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Topic: infix constructors
Patrick Thomas (Feb 21 2022 at 20:29):
Is it possible to use an inductive type constructor as prefix in some places and infix in others, using something like backticks to make it infix, as in Haskell?
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 21 2022 at 20:34):
It's notation which is infix, not the constructor itself. With notation you can put it in brackets, for example:
#eval 3 * 4 -- 12
#eval (*) 3 4 -- 12
Patrick Thomas (Feb 21 2022 at 20:37):
I'm sorry, I'm not sure if I completely follow. For example, I have
@[derive decidable_eq] inductive formula : Type
| bottom : formula
| top : formula
| atom : string → formula
| not : formula → formula
| and : formula → formula → formula
| or : formula → formula → formula
| imp : formula → formula → formula
| iff : formula → formula → formula
Then in some places I would like to use and
, or
, imp
and iff
as infix, but not everywhere.
Patrick Thomas (Feb 21 2022 at 20:38):
The default being prefix.
Reid Barton (Feb 21 2022 at 20:38):
You could define some notation like notation x ` AND ` y := formula.and x y
(add precedence to taste) and so on
Patrick Thomas (Feb 21 2022 at 20:40):
Then I would need to use AND
for infix and formula.and
for prefix?
Kyle Miller (Feb 21 2022 at 20:43):
There have been some experiments in having pseudo-Haskell infix notation here, but the closest Lean has to an infix form of an application is dot notation, like x.and y
Here's an example of a Haskell-like notation:
notation a ` $[`:1023 f `] ` := f a
inductive foo
| baz : ℕ → ℕ → foo
def a := 2 $[foo.baz] 3
-- parses as `foo.baz 2 3`
def f (a b : ℕ) := a + b
def b := 2 $[f] 3 + 1
-- parses as `f 2 3 + 1`
(I'm not recommending this, but it's interesting it sort of can be done in a general way. It doesn't pretty print, which is a downside.)
Patrick Thomas (Feb 21 2022 at 20:46):
Thank you.
Kyle Miller (Feb 21 2022 at 20:48):
Example of dot notation: formula.bottom.and (formula.top.imp formula.bottom)
It even pretty prints that way by default. You can turn this off with the pp_nodot
attribute on individual constructors:
attribute [pp_nodot] formula.and
Patrick Thomas (Feb 21 2022 at 21:01):
Cool. Thank you.
Kayla Thomas (Jul 23 2023 at 17:20):
By any chance was support for Haskell like backtick infix notation added in Lean 4?
Adam Topaz (Jul 23 2023 at 19:40):
In lean4 you can define infix notation even without backticks. Any particular reason you want backticks?
Kayla Thomas (Jul 23 2023 at 21:53):
No, it doesn't need to be backticks. Is that new in Lean 4?
Eric Wieser (Jul 23 2023 at 21:55):
My understanding is that backtick notation lets you infix _any_ function without defining any new notation; is that what you mean? So a `f` b = f a b
for arbitrary f
Kayla Thomas (Jul 23 2023 at 21:55):
Yes, that is what I meant.
Eric Wieser (Jul 23 2023 at 21:55):
What I believe Adam is describing is that for a particular f
you can declare a specialized notation
Kayla Thomas (Jul 23 2023 at 21:56):
I see. That was doable in Lean 3 as well?
Eric Wieser (Jul 23 2023 at 21:56):
Yes, but it's more powerful in Lean 4
Kayla Thomas (Jul 23 2023 at 21:57):
Ok. Thank you.
Eric Wieser (Jul 23 2023 at 21:57):
I would imagine it is not too difficult to define a custom notation that implements a `f` b = f a b
, but I don't think it's likely that Lean will come with it by default
Kayla Thomas (Jul 23 2023 at 23:35):
This is probably an odd question, but is there a way to define just the symbol, and just the symbol and fixity, without giving a precedence and not have Lean default to a precedence but instead force the use of parentheses? For example, a way to make this work:
inductive Formula : Type
| pred_const_ : PredName → List VarName → Formula
| pred_var_ : PredName → List VarName → Formula
| eq_ : VarName → VarName → Formula
| true_ : Formula
| false_ : Formula
| not_ : Formula → Formula
| imp_ : Formula → Formula → Formula
| and_ : Formula → Formula → Formula
| or_ : Formula → Formula → Formula
| iff_ : Formula → Formula → Formula
| forall_ : VarName → Formula → Formula
| exists_ : VarName → Formula → Formula
| def_ : DefName → List VarName → Formula
deriving Inhabited, DecidableEq
infix " .= " => eq_
" .T " => true_
" .F " => false_
prefix " .¬ " => not_
infix " .→ " => imp_
infix " .∧ " => and_
infix " .∨ " => or_
infix " .↔ " => iff_
prefix " .∀ " => forall_
prefix " .∃ " => exists_
and give an error if parentheses are not used around each except .T
and .F
Kayla Thomas (Jul 23 2023 at 23:38):
Barring that, do you know where the notation for the mathlib builtin equivalent of these constructors is defined?
Kayla Thomas (Jul 24 2023 at 01:03):
Also, is there a way to make notation context sensitive, in order to not need the dot in front of each to avoid clashes with the builtin versions?
Kayla Thomas (Jul 24 2023 at 01:38):
Maybe the dot actually means something in Lean here?
Yury G. Kudryashov (Jul 24 2023 at 01:48):
Note that Lean interprets .mk a
as TargetType.mk a
Yury G. Kudryashov (Jul 24 2023 at 01:48):
This can interfere with your notation (not sure how exactly)
Kayla Thomas (Jul 24 2023 at 01:52):
Yeah, I think the problem might actually be something else. I changed it to a following underscore, and it still doesn't seem to work right.
I have
infix:50 " =_ " => eq_
notation " T_ " => true_
notation " F_ " => false_
prefix:40 " ¬_ " => not_
infix:25 " →_ " => imp_
infix:20 " ∧_ " => and_
infix:20 " ∨_ " => or_
infix:20 " ↔_ " => iff_
notation:30 " ∀_ " x phi => forall_ x phi
notation:30 " E_ " x phi => exists_ x phi
There is something wrong I am doing with the forall and exists it seems.
Kayla Thomas (Jul 24 2023 at 01:54):
If I do
inductive IsPropAxiom : Formula → Prop
-- ⊢ ⊤
| prop_true_ :
IsPropAxiom true_
-- ⊢ phi → (psi → phi)
| prop_1_
(phi psi : Formula) :
IsPropAxiom (phi.imp_ (psi.imp_ phi))
-- ⊢ (phi → (psi → chi)) → ((phi → psi) → (phi → chi))
| prop_2_
(phi psi chi : Formula) :
IsPropAxiom ((phi.imp_ (psi.imp_ chi)).imp_ ((phi.imp_ psi).imp_ (phi.imp_ chi)))
-- ⊢ (¬ phi → ¬ psi) → (psi → phi)
| prop_3_
(phi psi : Formula) :
IsPropAxiom (((not_ phi).imp_ (not_ psi)).imp_ (psi.imp_ phi))
| def_false_ :
IsPropAxiom (F_ ↔_ (¬_ T_))
| def_and_
(phi psi : Formula) :
IsPropAxiom ( ((phi ∧_ psi) ↔_ ¬_ (phi →_ ¬_ psi)) )
| def_or_
(phi psi : Formula) :
IsPropAxiom ( ((phi ∨_ psi) ↔_ (¬_ phi →_ psi)) )
| def_iff_
(phi psi : Formula) :
IsPropAxiom ( ¬_ (((phi ↔_ psi) →_ ¬_ ((phi →_ psi) →_ ¬_ (psi →_ phi))) →_ ¬_ (¬_ ((phi →_ psi) →_ ¬_ (psi →_ phi)) →_ (phi ↔_ psi))) )
| def_exists_
(x : VarName)
(phi : Formula) :
IsPropAxiom ((∃_ x phi) ↔_ ¬_ (∀_ x (¬_ phi)))
There is a red underscore under the phi
in ∃_ x phi
at the bottom and a message saying expected ','
Kayla Thomas (Jul 24 2023 at 01:57):
If I change it to exists_ x phi
then the message moves to the phi
in the (∀_ x (¬_ phi)))
. If I change that to (forall_ x (¬_ phi)))
then the message goes away.
Kayla Thomas (Jul 24 2023 at 02:03):
Full example
import Std.Tactic.Lint.Frontend
import Mathlib.Util.CompileInductive
namespace FOL
The type of variable names.
inductive VarName : Type
| mk : String → VarName
deriving Inhabited, DecidableEq
The string representation of variable names.
def VarName.toString : VarName → String
| VarName.mk x => x
instance : ToString VarName :=
{ toString := fun x => x.toString }
instance : Repr VarName :=
{ reprPrec := fun x _ => x.toString.toFormat }
The type of predicate names.
inductive PredName : Type
| mk : String → PredName
deriving Inhabited, DecidableEq
The string representation of predicate names.
def PredName.toString : PredName → String
| PredName.mk X => X
instance : ToString PredName :=
{ toString := fun X => X.toString }
instance : Repr PredName :=
{ reprPrec := fun X _ => X.toString.toFormat }
The type of definition names.
inductive DefName : Type
| mk : String → DefName
deriving Inhabited, DecidableEq
The string representation of definition names.
def DefName.toString : DefName → String
| DefName.mk X => X
instance : ToString DefName :=
{ toString := fun X => X.toString }
instance : Repr DefName :=
{ reprPrec := fun X _ => X.toString.toFormat }
The type of formulas.
inductive Formula : Type
| pred_const_ : PredName → List VarName → Formula
| pred_var_ : PredName → List VarName → Formula
| eq_ : VarName → VarName → Formula
| true_ : Formula
| false_ : Formula
| not_ : Formula → Formula
| imp_ : Formula → Formula → Formula
| and_ : Formula → Formula → Formula
| or_ : Formula → Formula → Formula
| iff_ : Formula → Formula → Formula
| forall_ : VarName → Formula → Formula
| exists_ : VarName → Formula → Formula
| def_ : DefName → List VarName → Formula
deriving Inhabited, DecidableEq
compile_inductive% Formula
open Formula
infix:50 " =_ " => eq_
notation " T_ " => true_
notation " F_ " => false_
prefix:40 " ¬_ " => not_
infix:25 " →_ " => imp_
infix:20 " ∧_ " => and_
infix:20 " ∨_ " => or_
infix:20 " ↔_ " => iff_
notation:30 " ∀_ " x phi => forall_ x phi
notation:30 " E_ " x phi => exists_ x phi
inductive IsPropAxiom : Formula → Prop
| def_exists_
(x : VarName)
(phi : Formula) :
IsPropAxiom ((∃_ x phi) ↔_ ¬_ (∀_ x (¬_ phi)))
Kayla Thomas (Jul 24 2023 at 02:05):
expected ','
Kayla Thomas (Jul 24 2023 at 03:07):
@Mario Carneiro fixed it:
notation:30 " ∀_ " x:max phi => forall_ x phi
notation:30 " ∃_ " x:max phi => exists_ x phi
inductive IsPropAxiom : Formula → Prop
| def_exists_
(x : VarName)
(phi : Formula) :
IsPropAxiom ((∃_ x phi) ↔_ ¬_ (∀_ x (¬_ phi)))
The ∃_
in the notation was misspelled as E_
and I needed to add the :max
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC