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Topic: has_to_pexpr (parse ident) error trying to write a tactic

Geoffrey Irving (Jul 14 2022 at 21:00):

I'm trying to make a (very simple) tactic that replaces a subexpression with a new variable throughout the context. Here's an example of the tactic logic I want to automate:

lemma test1 (x y : ) : x + y  0 :=
  let z := x + y,
  let h : x + y = z := rfl,
  rw h,  -- target is now z ≥ 0

At the beginning of the proof, the goal is x + y ≥ 0. The first three lines replace the goal with z ≥ 0, and add z =: x + y as a hypothesis.

Here's an attempt at a tactic to do this, and the hoped-for rewritten proof:

meta def tactic.interactive.label (s : parse ident) (q : parse texpr)
    : tactic unit := do
  e  tactic.i_to_expr q,
  «have» s none q,
  rw ``(rfl : %%e = %%s)

lemma test2 (x y : ) : x + y  0 :=
  label z (x + y),

Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure I have the quotation logic wrong in that tactic, as I get an obscure error message

failed to synthesize type class instance for
s : parse ident,
q : parse texpr,
tactic.interactive.label : tactic unit,
e : expr,
_x : unit
 has_to_pexpr (parse ident)

Thanks in advance for any pointers!

Damiano Testa (Jul 14 2022 at 21:07):

Should you use e instead of q in have?

Damiano Testa (Jul 14 2022 at 21:08):

On mobile and it's late, so may be nonsense!

Geoffrey Irving (Jul 14 2022 at 21:10):

Alas, that produces the same error (which is not surprising since it's complaining about parse ident, not parse texpr).

Geoffrey Irving (Jul 14 2022 at 21:12):

Indeed, here's a simpler version with no texpr and the same error (via hardcoding):

meta def tactic.interactive.label (s : parse ident) --(q : parse texpr)
    : tactic unit := do
  --e ← tactic.i_to_expr q,
  «have» s none ``(`x + `y),
  rw ``(rfl : `x + `y = %%s)

Eric Wieser (Jul 14 2022 at 23:26):

Can you make a mwe with imports?

Eric Wieser (Jul 14 2022 at 23:27):

My guess is that you ned to write %%`(s) instead of %%s

Eric Wieser (Jul 14 2022 at 23:27):

Or maybe you want docs#tactic.get_local to turn the name into an expression

Damiano Testa (Jul 15 2022 at 03:29):

I do not know how to fix the issue in your initial tactic, but I think that it is caused by the rw, not the have. If you do this:

import tactic.core
open tactic interactive

meta def tactic.interactive.label (s : parse ident) (q : parse texpr) : tactic unit := do
e  i_to_expr q,
tactic.interactive.«have» s none q,
read >>= trace,
rw ``(rfl : %%e = %%s)

lemma test2 (x y : ) : x + y  0 :=
  label z (x + y),

Then you can see that the problem is with the rw. Indeed, from the read command, you can see that you have successfully added z to the local context, but you did not create the expression x + y = z.

Also, I think that instead of rw you may end up using rewrite_target.

Damiano Testa (Jul 15 2022 at 05:49):

For some strange reason, the first time that I pasted your code in, it was not highlighting the rw as wrong, but only the def. Now, it seems more directly mentioning the rw. I imagine that what I said above is not helpful, then, sorry!

Geoffrey Irving (Jul 15 2022 at 21:02):

Here's a working example of roughly what I want except for the ident part:

import data.real.basic
import init.meta.rewrite_tactic
open interactive (parse)
open lean.parser (ident)
open interactive.types (texpr)

lemma test1 (x y : ) : x + y  0 :=
  let z := x + y,
  let h : x + y = z := rfl,
  rw h,  -- target is now z ≥ 0

meta def tactic.interactive.label (s : parse ident) (e : parse texpr)
    : tactic unit := do
  e  tactic.i_to_expr e,
  tactic.pose s none e,
  t  tactic.i_to_expr ```(%%e = z), -- Ideally, z would be %%s or similar
  h  tactic.assert `h t,
  tactic.rewrite_target h,
  tactic.clear h

lemma test2 (x y : ) : x + y  0 :=
  label z (x + y),

Geoffrey Irving (Jul 15 2022 at 21:04):

In the end I'm not sure how to use rw, but calling into the noninteractive tactics seems reasonable (though I'd be curious if there are ways to do this in fewer lines). The missing bit is that (%%e = z) hardcodes z rather than using %%s or similar. I'm still not sure how to use s without getting the has_to_pexpr (parse ident) error.

Geoffrey Irving (Jul 15 2022 at 21:05):

@Damiano Testa Thanks for also proposing rewrite_target instead of rw; that does seem to involve less magic.

Eric Wieser (Jul 15 2022 at 21:11):

Did you try my suggestion to use get_local?

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC