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Topic: lagrange theorem declaration

Thomas Laraia (Jul 19 2021 at 10:56):

I am working on partitioning G into the left cosets of H, and my last hiccup is the equality of any given section of the partition with a left coset of H. I see that the issue is using =, but I'm not sure what I could use in its stead to complete the statement.

import tactic
import group_theory.coset
import data.set.basic
import group_theory.order_of_element

@[ext] structure partition (α : Type) :=
(C : set (set α))
(Hnonempty :  X  C, (X : set α).nonempty)
(Hcover :  a,  X  C, a  X)
(Hdisjoint :  X Y  C, (X  Y : set α).nonempty  X = Y)

variables {G : Type} [fintype G] [group G]
variable (H : subgroup G)

open partition

lemma lagrange (P : partition G) (h:  (X : P.C),  (g : G), X = left_coset g H ) :
fintype.card H  fintype.card G := --the size of the subgroup H divides the size of the group G
  --partition G into left cosets of H
  --G is finite, so exists g₁, g₂, ..., gₖ s.t. g₁H, ..., gₖH partition G,
  --Then |G| = |g₁H| + |g₂H| + ... + |gₖH|
  --         = |H| + |H| + ... |H|
  --         = k|H|, k is number of distinct left cosets of H in H
  --Thus |H| divides |G| and the goal is fulfilled

Eric Wieser (Jul 19 2021 at 11:01):

I think you have confused : and there; this works: lemma lagrange (P : partition G) (h: ∀ X, X ∈ P.C → ∃ (g : G), X = left_coset g H ) :

Eric Wieser (Jul 19 2021 at 11:05):

Although your hypothesis isn't needed, and the statement is already in mathlib: docs#subgroup.card_subgroup_dvd_card:

/-- the size of the subgroup H divides the size of the group G -/
lemma lagrange (P : partition G) [fintype H] (h :  X, X  P.C   (g : G), X = left_coset g H) :
  fintype.card H  fintype.card G :=
H.card_subgroup_dvd_card  -- oops I didn't use `h` or `P` at all

Thomas Laraia (Jul 19 2021 at 11:24):

Do you need to declare H as fintype if you've done so for G and make H a subgroup of G?

Eric Wieser (Jul 19 2021 at 12:12):

Yes, because you want your lemma to say "this works for any proof that H is finite, not just the one derived by filtering G"

Eric Wieser (Jul 19 2021 at 12:12):

For your case it probably doesn't matter, but that's why mathlib has both

Eric Wieser (Jul 19 2021 at 12:13):

(also, you can't derive it by filtering G unless you have [decidable_pred (∈ H)])

Thomas Laraia (Jul 19 2021 at 13:54):

import group_theory.coset
import data.set.basic
import group_theory.order_of_element
import data.fintype.basic
import week_1.Part_D_relations

variables {G : Type} [fintype G] [group G]
variables (H : subgroup G) [fintype H]

open function

lemma coset_sizes_long : ∀ (g : G), fintype.card (left_coset g H) = fintype.card H :=
  intro g,
  let f := (λ H, left_coset g H),
  --I take issue with only needing to show injection to prove bijection
  --I'm not convinced the function should be from set G to set G
  --or at least cannot be implied that easily
  --the proof from FPM we proved both injection and surjection
  --we need map H → gH
  have h₂ : injective f,
  {refine set.image_injective.mpr _,
  exact mul_right_injective g,
  have h₃ : bijective f,
  exact fintype.injective_iff_bijective.mp h₂,
  have h₄ : H ≃ left_coset g H,
  exact fintype.card_congr (equiv.symm h₄),

Yeah just in a spot of pain. I see that I can pretty much jump to the end using

lemma coset_sizes :  (g : G), fintype.card (left_coset g H) = fintype.card H :=
  intro g,
  have h₄ : H  left_coset g H,
  exact (subgroup.left_coset_equiv_subgroup g).symm,
  exact fintype.card_congr (equiv.symm h₄),

but that just skips the whole part where I learn.
I see why Lean thinks it only needs to be injective, as then since we're going from set G to set G and G is finite, the function is bijective, but then I must've defined something incorrectly because I'm fairly sure you need to prove both injection and surjection.

Eric Wieser (Jul 19 2021 at 14:30):

(The first code snippet is highlighted badly because you forgot the line break between ``` and import tactic)

Thomas Laraia (Jul 19 2021 at 14:31):

right, cheers for highlighting that

Eric Wieser (Jul 19 2021 at 14:33):

I think src#injective_iff_surjective is the core of the thing you take issue with

Thomas Laraia (Aug 07 2021 at 12:46):

Sorry if this is a bit long but I'm checking if we've accidentally done something like used a fact to prove a fact. In proving Lagrange's Theorem we didn't end up making a partition but we did use the injective function and showed the cosets are disjoint. Would love to know if this is a solid proof, no worries if it's a bit too long/tedious to check.

import tactic
import group_theory.coset
import data.set.basic
import group_theory.order_of_element
import data.equiv.basic
import data.fintype.card
import data.finset.basic
import data.list.defs
import data.sigma.basic
import algebra.big_operators.basic

open subgroup

open function

variables {G : Type} [fintype G] [group G] (g : G)
variables (H : subgroup G) [fintype H]

lemma coset_sizes_mathlib [decidable_pred ( left_coset g H)]: fintype.card (left_coset g H) = fintype.card H :=
  have h₄ : H  left_coset g H,
  exact (subgroup.left_coset_equiv_subgroup g).symm,
  exact fintype.card_congr (equiv.symm h₄),

open_locale big_operators

def is_refl_type {X:Type}(S: X X Prop):= -- Def 1 --
 a:X, S a a

def is_symm_type {X:Type}(S: X X Prop):= -- Def 2 --
 a b:X, S a b S b a

def is_trans_type {X:Type}(S:X X Prop):= -- Def 3 --
 a b c:X, S a b S b c S a c

def is_equiv_type {X:Type}(S:X X Prop):= -- Def 4--
is_refl_type S  is_symm_type S
 is_trans_type S

def equiv_class_type {X:Type}(S:X X Prop)(a:X):= -- Def 5 --
{x:X | S x a}

def left_coset_rel: G G Prop:=
λa:G,λb:G, left_coset a H = left_coset b H

lemma left_coset_rel_is_refl:is_refl_type (left_coset_rel H):=
  unfold is_refl_type,
  intro a,
  unfold left_coset_rel,

lemma left_coset_rel_is_symm:is_symm_type (left_coset_rel H):=
  unfold is_symm_type,
  intros a b f,
  unfold left_coset_rel at *,
  exact f,

lemma left_coset_rel_is_trans:is_trans_type (left_coset_rel H):=
  unfold is_trans_type,
  intros a b c f g,
  unfold left_coset_rel at *,
  rw g at f,
  exact f,

lemma left_coset_rel_is_equiv:is_equiv_type (left_coset_rel H):=
  exact left_coset_rel_is_refl H,
  exact left_coset_rel_is_symm H,
  exact left_coset_rel_is_trans H,

lemma in_coset(x:G):x left_coset x H:=
  unfold left_coset,
  exact one_mem H,

lemma equiv_class_is_coset(a:G):
equiv_class_type (left_coset_rel H) a=left_coset a H:=

  intro f,
  unfold equiv_class_type at f,
  simp at *,
  unfold left_coset_rel at f,
  rw  f,
  apply (in_coset H) x,

  intro g,
  unfold equiv_class_type,
  simp at *,
  rw left_coset_rel,
  intro h,
  unfold left_coset at *,
  simp at *,
  have temp: a⁻¹ * x_1 = (a⁻¹ * x) * (x⁻¹ * x_1):=begin
    rw mul_assoc,
    rw  mul_assoc x x⁻¹,
  rw temp,
  apply (mul_mem H) g h,
  intro h,
  unfold left_coset at *,
  simp at *,
  have g_inv:=(inv_mem H) g,
  simp at g_inv,
  have temp: x⁻¹ * x_1 = (x⁻¹ * a) * (a⁻¹ * x_1):=begin
    rw mul_assoc,
    rw  mul_assoc a a⁻¹,
  rw temp,
  apply (mul_mem H) g_inv h,

lemma in_equiv_class {X:Type}{S:X X Prop}
(h: is_equiv_type S)(a:X):
a equiv_class_type S a:= -- Lemma 7 --
  cases h with p q,
  apply p a,

lemma equiv_iff_same_class {X:Type}{S:X X Prop}
(h: is_equiv_type S)(a:X)(b:X):
S a b  equiv_class_type S a=equiv_class_type S b
:=  -- Lemma 9 --
  have rfl:=h.1,
  have sym:=h.2.1,
  have tran:=h.2.2,

  /- → -/
  intro f,
  --cases h with rfl st,
  --cases st with sym tran,
  rw set.subset.antisymm_iff,
  /- → ⊆-/
  intros x g,
  apply tran x a b g f,
  /- → ⊇ -/
  intros x g,
  have t:=sym a b f,
  apply tran x b a g t,

  /- ← -/
  intro f,
  have u:=in_equiv_class h a,
  rw f at u,
  exact u,

lemma equiv_iff_class_intersect{X:Type}{S:X X Prop}
(h: is_equiv_type S)(a:X)(b:X):
S a b  (equiv_class_type S a  equiv_class_type S b).nonempty
:= --Lemma 10 --
  have rfl:=h.1,
  have sym:=h.2.1,
  have tran:=h.2.2,

  /- → -/
  intro f,
  rw set.nonempty,
  use a,
  rw set.mem_inter_eq,
  have t:=in_equiv_class h a,
  exact t,
  exact f,

  /- ← -/
  intro f,
  cases f with x fx,
  rw set.mem_inter_eq at fx,
  cases fx with fxp fxq,
  have t:=sym x a fxp,
  apply tran a x b t fxq,

lemma same_class_iff_intersect{X:Type}{S:X X Prop}
(h: is_equiv_type S)(a:X)(b:X): -- Lemma 11 --
equiv_class_type S a = equiv_class_type S b 
(equiv_class_type S a  equiv_class_type S b).nonempty:=
  have p:=equiv_iff_same_class h a b,
  have q:=equiv_iff_class_intersect h a b,
  rw p at q,
  exact q,

noncomputable def equiv.set.sigma_of_disjoint {ι α : Type*} (S : ι  set α) (hS :  i j, i  j  disjoint (S i) (S j)) :
  (↥⋃ i, S i)  Σ (a : ι), (S a) :=
{ to_fun := λ u, begin
    have h := set.mem_Union.mp u.prop,
    exact h.some, u, h.some_spec⟩,
  inv_fun := λ s, s.2, set.mem_Union.mpr s.1, s.2.prop⟩⟩,
  left_inv := λ u, subtype.ext rfl,
  right_inv := λ s, sigma.subtype_ext (begin
    generalize_proofs h,
    by_contra hfst,
    apply set.not_disjoint_iff.mpr ⟨(s.snd : α), h.some_spec, s.snd.prop (hS h.some s.fst hfst),
  end) rfl }

lemma lagrange_long_sum_attempt_3
{k : } -- (P : partition G)
-- (h: ∀ X, X ∈ P.C → ∃ (g : G), X = left_coset g H)
{γ : fin k  G}
{h₂ : injective (λ i, left_coset (γ i) H)}
{h₃ : ((i : fin k), left_coset (γ i) H) = set.univ}
[ (i : fin k), decidable_pred ( left_coset (γ i) H)] [decidable_pred ( (i : fin k), left_coset (γ i) H)]:
fintype.card H  fintype.card G := --the size of the subgroup H divides the size of the group G
  --partition G into left cosets of H `done`

  --G is finite, so exists g₁, g₂, ..., gₖ s.t. g₁H, ..., gₖH partition G `done?`

  have h₄ : fintype.card set.univ = fintype.card G,
  exact fintype.of_equiv_card (equiv.set.univ G).symm,
  rw  h₄,
  refine dvd_of_mul_left_eq _ _,
  exact k,
  /-have h₁ : coe_sort set.univ = coe_sort (⋃(i : fin k), left_coset (γ i) H),
  exact congr_arg coe_sort h₃.symm,
  simp_rw h₁,-/

  have h_left_coset:  i j:fin k ,i j disjoint (left_coset (γ i) H) (left_coset (γ j) H):=begin
    intros i j f,
    unfold disjoint,
    intros x g,
    simp at *,
    cases g with g_i g_j,
    have ne:left_coset (γ i) H  left_coset (γ j) H, --by h2
      unfold injective at h₂,
      by_contradiction K,
      push_neg at K,
      specialize h₂ K,
      apply f h₂,
    contrapose ne,
    rw  equiv_class_is_coset H at *,
    rw  equiv_class_is_coset H at *,
    have intersect:((equiv_class_type (left_coset_rel H) (γ i))
    (equiv_class_type (left_coset_rel H) (γ j))).nonempty:=begin
      rw set.nonempty_def,
      use x,
      exact g_i,
      exact g_j,
    rw same_class_iff_intersect (left_coset_rel_is_equiv H) _ _,
    exact intersect,

  have h₆ : ( i, left_coset (γ i) H)  (Σ i, left_coset (γ i) H),
  exact equiv.set.sigma_of_disjoint (λ (i : fin k), left_coset (γ i) H) h_left_coset,

  have h₇ : fintype.card ((i : fin k), left_coset (γ i) H) = fintype.card set.univ,
  have temp:((i : fin k), left_coset (γ i) H)  set.univ:=equiv.cast _,
  apply fintype.card_congr temp,
  rw h₃,

  have h₅ : fintype.card ((i : fin k), left_coset (γ i) H) =  (i : fin k), fintype.card (left_coset (γ i) H),
  rw  fintype.card_sigma,
  exact fintype.card_congr h₆,

  rw  h₇,
  rw h₅,
  have :  (i : fin k), fintype.card (left_coset (γ i) H) =  (i : fin k), fintype.card H,

  have :  (i : fin k), fintype.card (left_coset (γ i) H) = fintype.card H,
  intro i,
  exact coset_sizes_mathlib (γ i) H,
  simp_rw this,

  rw this,

Eric Wieser (Aug 07 2021 at 13:36):

In a previous thread I showed you that equiv.set.sigma_of_disjoint already existed so there is no need to define it yourself

Eric Wieser (Aug 07 2021 at 13:40):

Your have ne : is docs#function.injective.ne, h₂.ne f

Thomas Laraia (Aug 08 2021 at 10:04):

Perfect I'll make those adjustments. Thank you for your input throughout!

Eric Wieser (Aug 08 2021 at 10:13):

Are you aware your is_equiv_type exists already as docs#equivalence? It's not clear to me to what extent you are trying to prove things from scratch for pedagogical reasons (as your final result is obviously in mathlib already), and to what extent you are trying to learn about and leverage other parts of mathlib.

Thomas Laraia (Aug 08 2021 at 10:15):

is_equiv_type is part of a parallel project that a group member is working on to define equivalence relations from the ground up. I originally used equivalence, but we wanted to prove that the left cosets formed a partition and he was more comfortable working in the foundation he laid. I would normally have used docs#equivalence otherwise.

Thomas Laraia (Aug 08 2021 at 10:16):

I see your point though, it's not quite consistent when I use something that already exists.

Thomas Laraia (Aug 08 2021 at 10:16):

We ended up not using the partition as well, which is unfortunate.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC