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Topic: extract a filtered-out element from a finset

Evan Lohn (Dec 31 2021 at 11:44):

Hi, I proved a small fact about finsets and was wondering if there is a better/shorter way to do it. For any finset, if filtering with some predicate p removes some elements, then elements of p that do not satisfy p exist.

import data.finset.basic
import data.finset.card

lemma extract_filtered_element {α : Type*} {p: α  Prop} {s: finset α} [decidable_pred p] (h: finset.card (finset.filter p s) < finset.card s):
 x  s, ¬ p x :=
  nth_rewrite 1  finset.filter_card_add_filter_neg_card_eq_card p at h,
  nth_rewrite 0  add_zero (finset.filter p s).card at h,
  have := lt_of_add_lt_add_left h,
  rw finset.card_pos at this,
  cases this with x hx,
  use x,
  rw finset.mem_filter at hx,
  exact hx,

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 31 2021 at 12:03):

You could probably do the last four lines in one line using this.1 and pointy brackets

Ruben Van de Velde (Dec 31 2021 at 12:24):

Not with this.1, since this is an existential, but this works:

import data.finset.basic
import data.finset.card

lemma extract_filtered_element {α : Type*} {p: α  Prop} {s: finset α} [decidable_pred p] (h: finset.card (finset.filter p s) < finset.card s):
 x  s, ¬ p x :=
  nth_rewrite 1  finset.filter_card_add_filter_neg_card_eq_card p at h,
  nth_rewrite 0  add_zero (finset.filter p s).card at h,
  have := lt_of_add_lt_add_left h,
  rw [finset.card_pos, finset.nonempty] at this,
  exact exists_imp_exists (λ x hx, exists_prop.mpr (finset.mem_filter.mp hx)) this,

Patrick Johnson (Dec 31 2021 at 13:08):

You can also prove it using docs#finset.card_le_card_of_inj_on:

example {α : Type*} {p : α  Prop} {s : finset α}
  (h : (finset.filter p s).card < s.card) :
   x  s, ¬p x :=
  contrapose! h, exact finset.card_le_card_of_inj_on id
  (λa h₁, by rw finset.mem_filter; exact h₁, h _ h₁⟩) (by simp)

Yakov Pechersky (Dec 31 2021 at 13:44):

This lemma should be stated using docs#finset.nonempty

Eric Wieser (Jan 01 2022 at 00:17):

It should be an iff too, right?

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC