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Topic: fun with pfun and dite
Jalex Stark (May 07 2020 at 02:18):
This code block is kinda long but I think is close to minimal. I'm trying to define a notion of the limit of an increasing sequence of partial functions. I define the limiting function in tactic mode using by_cases
. Later I unfold it and try to tell Lean which branch it goes down with rw dif_pos
, but I get an error
rewrite tactic failed, did not find instance of the pattern in the target expression
dite ?m_1 ?m_4 ?m_5
while the goal state looks like
a ∈
(λ (a : α),
dite (∃ (n : ℕ), a ∈ dom (F n))
(λ (h : ∃ (n : ℕ), a ∈ dom (F n)), let k : ℕ := classical.some h in F k a)
(λ (h : ¬∃ (n : ℕ), a ∈ dom (F n)), ↑none)))
which to my human eyes clearly contains dite _ _ _
in it.
Here's the code:
import tactic
import data.set.basic
universes u
open_locale classical
open pfun
def pfun.extends {α β : Type} (F f : α →. β) : Prop := dom f ⊆ dom F ∧ ∀ a ha ha', (f a).get ha = (F a).get ha'
def limit_of_chain {α β : Type} (F : ℕ → (α →. β)) (F_chain : ∀ n k, k ≤ n → pfun.extends (F k) (F n) ) : α →. β := begin
intro a,
by_cases ∃ n, a ∈ dom (F n),
swap, {exact none},
have hk := classical.some_spec h,
let k:= classical.some h,
exact (F k) a,
def limit_of_chain_extends {α β : Type} (F : ℕ → (α →. β)) (F_chain : ∀ n k, k ≤ n → pfun.extends (F k) (F n)) : ∀ n, pfun.extends (limit_of_chain F F_chain) (F n) := begin
intro n, rw pfun.extends,
rw set.subset_def, intros a ha,
unfold limit_of_chain,
rw dif_pos,
Mario Carneiro (May 07 2020 at 02:19):
it's under a binder
Mario Carneiro (May 07 2020 at 02:19):
can get at this, rw
Jalex Stark (May 07 2020 at 02:20):
oh interesting
Jalex Stark (May 07 2020 at 02:20):
so simp only [dif_pos]
will make progress?
EDIT: I think it doesn't
Reid Barton (May 07 2020 at 02:20):
Perhaps we could improve the error message
Kenny Lau (May 07 2020 at 02:20):
should we rewrite rw
so that it can access binders?
Reid Barton (May 07 2020 at 02:20):
I mean, there is a lot that can go wrong with rw
, but in this case the error message is actually just a lie
Mario Carneiro (May 07 2020 at 02:21):
there is simp_rw
I think, which uses simp
with settings to make it act more like rw
Kenny Lau (May 07 2020 at 02:22):
but can it succeed without knowing all the inputs of a theorem?
Kenny Lau (May 07 2020 at 02:22):
because rw
can (and generates metavariables) while simp
Jalex Stark (May 07 2020 at 02:22):
in my context, simp only [id.def, roption.coe_none],
and simp_rw dif_pos,
have the same effect
Mario Carneiro (May 07 2020 at 02:22):
simp only [dif_pos]
will not make progress because it doesn't have the proof of the condition available
Mario Carneiro (May 07 2020 at 02:23):
unlike rw
, which is happy to apply conditional rewrites and gives you the conditions as subgoals
Mario Carneiro (May 07 2020 at 02:24):
Does simp only [dif_pos _]
Jalex Stark (May 07 2020 at 02:24):
have calc1 : ∃ (n : ℕ), a ∈ dom (F n), use n, exact ha,
simp only [dif_pos, calc1],
this doesn't work
Jalex Stark (May 07 2020 at 02:25):
neither does simp only [dif_pos _]
Jalex Stark (May 07 2020 at 02:25):
(would these problems not arise if I was avoiding the use of tactics in constructing data?)
Reid Barton (May 07 2020 at 02:26):
The binder binds a different a
. Actually I can't tell what is happening.
Jalex Stark (May 07 2020 at 02:27):
Reid Barton said:
The binder binds a different
. Actually I can't tell what is happening.
does simp only [id.def, roption.coe_none],
make it a little clearer?
Reid Barton (May 07 2020 at 02:27):
Oh right, a pfun
actually is a function. Maybe it would be more profitable to simplify from the outside first.
Reid Barton (May 07 2020 at 02:30):
Like presumably a \in dom f
is some assertion about f a
, and then the lambda will reduce
Reid Barton (May 07 2020 at 02:31):
and then you wouldn't be in this situation where you can't provide the proof of which case you are in because you have no way to talk about the variable a
Jalex Stark (May 07 2020 at 02:33):
I think maybe this did some "simplifying from the outside" although I'm not really sure what happened (the work_on_goal
line came from tidy?
import tactic
import data.set.basic
universes u
open_locale classical
open pfun
def pfun.extends {α β : Type} (F f : α →. β) : Prop := dom f ⊆ dom F ∧ ∀ a ha ha', (f a).get ha = (F a).get ha'
def limit_of_chain {α β : Type} (F : ℕ → (α →. β)) (F_chain : ∀ n k, k ≤ n → pfun.extends (F k) (F n) ) : α →. β := begin
intro a,
by_cases ∃ n, a ∈ dom (F n),
swap, {exact none},
have hk := classical.some_spec h,
let k:= classical.some h,
exact (F k) a,
def limit_of_chain_extends {α β : Type} (F : ℕ → (α →. β)) (F_chain : ∀ n k, k ≤ n → pfun.extends (F k) (F n)) : ∀ n, pfun.extends (limit_of_chain F F_chain) (F n) := begin
intro n, rw pfun.extends,
rw set.subset_def, intros a ha,
unfold limit_of_chain,
-- have calc1 : ∃ (n : ℕ), a ∈ dom (F n), use n, exact ha,
simp only [id.def, roption.coe_none],
refine (mem_dom
(λ (a : α),
dite (∃ (n : ℕ), a ∈ dom (F n)) (λ (h : ∃ (n : ℕ), a ∈ dom (F n)), F (classical.some h) a)
(λ (h : ¬∃ (n : ℕ), a ∈ dom (F n)), roption.none))
existsi ((F n) a).get ha,
work_on_goal 0 { dsimp at *, fsplit },
rw dif_pos,
Reid Barton (May 07 2020 at 02:33):
By the way, part of the point of pfun
is you don't have to use by_cases
at all
Jalex Stark (May 07 2020 at 02:34):
hmm how would you define limit_of_chain
Jalex Stark (May 07 2020 at 02:37):
(for my application to categoriticity of DLOs, I only need the case where the limit of the partial functions is total, so I could cut out my use of by_cases
by adding the positive case as an assumption)
Jalex Stark (May 07 2020 at 02:37):
(as a zulip meta question, does this conversation belong in "new members" or "math"?)
Reid Barton (May 07 2020 at 02:38):
for example
def limit_of_chain {α β : Type} (F : ℕ → (α →. β))
(F_chain : ∀ n k, k ≤ n → pfun.extends (F k) (F n) ) :
α →. β :=
refine λ a, ⟨∃ n, a ∈ dom (F n), λ h, _⟩,
have hk := classical.some_spec h,
let k:= classical.some h,
exact ((F k) a).get hk,
(by the way you seem to be missing noncomputable theory
Reid Barton (May 07 2020 at 02:38):
in principle you could make the value part computable too, since you only have to search over naturals
Jalex Stark (May 07 2020 at 02:39):
thanks, I added noncomputable theory
. I should probably convince VSCode to autogenerate headers for me
Jalex Stark (May 07 2020 at 02:40):
oh cool I like this
Jalex Stark (May 07 2020 at 02:43):
with your definition, tidy
can make a lot of progress :)
Jalex Stark (May 07 2020 at 17:23):
It works!
import tactic
import data.set.basic
universes u
open_locale classical
noncomputable theory
open pfun
def pfun.extends {α β : Type} (F f : α →. β) : Prop := dom f ⊆ dom F ∧ ∀ a ha ha', (f a).get ha = (F a).get ha'
def limit_of_chain {α β : Type} (F : ℕ → (α →. β))
(F_chain : ∀ n k, k ≤ n → pfun.extends (F k) (F n) ) :
α →. β :=
refine λ a, ⟨∃ n, a ∈ dom (F n), λ h, _⟩,
have hk := classical.some_spec h,
let k:= classical.some h,
exact ((F k) a).get hk,
lemma chain_pointwise_constant
{α β : Type}
(F : ℕ → (α →. β))
(F_chain : ∀ n k, k ≤ n → pfun.extends (F k) (F n) ) :
∀ n k a ha_n ha_k, (F k a).get ha_k = (F n a).get ha_n :=
cases le_total k n;
have calc1 := F_chain _ _ h,
try {repeat {apply calc1.right
<|> symmetry},},
lemma limit_of_chain_spec
{α β : Type}
{a : α}
(F : ℕ → (α →. β))
(F_chain : ∀ n k, k ≤ n → pfun.extends (F k) (F n))
(ha' : (limit_of_chain F F_chain a).dom) :
∃ (k : ℕ) (ha_k : (F k a).dom),
(F k a).get ha_k
= (limit_of_chain F F_chain a).get ha' :=
unfold limit_of_chain at ha', simp only [] at ha',
cases ha' with k hk, existsi k,
existsi hk,
unfold limit_of_chain, simp only [],
apply chain_pointwise_constant _ F_chain,
def limit_of_chain_extends {α β : Type} (F : ℕ → (α →. β)) (F_chain : ∀ n k, k ≤ n → pfun.extends (F k) (F n)) : ∀ n, pfun.extends (limit_of_chain F F_chain) (F n) := begin
intro n, rw pfun.extends,
{rw set.subset_def, intros a ha,
unfold limit_of_chain, tidy},
intros a ha ha',
suffices key : ∃ k ha_k, (F k a).get ha_k = (limit_of_chain F F_chain a).get ha',
cases key with k key,
cases key with ha_k key,
rw ← key,
cases le_total k n;
apply chain_pointwise_constant _ F_chain,
apply limit_of_chain_spec,
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC