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Topic: finrank K (E.map f) = finrank K E
Sebastian Monnet (Jan 08 2022 at 17:28):
I'm trying to get rid of the sorry in this proof:
import field_theory.galois
lemma eq_of_map_le {K L : Type*} [field K] [field L] [algebra K L] {E : intermediate_field K L}
{f : L →ₐ[K] L} (h_findim : finite_dimensional K E) (h_map_le : E.map f ≤ E) :
E.map f = E :=
have h_finrank_eq : finite_dimensional.finrank K (E.map f) =
finite_dimensional.finrank K E,
have h_submod_le : (E.map f).to_subalgebra.to_submodule ≤ E.to_subalgebra.to_submodule,
exact h_map_le,
haveI hE_submod_fin : finite_dimensional K E.to_subalgebra.to_submodule,
exact h_findim,
exact intermediate_field.to_subalgebra_eq_iff.mp (subalgebra.to_submodule_injective
(finite_dimensional.eq_of_le_of_finrank_eq h_map_le h_finrank_eq)),
The maths argument is that f
is bijective and K
-linear, so it's a K
-isomorphism. Can anyone see a good way to do this? It feels like it must be straightforward, but I haven't been able to find anything useful in mathlib.
Kevin Buzzard (Jan 08 2022 at 17:46):
You're not assuming f is bijective and in this generality it need not be. Why not prove that E.map f
and E are isomorphic? This only needs injectivity.
Sebastian Monnet (Jan 08 2022 at 18:13):
Sorry, I mean that f
is injective as a map E \to E.map f
. Yeah I guess I'm wondering if the isomorphism between E
and E.map f
is in mathlib
Eric Wieser (Jan 09 2022 at 08:26):
Something like docs#submonoid.equiv_map_of_injective?
Eric Wieser (Jan 09 2022 at 08:32):
Ideally it would be stated as equiv_of_left_inverse
Eric Wieser (Jan 09 2022 at 08:33):
As then we could implement docs#mul_equiv.map_submonoid in terms of it
Sebastian Monnet (Jan 09 2022 at 12:56):
Do you think I can use submonoid.equiv_map_of_injective
directly, or should I prove an analogue for subalgebras/vector spaces?
Kevin Buzzard (Jan 09 2022 at 13:15):
I think you need an analogue. Just because some map is an isomorphism of add_monoids underlying vector spaces doesn't mean that the dimensions are equal.
Eric Wieser (Jan 09 2022 at 13:41):
Most likely we have something analogous for submodule already (docs#submodule.equiv_map_of_injective?)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC