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Topic: induction missing constraint
Etienne Laurin (Sep 01 2018 at 15:05):
Given (a b : ℕ) (h : a ≤ b)
, after doing induction h
, the case less_than_or_equal.refl
doesn't have any hypothesis allowing to conclude a = b
. Why not? Is there another way to perform induction that does introduce a = b
in that case?
Mario Carneiro (Sep 01 2018 at 15:07):
in the refl case, you should already have b
replaced by a
in the goal
Mario Carneiro (Sep 01 2018 at 15:09):
By the way, I don't recommend doing induction on an le hypothesis. Instead, do induction on a
and/or b
and use lemmas on le to satisfy the induction hypothesis
Etienne Laurin (Sep 01 2018 at 15:14):
What if a and b are expressions? In this example, the goal is still a ≤ b
example (a b : ℕ) (h : nat.succ a ≤ nat.succ b) : a ≤ b := begin induction h, case nat.less_than_or_equal.refl { sorry } end
Mario Carneiro (Sep 01 2018 at 15:15):
use cases instead for that
Mario Carneiro (Sep 01 2018 at 15:16):
If you need to combine induction with the parameter equalities, you should first use generalize h : nat.succ a
with all the variables you are holding fixed in the induction, then use induction
Etienne Laurin (Sep 01 2018 at 15:24):
Thanks, that seems to work
Etienne Laurin (Sep 01 2018 at 15:24):
I haven't used a lot of explicit lemmas so far, I often have trouble finding the right one. I usually get by with a lot of unfold/delta/induction/cases followed by simp
Mario Carneiro (Sep 01 2018 at 15:25):
That's not very sustainable. I suggest learning to browse the source files of core lib and/or mathlib
Etienne Laurin (Sep 01 2018 at 15:27):
I recently discovered M-. will jump to lean and mathlib sources, I'll start using it more
Mario Carneiro (Sep 01 2018 at 15:27):
autocompletion also helps for discoverability, once you learn the naming convention
Etienne Laurin (Sep 01 2018 at 15:32):
Oh nice. But I notice that doesn't work too well if I haven't imported the right theory. Is there a better way to find lemmas than grep?
Kevin Buzzard (Sep 01 2018 at 15:34):
might be helpful for you. But I would definitely recommend (a) learning the rules of thumb for lemma names and (b) the ctrl-space dance for auto-completion. If you're trying to prove something about int then just import data.int.basic
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC