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Topic: lean together 2022

Huỳnh Trần Khanh (Jun 09 2021 at 13:24):

will lean together 2022 be held online? i heard that non experts can give talks there too as well, is that correct?

Huỳnh Trần Khanh (Jun 09 2021 at 13:25):

i can't really afford to travel and it seems that no one can really travel internationally lol as the COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing despite our efforts to contain it

Huỳnh Trần Khanh (Jun 09 2021 at 16:57):

hmm... i know someone responsible for this event would respond but i'm bumping to be extra sure lol

Huỳnh Trần Khanh (Jun 09 2021 at 16:58):

i hope this is not too annoying :D either way i have to go to bed now, i won't bother you for the next 7 to 8 hours lol

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Jun 09 2021 at 16:59):

As far as I know, planning for Lean Together 2022 has not begun yet.

Shaun Modipane (Jun 12 2021 at 09:56):

when will this event take place

Patrick Massot (Jun 12 2021 at 10:02):

Note that in 2022 we already have https://icerm.brown.edu/topical_workshops/tw-22-lean/ planned.

Patrick Massot (Jun 12 2021 at 10:03):

(this is not the same series and LT, it's the analogue of https://leanprover-community.github.io/lftcm2020/)

Julian Berman (Jun 12 2021 at 12:01):

Lean conf a train ride away, that will be nice.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC