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Topic: image_bUnion
Damiano Testa (Jan 10 2021 at 05:33):
Dear All,
I am not completely sure what bUnion
refers to exactly, but I found myself needing the lemma below.
Is it already in mathlib? I could not find it.
Is the name reasonable? I am under the impression that bUnion
means that it is a union over elements in a type with a condition that these elements should belong to a subset of the Type, but I could be wrong!
lemma image_bUnion {α β : Type*} {f : α → β} {s : set α} :
f '' ((⋃ i ∈ s, {i}) ) = (⋃ i ∈ s, f '' {i}) :=
refine ext (λ x, ⟨_, _⟩),
{ rintro ⟨a, ⟨_, ⟨b, rfl⟩, t, ⟨⟨bs, rfl⟩, ta⟩⟩, rfl⟩,
refine mem_Union.mpr ⟨a, _⟩,
rw [image_singleton, mem_Union, mem_singleton_iff.mp ta],
exact ⟨bs, rfl⟩ },
{ rintro ⟨_, ⟨a, rfl⟩, _, ⟨d, rfl⟩, b, ⟨ba, rfl⟩⟩,
rw [mem_singleton_iff.mp ba, mem_image, bUnion_of_singleton],
exact ⟨a, d, rfl⟩ }
Yakov Pechersky (Jan 10 2021 at 05:36):
is "big Union", or the union of indexed sets. It would be over all the sets of a Type, if that type is fintype
, or some set
describing the indices. This is as far as I understand.
Yakov Pechersky (Jan 10 2021 at 05:38):
Your lemma is about the union of singletons of elements in s
, right?
Yakov Pechersky (Jan 10 2021 at 05:38):
Isn't that just s
Damiano Testa (Jan 10 2021 at 05:41):
Thanks for the explanation on the name! I thought that it was "bound Union", implying a restriction on the indexing variable!
I realize that the lemma above is not exactly what I need, either. So, I will try to make s
work above and to produce the lemma that I actually want!
Thanks for the help!
Yakov Pechersky (Jan 10 2021 at 05:43):
lemma image_bUnion {α β : Type*} {f : α → β} {s : set α} :
f '' ((⋃ i ∈ s, {i}) ) = (⋃ i ∈ s, f '' {i}) :=
by ext; simp [eq_comm]
Damiano Testa (Jan 10 2021 at 05:46):
Your proof is much better! I had found my proof by cleaning up after tidy
! For some reason, I do not like to use simp
in my final versions, but in this case, the shortening is so significant, that it makes sense!
Yakov Pechersky (Jan 10 2021 at 05:48):
The advice I got from PR comments was that the more "API" or "foundational" lemmas are totally OK to have proofs like "ext; simp" because there isn't much insight into the proof bodies
Yakov Pechersky (Jan 10 2021 at 05:49):
That is, proofs that on paper or in person are like "oh that's obvious" can also have proof bodies that are like that. That way scrolling through a file, it's easy to notice that this isn't a significant result, but is truly a "lemma".
Damiano Testa (Jan 10 2021 at 05:49):
Ok, I had not realized this and it does seem like a good guiding principle! I am slowly getting the hang of what API means...
Damiano Testa (Jan 10 2021 at 05:50):
Back to figuring out exactly what lemma I need and then I will look for it in mathlib! Otherwise, I will extend this thread!
Yakov Pechersky (Jan 10 2021 at 05:51):
Note, I found the proof by first doing simp
, and that didn't do much, so, how do we show equality of unions? By equality of the elements, so ext
. Then ext, simp
. That was almost right, but in the exists
statement in the RHS of the iff, one of the equalities was flipped compared to the LHS. So I just included eq_comm
in the simp set here.
Damiano Testa (Jan 10 2021 at 05:56):
Thanks for the details on how you found the proof! My strategy is also to start with simp
, try tidy
otherwise, finish the proof (if I can!), and finally clean up to leave no inbetween simp
. I am still not too much onboard on giving hints to simp
: I will try to remember about this!
Damiano Testa (Jan 10 2021 at 06:39):
After the discussion, it turns out that the lemma below actually does finish my proof. I thought that some lemma around Union_of_singleton
could have worked, but I did not find it.
lemma setext {R : Type*} (s : set R) :
s = ⋃ (i : s), {i} :=
by ext; simp
In case you want the more verbose proof, here it is:
lemma setext {R : Type*} (s : set R) :
s = ⋃ (i : s), {i} :=
refine ext (λ x, ⟨λ xs, mem_Union.mpr ⟨⟨x, xs⟩, mem_singleton x⟩, _⟩),
rintro ⟨-, ⟨⟨-, xs⟩, rfl⟩, ⟨⟩⟩,
exact xs,
Yakov Pechersky (Jan 10 2021 at 06:49):
git grep of ⋃ i :
gives very few results
Yakov Pechersky (Jan 10 2021 at 06:50):
So your firstlemma would be good simp lemma! You might call it this:
@[simp] lemma set.bUnion_of_singleton_of_coe {R : Type*} (s : set R) :
(⋃ (i : s), {i} : set R) = s :=
by ext; simp
Yakov Pechersky (Jan 10 2021 at 06:52):
but this might now be no longer a bUnion
but a Union
Yakov Pechersky (Jan 10 2021 at 06:53):
as one can see by the simp lemmas used in the proof, they only mention Union
, not bUnion
Patrick Massot (Jan 10 2021 at 08:49):
Damiano, bUnion
does stand for "bounded union". Did you read the relevant section of MIL?
Eric Wieser (Jan 10 2021 at 08:55):
@Yakov Pechersky, why the of_coe
? What coercion is happening there?
Yakov Pechersky (Jan 10 2021 at 08:56):
Sorry for the mistake re "bounded Union" vs "big Union", correcting up top.
Yakov Pechersky (Jan 10 2021 at 08:56):
There is a coercion from set s
to set R
Eric Wieser (Jan 10 2021 at 09:11):
Is there a lemma to convert from a union over a subtype to a union over a condition?
Eric Wieser (Jan 10 2021 at 09:12):
I can't help feeling that Damiano posted a very similar problem before
Kevin Buzzard (Jan 10 2021 at 09:57):
Damiano Testa (Jan 10 2021 at 10:25):
Patrick, I probably had read that section, but at a time where it made much less sense than it might now. I will brush up on it again!
Eric, you are right that I struggle often with sets/subtype/coercions. I do not know if it is only me, or it is a common difficulty.
Patrick Massot (Jan 10 2021 at 10:27):
Eric Wieser said:
Is there a lemma to convert from a union over a subtype to a union over a condition?
Of course there is. Did you try library_search
Eric Wieser (Jan 10 2021 at 10:57):
No, I was sending that from mobile without access to a shell
Eric Wieser (Jan 10 2021 at 10:58):
Damiano, my point was that I think a previous thread might have concluded "here is a lemma that ought to be in mathlib", but the lemma never made it.
Damiano Testa (Jan 10 2021 at 15:50):
Eric, you may be right, since I have been struggling with coercions and sets also for the strand with the discrete_topology stuff and with the Liouville PR. In any case, I have now created PR #5691, which adds this simp
lemma. In maintaining the style of the previous result in the file, I changed the proof from
by ext; simp
ext $ by simp
Damiano Testa (Jan 10 2021 at 15:51):
I also discovered that the result bUnion_of_singleton
(without _coe
) exists in mathlib and is not a proof of this lemma. However, I am not entirely sure why the two statements are not equivalent.
Damiano Testa (Jan 10 2021 at 16:32):
In a similar spirit, I also created PR #5692, adding another bUnion
lemma, this time for zero_loci
I am trying to get as much as possible of what I have on is_open_map comap C
into mathlib, before I will have to devote more time to teaching!
Eric Wieser (Jan 11 2021 at 10:46):
Here's the old thread: https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/217875-Is-there.20code.20for.20X.3F/topic/name-hunt.3A.20Union_of_singleton.3F
Damiano Testa (Jan 11 2021 at 10:49):
Eric: thank you very much for finding this! It was indeed the same issue: I had forgotten that I had asked about it already!
How did you find it? I feel that I am not so good at using the search feature on Zulip...
Eric Wieser (Jan 11 2021 at 10:54):
Patrick Massot said:
Eric Wieser said:
Is there a lemma to convert from a union over a subtype to a union over a condition?
Of course there is. Did you try
Library search found docs#set.bUnion_eq_Union, which solves:
lemma set.Union_subtype {α β : Type*} (s : set α) (f : α → set β) :
(⋃ (i : s), f i) = ⋃ (i ∈ s), f i :=
(set.bUnion_eq_Union s $ λ x _, f x).symm
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC