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Topic: filtering on a predicate with quantifiers
Jared green (Oct 13 2021 at 17:32):
i'm still working on what i was yesterday, this is the first issue i'm stuck on.
structure bitnode :=
mk :: (value : bool)
(indices : list (ℕ × ℕ)) --these pointers indicate what it is connected to
(isconstant : bool)
(considered : bool)
structure gatenode :=
mk :: (valence : ℕ)
(possib : list ( vector bool valence))
(state : bool × (vector (bool) valence)) --the fst of this indicates that the front of consideration has passed the node
(indices : vector ℕ valence)
def tables (s:satnet)(g: ℕ ) : list ℕ × list (list bool) := --make a table listing all the ways that nextbits could be,
--given the last table in s.tablesequence and the gate at index g
let set: list ℕ :=
list.erase_dup (list.append s.nextbits ((([g].filter_map (list.nth s.gts)).filter (λx,true) ).bind (λx,x.indices.1)) )
subset : list (list bool) :=
list.filter (λx ,( --why does this fail?
∀ a ∈ s.bts, b, c: ℕ , d ∈ ([nat.sub s.tablesequence.length 1].filter_map(list.nth s.tablesequence) ).head.2,
list.nth s.bts (list.nth (([g].filter_map(list.nth s.gts)).head.indices.1) b) = a
→ list.nth s.bts (list.nth (([nat.sub s.tablesequence.length 1].filter_map(list.nth s.tablesequence) ).head.1) c) = a
→ ¬ list.nth d c = x
) )
(gatenode.possib (list.nth s.gts g)),
expset : list list bool := list.foldr λz,(list.concat z) [] (list.map λx,( list.map λy,(list.append x y))
(prod.snd (list.nth s.tablesequence (nat.sub (list.length s.tablesequence) 1))) (subset))
list.erase_dup (list.transpose (list.map prod.snd (list.erase_dup ( list.filter (λx,( (list.fst x ∈ (set))))
list.zip ( list.append (prod.fst (list.nth s.tablesequence (nat.sub (list.length s.tablesequence) 1)))
(gatenode.indices (list.nth s.gts g)) ) list.transpose (list.erase_dup expset) ) ) ) )
Mario Carneiro (Oct 13 2021 at 18:21):
you are missing some imports
Jared green (Oct 13 2021 at 18:33):
the imports are exactly the same as before. what am i missing?
Mario Carneiro (Oct 13 2021 at 18:34):
when making a #mwe it is good to put all the imports in, instead of making people follow along with the history, especially if you change topics/streams
Mario Carneiro (Oct 13 2021 at 18:36):
Here's some cleanup; the types aren't quite working yet. I don't know how you can write so much code with such a high density of syntax errors... You should address the syntax errors before you continue on to more stuff, or else you will just get uninformative errors from lean
import data.list
import data.vector.basic
import data.prod
open classical
variables a b c d: Type
@[derive inhabited]
structure bitnode :=
mk :: (value : bool)
(indices : list (ℕ × ℕ)) --these pointers indicate what it is connected to
(isconstant : bool)
(considered : bool)
@[derive inhabited]
structure gatenode :=
mk :: (valence : ℕ)
(possib : list ( vector bool valence))
(state : bool × (vector (bool) valence)) --the fst of this indicates that the front of consideration has passed the node
(indices : vector ℕ valence)
structure satnet := --i use an undirected graph representation of a sat instance,
--implemented as lists with indices as pointers
mk:: (bts : list bitnode)(gts : list gatenode)
(nextbits : list ℕ)(nextgates : list ℕ)(table : list ℕ × list (list bool))
(tablesequence: list (list ℕ × list (list bool)))
def tables (s:satnet)(g: ℕ ) : list ℕ × list (list bool) := --make a table listing all the ways that nextbits could be,
--given the last table in s.tablesequence and the gate at index g
let set: list ℕ :=
list.erase_dup (s.nextbits ++ (([g].filter_map (list.nth s.gts)).filter (λx,true) ).bind (λx,x.indices.1))
subset : list (list bool) :=
(gatenode.possib (list.inth s.gts g)).filter $ λ x,
∀ (a ∈ s.bts) (b c: ℕ) (d ∈ (s.tablesequence.inth (s.tablesequence.length - 1)).2),
s.bts.inth (list.inth (([g].map (list.inth s.gts)).head.indices.1) b) = a
→ s.bts.inth (list.inth (s.tablesequence.inth (s.tablesequence.length - 1)).1 c) = a
→ ¬ list.inth d c = x,
expset : list (list bool) :=
list.foldr (λz, list.concat z) [] $
list.map (λx, list.map (λy, x ++ y))
(s.tablesequence.inth (list.length s.tablesequence - 1)).2 subset
list.erase_dup (list.transpose (list.map prod.snd (list.erase_dup ( list.filter (λx,( (list.fst x ∈ (set))))
list.zip ( list.append (prod.fst (list.nth s.tablesequence (nat.sub (list.length s.tablesequence) 1)))
(gatenode.indices (list.nth s.gts g)) ) list.transpose (list.erase_dup expset) ) ) ) )
Mario Carneiro (Oct 13 2021 at 18:37):
By using @[derive inhabited]
on all the types, it means we can use list.inth
instead of struggling with list.nth
all the time
Mario Carneiro (Oct 13 2021 at 18:54):
Okay, here's a version that works, except for a decidability requirement because you are filtering by a predicate that has an unbounded quantification ∀ (b c: ℕ),
in it
-- make a table listing all the ways that nextbits could be,
-- given the last table in s.tablesequence and the gate at index g
def tables (s : satnet) (g : ℕ) : list ℕ × list (list bool) :=
let set: list ℕ := (s.nextbits ++ (s.gts.inth g).indices.1).erase_dup in
let subset : list (list bool) :=
((s.gts.inth g).possib.map subtype.val).filter $ λ x,
∀ (a ∈ s.bts) (b c: ℕ) (d ∈ s.tablesequence.last'.iget.2),
s.bts.inth ((s.gts.inth g).indices.1.inth b) = a
→ s.bts.inth (s.tablesequence.last'.iget.1.inth c) = a
→ ¬ list.inth (sorry /-d-/) c = x in
let expset : list (list bool) :=
subset.bind $ λ x, s.tablesequence.last'.iget.2.map (λ y, x ++ y) in
list.erase_dup $ list.transpose $ list.map prod.snd $ list.erase_dup $
list.filter (λ x, x.1 ∈ set) $
(s.tablesequence.last'.iget.1 ++ (s.gts.inth g).indices.1).zip expset.erase_dup.transpose)
Mario Carneiro (Oct 13 2021 at 18:55):
also the use of d
at the sorry
is a type error
Jared green (Oct 13 2021 at 19:04):
why isnt d being used directly there
Mario Carneiro (Oct 13 2021 at 19:04):
I commented it out since it's not the right type
Mario Carneiro (Oct 13 2021 at 19:04):
I don't understand the code well enough to suggest a fix
Mario Carneiro (Oct 13 2021 at 19:05):
but d
has type list bool
and the sorry
has type list (list bool)
Mario Carneiro (Oct 13 2021 at 19:06):
it could also be that x
has the wrong type (it is list bool
Jared green (Oct 13 2021 at 19:06):
both x and d should have type list bool
Mario Carneiro (Oct 13 2021 at 19:06):
then what does it mean to say d.inth c = x
Jared green (Oct 13 2021 at 19:08):
with d being the row of the truth table, c picks out the column
Mario Carneiro (Oct 13 2021 at 19:08):
that's a bool
Jared green (Oct 13 2021 at 19:08):
whats a bool
Mario Carneiro (Oct 13 2021 at 19:08):
so why is it being equated to x
which is a list bool
Mario Carneiro (Oct 13 2021 at 19:08):
d.inth c = x
is a type error
Jared green (Oct 13 2021 at 19:10):
i should have equated it to an element of x
Jared green (Oct 13 2021 at 19:11):
that with the index b
Mario Carneiro (Oct 13 2021 at 19:17):
ok, this typechecks
def tables (s : satnet) (g : ℕ) : list ℕ × list (list bool) :=
let set: list ℕ := (s.nextbits ++ (s.gts.inth g).indices.1).erase_dup in
let subset : list (list bool) :=
((s.gts.inth g).possib.map subtype.val).filter $ λ x,
∀ (a ∈ s.bts) (b < x.length) (d ∈ s.tablesequence.last'.iget.2) (c < list.length d),
s.bts.inth ((s.gts.inth g).indices.1.inth b) = a →
s.bts.inth (s.tablesequence.last'.iget.1.inth c) = a →
¬ d.inth c = x.inth b in
let expset : list (list bool) :=
subset.bind $ λ x, s.tablesequence.last'.iget.2.map (λ y, x ++ y) in
list.erase_dup $ list.transpose $ list.map prod.snd $ list.erase_dup $
list.filter (λ x, x.1 ∈ set) $
(s.tablesequence.last'.iget.1 ++ (s.gts.inth g).indices.1).zip expset.erase_dup.transpose)
Double check the bounds on b
and c
. There are two equalities of bitnode
s here (a
is a bitnode
), so you have to derive decidable_eq
on bitnode to make it work:
@[derive [inhabited, decidable_eq]]
structure bitnode :=
mk :: (value : bool)
(indices : list (ℕ × ℕ)) --these pointers indicate what it is connected to
(isconstant : bool)
(considered : bool)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC