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Topic: finsupp sum of single

Lucas Viana Reis (Oct 04 2020 at 13:43):

open finsupp

variables (α β γ : Type)
variables [has_zero β] [add_comm_monoid γ] {a : α} {b : β} (g : α  β  γ)
example : (single a b).sum g = g a b := by library_search

Hi, is this example in the library?

Shing Tak Lam (Oct 04 2020 at 13:52):

import data.finsupp.basic

variables (α β γ : Type)
variables [add_monoid β] [add_comm_monoid γ] {a : α} {b : β} (g : α  β  γ)

open finsupp

example (h : g a 0 = 0) : (single a b).sum g = g a b := finsupp.sum_single_index h

Note: [has_zero β] => [add_monoid β] and you need h : g a 0 = 0

Lucas Viana Reis (Oct 04 2020 at 13:55):


Shing Tak Lam (Oct 04 2020 at 13:57):

mhm... You don't need [add_comm_monoid β], here is a proof without (basically the same proof as sum_single_index)

import data.finsupp.basic

variables (α β γ : Type)
variables [has_zero β] [add_comm_monoid γ] {a : α} {b : β} (g : α  β  γ)

open finsupp

example (h : g a 0 = 0) : (single a b).sum g = g a b :=
  by_cases hb : b = 0,
  { simp [h, hb, single_zero], refl },
  { simp [finsupp.sum, finsupp.support_single_ne_zero hb] }

Lucas Viana Reis (Oct 04 2020 at 14:03):

If b ≠ 0, do we still need the hypothesis g a 0 = 0?

Shing Tak Lam (Oct 04 2020 at 14:04):


example (h : b  0) : (single a b).sum g = g a b :=
  simp [finsupp.sum, finsupp.support_single_ne_zero h]

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC