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Topic: induction: "argument 2 not a variable"

Sarah Mameche (Jan 03 2019 at 21:11):

Hi, I have an inductive predicate SN that takes a relation as argument (here eval), see the code snippet below. An induction over the statement SN eval stgives me the error: induction tactic failed, argument #2 of major premise type SN eval st is not a variable.

Is it a problem that SN takes eval as an argument?

inductive tm  : nat -> Type
  | app : Π {ntm : nat}, tm ntm -> tm ntm -> tm ntm
  /- ... -/

reserve infixl `≻`:40
inductive eval : Π {n}, tm n → tm n → Prop
infixl `≻` := eval
| eappl {n} {e₁ : tm n} {e₁' e₂} : e₁ ≻ e₁' →  tm.app e₁ e₂ ≻ tm.app e₁' e₂
  /- ... -/
infix `≻` := eval
open eval

inductive SN {n} : (tm n -> tm n -> Prop) → tm n -> Prop
| sn_step (R: tm n → tm n → Prop) (e1 : tm n) : (forall e2, R e1 e2 -> SN R e2) -> SN R e1.

definition SNe {n} := @SN n eval.

theorem SN₁ {n} (s t : tm n) : SNe (tm.app s t) → SNe s ∧ SNe t :=
  intro h₁, split,
  { generalize h₂ : (tm.app s t) = st, revert h₁, rw h₂, intro h₁, revert s t h₂,
  induction h₁ with st hst ihst,  }

Rob Lewis (Jan 03 2019 at 21:40):

I get a different error on this example, generalize tactic failed, failed to find expression in the target, which is solved by unfolding SNe at h1. Is this the right code snippet?

Sarah Mameche (Jan 03 2019 at 21:49):

Oh, I still get the induction error (on the example alone)...
Unfolding SNe at h1 makes the induction tactic work, but gives me this induction hypothesis:
ih_1 : ∀ (e2 : tm n) (a_1 : R e1 e2), (λ (_x : tm n → tm n → Prop) (st : tm n) (h₁ : SN _x st), ∀ (s t : tm n), app s t = st → SNe s) R e2 _

where R is added to the hypotheses, R : tm n → tm n → Prop. I want Rto be eval, though. How can that be done?

Rob Lewis (Jan 03 2019 at 21:54):

Can you make R a parameter to SN? (Move it to the left of the colon in the definition of SN, that is.)

Sarah Mameche (Jan 03 2019 at 22:02):

That produces the same induction hypothesis (but unfolding SNe is not needed anymore)

Rob Lewis (Jan 03 2019 at 22:03):

I think we're either using different versions of Lean, or working on different examples.

Sarah Mameche (Jan 03 2019 at 22:09):

Ok, maybe my version is too old, I'm using 3-3-0

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 03 2019 at 23:12):

I guess most people here use 3.4.1.

Sarah Mameche (Jan 03 2019 at 23:26):

Yeah sorry, I switched versions now and the tip with Ras parameter works for the induction tactic. But there are problems for cases and constructorwith this definiton, for example:

inductive tm  : nat -> Type
  | app : Π {ntm : nat}, tm ntm -> tm ntm -> tm ntm
  /- ... -/

reserve infixl `≻`:40
inductive eval : Π {n}, tm n → tm n → Prop
infixl `≻` := eval
| eappl {n} {e₁ : tm n} {e₁' e₂} : e₁ ≻ e₁' →  tm.app e₁ e₂ ≻ tm.app e₁' e₂
  /- ... -/
infix `≻` := eval
open eval
inductive star {n} (R : tm n → tm n → Prop) : tm n → (tm n → Prop)
| srefl {e} : star e e
| sstep {e₁ e₂ e₃} :  (R e₁ e₂) → star e₂ e₃ → star e₁ e₃
open star
infix `≻*`:40 := star eval

inductive SN {n} (R : tm n -> tm n -> Prop ) : tm n -> Prop
| sn_step (R: tm n → tm n → Prop) (e1 : tm n) : (forall e2, R e1 e2 -> SN e2) -> SN e1.

definition SNe {n} := @SN n eval.

lemma closed_star {n} (s t): s ≻* t -> SNe s -> @SNe n t :=
begin intros h1 h2,  induction h1 with s' s' t' e h3 h4 ih,
      { assumption },
      { apply ih, cases h2,   },

Cases adds a hypothesis of type R : tm n → tm n → Prop (similar to what happened with induction before)

Mario Carneiro (Jan 04 2019 at 03:42):

you have R in the sn_step constructor even though it's already declared, so it's a different R

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC