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Topic: examples
Alex Zhang (Jul 11 2021 at 18:09):
How can I close the following goal?
example (h :card I = 0) (i : I) : false := sorry
Adam Topaz (Jul 11 2021 at 18:14):
We have docs#cardinal.ne_zero_iff_nonempty
Adam Topaz (Jul 11 2021 at 18:15):
And even docs#cardinal.eq_zero_iff_is_empty
Adam Topaz (Jul 11 2021 at 18:16):
Do you need more help using such lemmas?
Alex Zhang (Jul 11 2021 at 18:56):
Thanks and I will try!
Alex Zhang (Jul 15 2021 at 17:47):
This is simple to prove example (a : ℚ): - ((λ i, a) : α → ℚ) = (λ i, -a) := by {ext, simp}
But are there any built-in lemmas pushing or pulling scalars around maps?
Kyle Miller (Jul 15 2021 at 17:53):
In this case, it turns out to be true definitionally:
example {α : Type*} (a : ℚ): - ((λ i, a) : α → ℚ) = (λ i, -a) := rfl
Eric Wieser (Jul 15 2021 at 18:16):
Eric Wieser (Jul 15 2021 at 18:17):
Hmm. We have docs#pi.add_def
Eric Wieser (Jul 15 2021 at 18:17):
Want to PR that missing lemma?
Alex Zhang (Jul 15 2021 at 18:19):
Yes! (but perhaps not by me :) )
Alex Zhang (Jul 15 2021 at 18:20):
Let me know when things are PRed :)
Eric Wieser (Jul 15 2021 at 18:24):
I'm guessing docs#pi.sub_def is also missing
Eric Wieser (Jul 15 2021 at 18:24):
Kyle Miller (Jul 15 2021 at 18:36):
I haven't checked -- would @[simps]
be able to add these definition lemmas? I'm partly not sure if it would work at all, and partly not sure how it interacts with to_additive
Eric Wieser (Jul 15 2021 at 18:44):
Yes, but it would mark them simp which might not be helpful
Alex Zhang (Jul 19 2021 at 09:29):
How should I prove
import tactic
example (a : ℕ) : ↑(a.pred) = ↑(a) - (1 :ℚ) := by {sorry}
Anne Baanen (Jul 19 2021 at 09:30):
Some sort of docs#nat.pred_eq_sub_one followed by tactic#norm_cast?
Anne Baanen (Jul 19 2021 at 09:30):
(Note that this is only true for 0 < a
Eric Rodriguez (Jul 19 2021 at 09:30):
0.pred = 0
Anne Baanen (Jul 19 2021 at 09:31):
In fact, there is just docs#nat.cast_pred
Kevin Buzzard (Jul 19 2021 at 09:31):
@Alex Zhang you really want to move away from nat.pred
and nat.sub
. They are very poorly behaved functions mathematically, and you can always rewrite in terms of addition.
Kevin Buzzard (Jul 19 2021 at 09:31):
Just like we don't use > and >= because we can rewrite in terms of < and <=.
Alex Zhang (Jul 19 2021 at 09:36):
I guess they are not provable actually as Eric pointed out.
example : (nat.pred 0) = 0 := rfl
example : 0 - (1 :ℚ) = -1 := by simp
Kevin Buzzard (Jul 19 2021 at 09:37):
Right, but the corresponding addition versions are true and provable.
Alex Zhang (Jul 19 2021 at 09:42):
I unfortunately encountered pred
as I used finset.card_erase_of_mem
Kevin Buzzard (Jul 19 2021 at 09:42):
But in that situation you can prove that you're not taking pred of 0
Mario Carneiro (Jul 19 2021 at 09:42):
there are other card_erase lemmas that don't use pred I think
Mario Carneiro (Jul 19 2021 at 09:44):
looks like most users just use something along the lines of rw [finset.card_erase_of_mem, nat.pred_succ]
Alex Zhang (Jul 19 2021 at 09:45):
I am just rewriting
lemma finset.card_erase_of_mem' [decidable_eq α] {a : α} {s : finset α} :
a ∈ s → finset.card (finset.erase s a) + 1 = finset.card s :=
Kevin Buzzard (Jul 19 2021 at 09:45):
This is a better lemma because it's a stronger statement.
Mario Carneiro (Jul 19 2021 at 09:46):
It's not a good rewrite lemma though
Mario Carneiro (Jul 19 2021 at 09:46):
what's the #xy here? How did you get here
Alex Zhang (Jul 19 2021 at 09:51):
Mario Carneiro said:
It's not a good rewrite lemma though
perhaps change the direction?
Alex Zhang (Jul 19 2021 at 09:51):
Mario Carneiro said:
what's the #xy here? How did you get here
I am proving
import algebra.big_operators
import data.fintype.card
import data.finset.basic
open_locale big_operators
variables {I : Type*} [fintype I] [decidable_eq I]
def fn : I → I → ℚ := λ i j, ite (i = j) 0 1
lemma eg (j : I) : ∑ (i : I), (fn i j) = fintype.card I - 1 :=
by {simp [fn, finset.sum_ite], simp [finset.filter_ne'],
simp [finset.card_erase_of_mem],sorry}
Mario Carneiro (Jul 19 2021 at 09:52):
you have a -
in the theorem statement
Mario Carneiro (Jul 19 2021 at 09:53):
how about writing it as (∑ (i : I), fn i j) + 1 = fintype.card I
Alex Zhang (Jul 19 2021 at 09:58):
It will not be super helpful
lemma eg (j : I) : ∑ (i : I), (fn i j) + 1 = fintype.card I :=
by {simp [fn, finset.sum_ite], simp [finset.filter_ne'],
simp [finset.card_erase_of_mem],sorry}
I have got around this by writing an "add" version for finset.card_erase_of_mem
, which is easy.
Alex Zhang (Jul 26 2021 at 09:59):
Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2021 at 10:04):
import tactic
example (a : ℕ) (h : a ∣ 4) (h₁ : a ≠ 1) (h₂ : a ≠ 2) : a = 4 :=
have h2 : a ≤ 4 := nat.le_of_dvd dec_trivial h,
interval_cases a,
{ revert h, norm_num },
{ revert h₁, norm_num },
{ revert h₂, norm_num },
{ revert h, norm_num }
Kevin Buzzard (Jul 26 2021 at 10:06):
Even better:
import tactic
example (a : ℕ) (h : a ∣ 4) : a ≠ 1 → a ≠ 2 → a = 4 :=
have h2 : a ≤ 4 := nat.le_of_dvd dec_trivial h,
revert h,
interval_cases a;
Alex Zhang (Jul 26 2021 at 10:06):
Many thanks, Kevin!
Alex Zhang (Jul 26 2021 at 10:07):
I didn't know interval_cases
Alex Zhang (Jul 26 2021 at 16:50):
How can I prove that the card
of a field is >= 1
import tactic.gptf
import data.fintype.card
import field_theory.finite.basic
variables {F : Type*} [field F] [fintype F] [decidable_eq F] (p : ℕ) [char_p F p]
open fintype
example : 1 ≤ card F := by sorry
Alex Zhang (Jul 26 2021 at 16:53):
I got it! example : 1 ≤ card F := fintype.card_pos_iff.mpr ⟨1⟩
Alex Zhang (Aug 05 2021 at 15:19):
Is there a way to improve tauto!
a little bit such that it can close goals like
import tactic
example {α} (a b c : α): a = b ∧ b = c ∨ ¬a = b ∧ a = c ↔ a = c := by tauto!
or is there any other tactic(s) that are able to close this goal?
I noticed tauto {closer := tac}
in https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib_docs/tactics.html#tautology. But not sure how to use this feature.
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 05 2021 at 15:24):
import tactic
example {α} (a b c : α): a = b ∧ b = c ∨ ¬a = b ∧ a = c ↔ a = c :=
by_cases h : a = b;
simp [h],
I am a bit surprised that tauto!
doesn't close this.
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 05 2021 at 15:25):
Oh, I guess tauto
just does plain logic, and this proof needs transitivity of =.
Alex Zhang (Aug 05 2021 at 15:26):
Kevin Buzzard said:
Oh, I guess
just does plain logic, and this proof needs transitivity of =.
Alex Zhang (Aug 05 2021 at 15:26):
It seems that tauto {closer := tac}
is able to improve it, but not quite sure about this.
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 05 2021 at 15:27):
import tactic
meta def tidytauto := `[tidy, tauto!]
example {α} (a b c : α): a = b ∧ b = c ∨ ¬a = b ∧ a = c ↔ a = c :=
Alex Zhang (Aug 05 2021 at 15:30):
I didn't know this trick for combining tactics.
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 05 2021 at 15:32):
it makes for unreadable code so it's not really used much in practice.
Alex Zhang (Aug 05 2021 at 15:37):
How can I make this a local or private definition?
Alex Zhang (Aug 05 2021 at 15:40):
and why isn't meta def tidytauto :=
[ tauto!, tidy]` able to close the goal?
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 05 2021 at 15:41):
because tauto!
fails (rather than succeeding and leaving two goals) and tidy
would only work on one goal.
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 05 2021 at 15:42):
The answer to your question is simply that tauto!, tidy
does not close the goal. You can see the errors yourself.
Alex Zhang (Aug 05 2021 at 15:46):
Because tauto!
is a finishing tactic, so doesn't tidy
actually do anything in tauto!, tidy
Horatiu Cheval (Aug 05 2021 at 17:43):
I always thought such things like tidytauto
should be in the tactic.interactive
namespace. Why isn't it the case? It seems all my rudimentary knowledge about tactics is wrong :)
Alex Zhang (Aug 22 2021 at 22:37):
How can I prove that
import field_theory.finite.basic
example {F : Type*} [fintype F] [has_zero F] [decidable_eq F] :
fintype.card {a : F // a = 0} = 1 := sorry
Eric Rodriguez (Aug 22 2021 at 22:40):
Eric Rodriguez (Aug 22 2021 at 22:40):
actually, simp
does it - did you even try that?
Alex Zhang (Aug 22 2021 at 22:47):
I don't think simp
itself will do. I tried simp
Alex Zhang (Aug 22 2021 at 22:48):
simp [fintype.card_eq_one_iff]
closes the goal!
Eric Rodriguez (Aug 22 2021 at 23:12):
Simp works on my local machine. Are uou on the latest mathlib?
Alex Zhang (Aug 22 2021 at 23:18):
No. Thanks for letting me know this! :)
Alex Zhang (Aug 24 2021 at 12:34):
Is "b⁻¹ *_
is an equivalence for nonzero b
in a field " established in mathib?
Anne Baanen (Aug 24 2021 at 12:40):
I don't think so, but here's a quick bit of code:
def units.mul_equiv {M : Type*} [monoid M] (u : units M) : M ≃ M :=
{ to_fun := (*) u,
inv_fun := (*) ↑u⁻¹,
left_inv := λ x, by simp,
right_inv := λ x, by simp }
def group_with_zero.nonzero_mul_equiv {G : Type*} [group_with_zero G] (b : G) (hb : b ≠ 0) : G ≃ G :=
(units.mk0 b hb).mul_equiv
Anne Baanen (Aug 24 2021 at 12:45):
In particular, these are linear equivs if you have an algebra structure:
def units.mul_lequiv {R A : Type*} [comm_semiring R] [semiring A] [algebra R A] (u : units A) : A ≃ₗ[R] A :=
{ .. u.mul_equiv,
.. algebra.lmul R A u }
def group_with_zero.nonzero_mul_lequiv {R F : Type*} [comm_semiring R] [field F] [algebra R F]
(b : F) (hb : b ≠ 0) : F ≃ₗ[R] F :=
(units.mk0 b hb).mul_lequiv
Eric Wieser (Aug 24 2021 at 14:13):
docs#equiv.mul_left, docs#equiv.mul_left'?
Anne Baanen (Aug 24 2021 at 14:17):
That's weird, I tried various permutations of library_search
and grep equiv.l?mul
but couldn't find these.
Eric Wieser (Aug 24 2021 at 14:42):
And even docs#order_iso.mul_left
Eric Wieser (Aug 24 2021 at 14:46):
I don't know if we have the add_equiv version for division rings
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC