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Topic: fintype instance singleton
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen (Aug 02 2022 at 20:16):
This works, but there must be an easier way to do supply a fintype
instance for γ?
inductive γ : Type
| q : γ
instance my_inst : fintype γ := fintype.mk {γ.q} (
show ∀ (x : γ), x ∈ {γ.q}, from
λ x,
have h1: x=γ.q, from γ.rec_on x (show γ.q = γ.q, from rfl),
finset.mem_singleton.mpr h1
Adam Topaz (Aug 02 2022 at 20:20):
instance my_inst : fintype γ :=
⟨{γ.q}, by { rintro ⟨⟩, simp }⟩
Yakov Pechersky (Aug 02 2022 at 20:20):
import tactic.derive_fintype
-- or @[derive [fintype, decidable_eq]]
@[derive [fintype]]
inductive γ : Type
| q : γ
#check γ.fintype
Yakov Pechersky (Aug 02 2022 at 20:22):
@[derive fintype]
is also valid syntax, since you're deriving only one instance
Patrick Johnson (Aug 02 2022 at 20:24):
If you also want unique
import tactic
inductive γ : Type
| q : γ
instance : unique γ := ⟨⟨γ.q⟩, λ a, (a.rec_on rfl).symm⟩
instance : fintype γ := unique.fintype
Patrick Johnson (Aug 02 2022 at 20:27):
It gives you fintype
, subsingleton
and inhabited
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen (Aug 02 2022 at 20:27):
Sweet... I probably want unique
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen (Aug 06 2022 at 03:41):
I guess instead of using @[derive [fintype]]
one can just use the pre-defined
inductive unit : Type
| star : unit
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC