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Topic: finset of subtype from filter

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Sep 25 2018 at 06:40):

I don't have a good feeling for how to manipulate subtypes. How do I do this?

variables {α : Type*} [decidable_eq α] [fintype α]

def foo (m X : finset α) : finset (finset {x : α // x  X}) :=
m.filter (λ I, I  X) -- wrong type: finset (finset α)

I messed around with map and subtype.mk to no avail.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 25 2018 at 06:45):

I would suggest using filter_map, but I guess there is no filter_map on multiset

Mario Carneiro (Sep 25 2018 at 06:47):

I get the sense you are asking the wrong question. Why do you need this?

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Sep 25 2018 at 06:50):

I'm trying to redefine a restriction function on matroids; my original implementation used a bunch of subset hypotheses and I got the impression from what you said earlier that working with fintypes might be easier. So far everything else has indeed gotten simpler.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 25 2018 at 06:53):

I think instead of a subset relation, you want an injective function in that definition (or possibly its partial inverse function)

Mario Carneiro (Sep 25 2018 at 06:55):

also, this definition doesn't typecheck, not even loosely:

def foo (m X : finset α) : finset (finset {x : α // x ∈ X}) :=
m.filter (λ I, I ⊆ X) -- wrong type: finset (finset α)

m here is a finset α so if you filter over it you get elements of α, which can't be subsets of X

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Sep 25 2018 at 06:56):

Oh damn, I meant to have m: finset (finset α). Sorry about that.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 25 2018 at 06:59):

This works, but it won't be so easy to work with

def finset.filter_map {α β} [decidable_eq β]
  (f : α  option β) (s : finset α) : finset β :=
(s.1.filter_map f).to_finset

def foo (m : finset (finset α)) (X : finset α) : finset (finset {x : α // x  X}) :=
m.filter_map $ λ I, if h:_ then some
  I.1.pmap (λ x h', x, h') h,
   multiset.nodup_pmap (λ _ _ _ _, subtype.mk_eq_mk.1) I.2 else none

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Sep 25 2018 at 07:06):

I'm not sure what you had in mind for using an injective function instead but the theorems and definitions are naturally phrased in terms of subsets. The whole theory is basically about relations between collections of subsets of some "ground set".

Thanks for the code! I'll see how far I can get with this.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 25 2018 at 07:07):

I guess the point of using fintype is to get away from the "ground set"

Mario Carneiro (Sep 25 2018 at 07:07):

because type theory supplies you with a "ground set" already, that is, the whole type

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Sep 25 2018 at 07:08):

Right. It looks like it could be awkward whenever we want to change the ground set though.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 25 2018 at 07:08):

That's what the injective function is for

Mario Carneiro (Sep 25 2018 at 07:08):

In type theory you want to think about subsets as monos in the category theory sense

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Sep 26 2018 at 21:31):

I tried working more with finsets of subtypes and found myself needing a whole bunch of stuff like the following:

import data.fintype

open finset
variables {α : Type*} [decidable_eq α] [fintype α]

def finset_embed {X : finset α} (S : finset {x // x  X}) : finset α :=
S.map $ function.embedding.subtype _

lemma finset_embed_inj {X : finset α} : function.injective
  (λ (S : finset {x // x  X}), finset_embed S):=
  unfold function.injective,
  intros S T h,
  simp [ext] at h ,
  intros a ha,
  simp [finset_embed, function.embedding.subtype] at h,
  exact iff.intro (λ H, exists.elim ((h a).mp (exists.intro ha H)) (λ ha_, id))
    (λ H, exists.elim ((h a).mpr (exists.intro ha H)) (λ ha_, id))

instance finset_embed_coe (X : finset α) : has_coe (finset {x : α // x  X}) (finset α) :=

instance finset_finset_embed_coe (X : finset α) : has_coe (finset (finset {x : α // x  X})) (finset (finset α)) :=
⟨λ (S : finset (finset {a // a  X})), S.map $ finset_embed, finset_embed_inj⟩⟩

lemma finset_embed_mem {X : finset α} {S : finset {a : α // a  X}} {x : {a : α // a  X}} :
  x  S  x.val  (S : finset α) :=

lemma finset_embed_subset {X : finset α} {x y : finset {a // a  X}} :
  x  y  x  (y : finset α) :=

lemma finset_embed_univ {X : finset α} (x : finset {a // a  X}) : x  X :=

lemma finset_embed_card {X : finset α} (x : finset {a // a  X}) : card x = card (x : finset α) :=

/-- def by Mario Carneiro -/
def finset.filter_map {α β} [decidable_eq β] (f : α  option β) (s : finset α) : finset β :=
(s.1.filter_map f).to_finset

/-- def by Mario Carneiro -/
def restriction (m : finset (finset α)) (X : finset α) : finset (finset {x : α // x  X}) :=
m.filter_map $ λ I, if h : _ then some
  I.1.pmap (λ x h', x, h') h,
    multiset.nodup_pmap (λ _ _ _ _, subtype.mk_eq_mk.1) I.2 else none

lemma mem_restriction {m : finset (finset α)} {X : finset α} {x : finset {y : α // y  X}} :
x  restriction m X  x  m  x  X :=

lemma aux {X : finset α} {e : α} {x : finset {a // a  X} } {h : e  X} : insert e x = ((insert (subtype.mk e h) x) : finset α) := sorry

I feel like I might be going about this all wrong. Recall that what I'm ultimately trying to do is reprove this stuff using fintypes rather than carrying around a bunch of (hX : X ⊆ E) everywhere.

Is there a file in mathlib that takes this approach via monomorphisms to subobjects that I could study, or could someone give me a motivational explanation? In e.g. subgroup.lean it looks like there's a new class is_subgroup but I don't see how that fits.

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Sep 27 2018 at 04:08):

Update: I was able to prove almost all of the above. Just stuck on mem_restriction, which I realized should just be:

lemma mem_restriction {m : finset (finset α)} {X : finset α} {x : finset {y : α // y  X}} :
x  restriction m X  x  m :=

Mario Carneiro (Sep 27 2018 at 04:20):

I still think you should not be dealing with subtypes so much. I assume your definition looks like this now?

structure indep (α : Type*) [decidable_eq α] :=
(indep : finset (finset α))
-- (I1)
(empty_mem_indep : ∅ ∈ indep)
-- (I2)
(indep_of_subset_indep {x y} (hx : x ∈ indep) (hyx : y ⊆ x) : y ∈ indep)
-- (I3)
(indep_exch {x y} (hx : x ∈ indep) (hy : y ∈ indep) (hcard : card x < card y)
    : ∃ e ∈ y \ x, insert e x ∈ indep)

Mario Carneiro (Sep 27 2018 at 04:27):

Also, I notice that this notion of restriction just throws away sets that are not in the subset, rather than taking an intersection like in topology. Is this the same?

Mario Carneiro (Sep 27 2018 at 04:31):

Ah, yes it is because of the subset axiom. If A ∈ I is an independent set and E is the subset, then A ∩ E ∈ I as well by the subset axiom, so the set of independent sets that are subsets of E is also the set of intersections of E with independent sets in I

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Sep 27 2018 at 04:44):

That's right. What do you suggest instead of subtypes?

Mario Carneiro (Sep 27 2018 at 04:51):

filter_map, like before. Here's what I've got so far:

@[simp] theorem finset.mem_filter_map {α β} [decidable_eq β] {f : α → option β} {s : finset α}
  {b : β} : b ∈ s.filter_map f ↔ ∃ a ∈ s, b ∈ f a :=
by simp [finset.filter_map]; refl

def {u v} indep.filter_map {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β] (f : α → option β)
  (m : indep α) : indep β :=
{ indep := m.indep.image (finset.filter_map f),
  empty_mem_indep := finset.mem_image.2 ⟨∅, m.empty_mem_indep, rfl⟩,
  indep_of_subset_indep := λ x y, begin
    rw [mem_image, mem_image],
    rintro ⟨x, hx, rfl⟩ xy,
    refine ⟨x.filter (λ a, ∃ b ∈ f a, b ∈ y),
      m.indep_of_subset_indep hx (filter_subset _), _⟩,
    ext b, simp; split,
    { rintro ⟨a, ⟨ha, b', hb', hy⟩, hb⟩,
      rcases option.some_inj.1 (hb.symm.trans hb'),
      exact hy },
    { intro hb,
      rcases finset.mem_filter_map.1 (xy hb) with ⟨a, ha, ab⟩,
      exact ⟨a, ⟨ha, b, ab, hb⟩, ab⟩ }
  indep_exch := λ x y, begin

  end }

Mario Carneiro (Sep 27 2018 at 04:56):

How important is it that this theory be constructive? Are you trying to construct an algorithm, or are you trying to avoid LEM, or does it not matter?

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Sep 27 2018 at 05:02):

Here's my version of that, using the lemmas I listed above:

def restriction (m : indep α) (X : finset α) : indep {x : α // x  X} :=
indep_of_restriction m X,
mem_restriction.mpr m.empty_mem_indep,
λ x y hx hyx, have hx' : x  m.indep := mem_restriction.mp hx,
  have hyx' : y  (x : finset α) := finset_embed_subset.mp hyx,
  mem_restriction.mpr (m.indep_of_subset_indep hx' hyx'),
by { intros x y hx hy hcard,
  have hx' : _ := mem_restriction.mp hx, have hy' : _ := mem_restriction.mp hy,
  have hcard' : card (x : finset α) < card y := calc
    card (x : finset α) = card x : (finset_embed_card x).symm
    ... < card y : hcard
    ... = card y : finset_embed_card y,
  have H : _ := m.indep_exch hx' hy' hcard',
  exact exists.elim H (by { intros e he, simp at he,
    have He : e  X := mem_of_subset (finset_embed_subset_univ y) he.1.1,
    let e' := subtype.mk e He,
    have heyx : e'  y \ x := mem_sdiff.mpr finset_embed_mem.mpr he.1.1,
      λ H, he.1.2 $ finset_embed_mem.mp H,
    have heinsert : (insert e' x)  m.indep := by {
      have : ((insert e' x) : finset α) = insert e x :=
        by simp [ext, finset_embed_coe_def, finset_embed, function.embedding.subtype],
      exact this.symm  he.2
    have H : insert e' x  indep_of_restriction m X :=
      mem_restriction.mpr heinsert,
    exact exists.intro e' heyx, H

I'd like to preserve computability if possible. I think it's really neat that I'm able to compute different descriptions of matroids with #eval right now. Constructive everything might be beyond my capabilities. I'm already using finset.ssubset_iff which uses classical.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 27 2018 at 08:04):

@Bryan Gin-ge Chen I managed to finish the proof of this theorem. https://gist.github.com/digama0/edc2a9fe4d468c3921c87650eea5b77a

It is a lot more complicated than your proof, but it also deals with the case when the filter map is not injective. You can also get subtypes and map out of the filter map construction.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 27 2018 at 08:07):

(the stuff about finset.filter_map should go into mathlib)

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Sep 27 2018 at 14:17):

@Mario Carneiro Wow, thanks for all the effort! So, the first thing that matroid restrictions will be used for is to define a notion of rank on subsets (as the cardinality of a maximal independent subset of the subset). Would the best way to apply the filter_map construction be to imitate what you did with foo and subtypes a few days ago in this thread?

Regarding mathlib, should I try to put together a PR, or would it be faster for you just to directly commit the finset.filter_map stuff yourself?

Mario Carneiro (Sep 27 2018 at 14:55):

Let me get this straight: given an indep structure m, the rank of a subset S is the largest cardinality of subsets of S in m?

Mario Carneiro (Sep 27 2018 at 15:31):

or is it the largest cardinality of an indep that is a restriction of m to S?

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Sep 27 2018 at 15:44):

Given m : indep α, a set B : finset αis a _basis_ for m if it is contained in m.indep and is maximal with regard to inclusion. The definition of the rank of a subset (of the ground set) that I'm trying to formalize is the following. The rank of S : finset α(with respect to m) is defined to be the cardinality of any basis of the restriction of m to S (which should be of type indep {x // x ∈ S}); I've formalized bases in an earlier section and proven e.g. that the cardinality of any two bases is equal.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 27 2018 at 15:53):

My suggestion:

def indep.supported {α} [decidable_eq α] (m : indep α) (s : finset α) : Prop :=
∀ t ∈ m.indep, t ⊆ s

def indep.restriction {α} [decidable_eq α] (m : indep α) (s : finset α) : indep α :=
m.filter_map (option.guard (∈ s))

theorem indep.restriction_supported {α} [decidable_eq α]
  (m : indep α) (s : finset α) : (m.restriction s).supported s := sorry

def indep.rank {α} [decidable_eq α] (m : indep α) : ℕ := m.indep.sup card

def rank_of {α} [decidable_eq α] (m : indep α) (s : finset α) : ℕ :=
(m.restriction s).rank

Mario Carneiro (Sep 27 2018 at 15:55):

def indep.basis {α} [decidable_eq α] (m : indep α) : finset (finset α) :=
m.indep.filter (λ s, ∀ t ∈ m.indep, ¬ s ⊂ t)

Mario Carneiro (Sep 27 2018 at 15:56):

although maybe this last one should be a predicate instead of a finset

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Sep 27 2018 at 16:40):

That's an interesting way to avoid using subtypes. I'm not convinced that we shouldn't change the underlying type of the restriction though. For instance, one prototypical way of getting a matroid is to take a matrix over a field and let the ground set consist of the set of rows and the independent sets be the linearly independent sets of rows. The restriction of such a matroid to a certain subset of its elements should be equal (or maybe "equivalent" is a safer word) to the matroid constructed from the matrix consisting of the corresponding subset of rows; similar remarks hold for most other constructions of matroids that are coming to mind. I think following your approach I would end up with extra elements in the underlying fintype / ground set of the restriction which would violate this principle.

I think the function bases_bases_of_indep is the equivalent of indep.basis. (The name was supposed to suggest getting bases.bases from indep). Though I see it's more efficient to filter on m.indep than on powerset univ.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 27 2018 at 21:25):

I'm not saying you should never use subtypes, but they shouldn't be your bread and butter because it entails additional complications that can be avoided by just using the flexibility that you already have inside the type.

As for bases, I see that you have a separate axiomatization of bases rather than just using the collection of independent sets that also satisfy is_basis. Another advantage of not using powerset univ is that I have yet to invoke the assumption that A is finite; all of the above results have only needed decidable_eq A. I imagine you can add that assumption when you need it, but so far it hasn't come up.

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Sep 27 2018 at 21:35):

OK, point well-taken. I haven't had a chance to work more on this yet, but doubtless I'll have more questions when I try to push on with my way of doing things. Thanks once again for being so helpful!

I see that you have a separate axiomatization of bases

Yes, part of the fun of matroids is the existence of so many distinct but equivalent axiomatizations, a phenomenon often referred to as cryptomorphism. I've been idly wondering whether something based on the "TFAE" PR might be able to treat this sort of thing, but in practice it's probably not hard just to compose the relevant maps by hand.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC