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Topic: inhabited list types.
Ocschwar (Dec 17 2021 at 20:28):
Hi, all. I am using the parser to read a text file to get a list of structure
s that I defined ( https://github.com/ocschwar/adventofcode/blob/master/src/aoc/day2.lean) for advent of code. )
Because I'm a neophyte and the parser was cut and pasted from an earlier zulip chat (thanks again!), the parsing function returns type list (list instruction)
and I need to convert it to list instruction
The dumb way below is failing:
The equivalent code for a list of naturals worked fine. This is failing with
failed to synthesize type class instance for
dayinput : list (list instruction),
_x : unit
⊢ inhabited instruction
what should I be doing to assure the type setting that the parse_file function is returning a list of inhabited lists?
Horatiu Cheval (Dec 17 2021 at 20:40):
The problem is that you haven't proved that the type instruction
has any terms
Horatiu Cheval (Dec 17 2021 at 20:41):
You can probably do this automatically be writing @[derive inhabited]
before the definition of your instruction
Horatiu Cheval (Dec 17 2021 at 20:41):
Something like this, after briefly looking at your code
import tactic
@[derive inhabited]
inductive comd : Type
| up : comd
| down : comd
| forward : comd
@[derive inhabited]
structure instruction :=
(comd : comd )
(length : ℕ )
Ocschwar (Dec 17 2021 at 20:45):
(copy, paste, watch the red disappear). That worked! Thanks!
Horatiu Cheval (Dec 17 2021 at 20:47):
Or if you prefer to show the inhabitedness yourself to see what it actually means, it's enough to provide some term of type instruction
instance : inhabited instruction := ⟨_⟩ -- put any term of type `instruction` instead of _
For instance
instance : inhabited instruction := ⟨instruction.mk comd.up 0⟩
Ocschwar (Dec 17 2021 at 21:15):
I'll use the syntax for has_t_string
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC