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Topic: getting a nicer induction hypothesis from finset.induction

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Sep 24 2018 at 21:35):

I'm working on formalizing a proof where the idea is to induct on the size of YXY \setminus X for two finsets X,YX, Y. I've currently set up something like the following:

import data.finset

open finset
variables {α : Type*} [decidable_eq α] {E : finset α}

def r {X : finset α} (hX : X  E) :  := sorry

theorem foo {X Y : finset α} (hX : X  E) (hY : Y  E) :
  r (union_subset hX hY) = r hX :=
  induction h : (Y \ X) using finset.induction with a S ha ih,
  case h₁
  α : Type u_1,
  _inst_1 : decidable_eq α,
  E X Y : finset α,
  hX : X ⊆ E,
  hY : Y ⊆ E,
  h : Y \ X = ∅
  ⊢ r _ = r hX
  -- I have handled the empty case
  case h₂
  α : Type u_1,
  _inst_1 : decidable_eq α,
  E X Y : finset α,
  hX : X ⊆ E,
  hY : Y ⊆ E,
  a : α,
  S : finset α,
  ha : a ∉ S,
  ih : Y \ X = S → r _ = r hX, -- How do I use this?
  h : Y \ X = insert a S
  ⊢ r _ = r hX

The current ih, which in full form reads ih : Y \ X = S → r (union_subset hX hY) = r hX, seems impossible to for me to apply since it requires Y \ X = S, but we have h : Y \ X = insert a S. I suspect I'm abusing the tactic here, since the target doesn't contain Y \ X in it directly. I would be happy and the theorem would be proved if I had instead ih : r (union_subset hX hS) = r hX where hS : S ⊆ E (and the rest of the tactic state the same). Is there some way to set that up?

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Sep 25 2018 at 00:12):

I managed to massage the goal so that now ih : Y \ X = S → r hXuY' = r hX where hXuY' : X ∪ Y \ X ⊆ E. This seems closer though I'm still not sure if my current approach is going anywhere or not. Not that I could apply this here yet, but is there any way to take a term of type a = b → P aand produce P b?

Mario Carneiro (Sep 25 2018 at 00:21):

You need to generalize Y and X in the induction

Mario Carneiro (Sep 25 2018 at 00:22):

Why are you working on subsets of a finset E instead of just restricting the type?

Mario Carneiro (Sep 25 2018 at 00:23):

You could just assume fintype α

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Sep 25 2018 at 00:44):

Ah, so that's what generalizing does! I wasn't able to make sense of that part of the docstring. As for fintype, I can see that will make things much easier. I just kind of rushed ahead without looking beyond finset when I started this. Thanks!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC