In particular, these are linear equivs if you have an algebra structure:

def units.mul_lequiv {R A : Type*} [comm_semiring R] [semiring A] [algebra R A] (u : units A) : A ≃ₗ[R] A :=
{ .. u.mul_equiv,
  .. algebra.lmul R A u }

def group_with_zero.nonzero_mul_lequiv {R F : Type*} [comm_semiring R] [field F] [algebra R F]
  (b : F) (hb : b  0) : F ≃ₗ[R] F :=
(units.mk0 b hb).mul_lequiv

Eric Wieser (Aug 24 2021 at 14:13):

docs#equiv.mul_left, docs#equiv.mul_left'?

Anne Baanen (Aug 24 2021 at 14:17):

That's weird, I tried various permutations of library_search and grep equiv.l?mul but couldn't find these.

Eric Wieser (Aug 24 2021 at 14:42):

And even docs#order_iso.mul_left

Eric Wieser (Aug 24 2021 at 14:46):

I don't know if we have the add_equiv version for division rings

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC