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Topic: int.succ_ne_self
Scott Morrison (Jul 21 2019 at 08:09):
Do we have
lemma int.succ_ne_self {x : ℤ} : x + 1 ≠ x := ...
Scott Morrison (Jul 21 2019 at 08:39):
Hopefully there is something less hideous than
lemma int.succ_ne_self {x : ℤ} : x + 1 ≠ x := begin intro h, replace h := congr_arg (λ n : ℤ, n - x) h, dsimp at h, rw [add_assoc, add_comm, neg_add_cancel_right, add_right_neg] at h, exact one_ne_zero h end
Chris Hughes (Jul 21 2019 at 08:46):
(ne_of_lt (lt_add_one x)).symm
Mario Carneiro (Jul 21 2019 at 08:50):
ne_of_gt (lt_add_one x)
Kevin Buzzard (Jul 21 2019 at 12:16):
@Scott Morrison maybe you could expand library_search a bit ;-)
Jesse Michael Han (Jul 21 2019 at 12:54):
if you're feeling particularly lazy, λ _, by omega
Kevin Buzzard (Jul 21 2019 at 13:09):
Finally the correct answer :-)
Kevin Buzzard (Jul 21 2019 at 13:09):
Very nice
Kenny Lau (Jul 21 2019 at 13:10):
import tactic.linarith lemma int.succ_ne_self {x : ℤ} : x + 1 ≠ x := λ H, by linarith
Kevin Buzzard (Jul 21 2019 at 13:28):
A new winner :-)
Kevin Buzzard (Jul 21 2019 at 13:28):
Oh no wait it's longer
Mario Carneiro (Jul 21 2019 at 22:09):
clearly we need to rename linarith
to lia
Kevin Buzzard (Jul 21 2019 at 22:10):
We should just have a tactic "schoolkid" which tries them all one after the other, and then just tell people that the other tactics are deprecated
Mario Carneiro (Jul 21 2019 at 22:11):
but then it should be called sk
or else it won't win the golfing competitions
Marc Huisinga (Jul 21 2019 at 22:49):
for single symbol names i propose :work_in_progress: (\construction) for "will fix the bad perf of this later" or :biohazard: (\biohazard) for "run lean at own risk and always place pc in spent fuel pool for cooling beforehand"
Jesse Michael Han (Jul 21 2019 at 23:36):
while in vietnam, floris and i came up with this:
local notation `⟨╯°□°⟩╯︵┻━┻` := sorry
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC