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Topic: fold as opposite to unfold

kana (Jun 27 2021 at 10:48):

There is an unfold tactic. Is there a tactic to fold again?

def pair {A : Type} (x : A) := (x, x)

example : pair 1 = pair 2 := begin
  unfold pair,
  have pair_def : {A} (x:A), pair x = (x, x) := by intros; unfold pair,
  rw pair_def,

Eric Rodriguez (Jun 27 2021 at 11:10):

you could change specifically, but I think most of the times we just make an auxillary lemma called lemma pair_def

Eric Rodriguez (Jun 27 2021 at 11:10):

something like

lemma pair_def {A : Type} (x : A) : pair x = (x, x) := rfl

Eric Rodriguez (Jun 27 2021 at 11:10):

(your have could be by intros; refl or even λ _ _, rfl)

Eric Wieser (Jun 27 2021 at 11:43):

Does rw ←pair work?

kana (Jun 27 2021 at 12:03):

Oh yes, rw <-pair really works, thanks!

Eric Wieser (Jun 27 2021 at 12:45):

@Eric Rodriguez, pair_def is almost never needed because pair gets a secret equation lemma containing the same statement

Eric Rodriguez (Jun 27 2021 at 12:54):

feel like I've seen it a fair bit in mathlib though, what's with that?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 28 2021 at 15:28):

sometimes the secret equation lemma is not stated the way we want. Sometimes you can fix that by writing the original definition differently but if that isn't good enough we can use a *_def lemma to state an arbitrary theorem not constrained by the grammar of the equation compiler

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC