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Topic: lean unresponsive

Sarah Mameche (Jan 07 2019 at 15:24):

Hi, when I use 3.4.1, there are problems with displaying the goal if proofs get longer. In both Emacs and vscode, the goal is not displayed anymore and the message box just says 'updating'. If the proof is deleted and I restart it, it always happens again in some subcase as soon as the proof gets longer (it is not really that huge though, 20 lines maybe). Lean does not respond if something is typed (if I type "end" I get the synthesize-placeholder error). Has anyone had this before?

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Jan 07 2019 at 15:33):

In VS code, are you seeing any indications that lean is still working (e.g. orange bars on the sides)? It might help if you post a minimum example, since slowness could be caused by a variety of things...

Uranus Testing (Jan 07 2019 at 15:37):

There are orange bars on the sides and indicator in status bar (“Lean [indicator] (checking visible lines)”).

Sarah Mameche (Jan 08 2019 at 08:33):

The orange bars are there for a moment but disappear directly.

The proof uses two other files of definitions, here are the types if that helps:

variable Fin : nat -> Type
variable tm : nat -> Type
variable neutral {n} : tm n → Prop
variable eval : Π {n}, tm n → tm n → Prop
inductive type : Type
| tint : type
| tarrow : type → type → type
variable types : Π {m}, (Fin m → type) → tm m → type → Prop

variable R :  Π {n : nat}, (Fin n → type) → type → tm n → Prop

variable SNe : Π {n}, tm n → Prop

theorem CR₁₃x {n} (Γ) (A : type) (s:tm n) : (R Γ A s → SNe s) ∧
  (types Γ s A → neutral s → (∀ t, eval s t → R Γ A t)  → R Γ A s) :=   ...

I do an induction on the type A, but the proof always crashes somewhere in the tarrow-case ...

Kenny Lau (Jan 08 2019 at 08:43):

more code would help

Uranus Testing (Jan 08 2019 at 08:55):

What if run file from command line ($ lean /path/to/proof.lean)?

Sarah Mameche (Jan 08 2019 at 08:57):

open nat
inductive Fin :   Type
| fz {n} : Fin (succ n)
| fs {n} : Fin n  Fin (succ n)
open Fin
attribute reducible Fin

inductive tm  : nat -> Type
  | var_tm : Π {ntm : nat}, Fin ntm -> tm ntm
  | app : Π {ntm : nat}, tm ntm -> tm ntm -> tm ntm
  | lam : Π {ntm : nat}, tm (nat.succ ntm) -> tm ntm
  | const : Π {ntm : nat}, nat  -> tm ntm
  | plus : Π {ntm : nat}, tm ntm -> tm ntm -> tm ntm
open tm

reserve infixl ``:40
inductive eval : Π {n}, tm n  tm n  Prop
infixl `` := eval
| eappl {n} {e₁ : tm n} {e₁' e₂} : e₁  e₁'   app e₁ e₂  app e₁' e₂
| eappr {n} {e₁ : tm n} {e₂ e₂'} : e₂  e₂'  app e₁ e₂  app e₁ e₂'
| elam {n} {e1 : tm (nat.succ n)} {e2} : e1  e2  lam e1  lam e2
| eplusl {n} {e₁ : tm n}{e₁' e₂} : e₁  e₁'  plus e₁ e₂  plus e₁' e₂
| eplusr {n} {e₁ : tm n} {e₂ e₂'} : e₂  e₂'  plus e₁ e₂  plus e₁ e₂'
| econst {n} {n₁ n₂} : @eval n (plus (const n₁) (const n₂)) (const (n₁+n₂))
--| ebeta {n} {e₁ : tm (nat.succ n)} {e₂} : app (lam e₁) e₂ ≻ (subst_tm (scons e₂ var_tm ) (e₁))
infix `` := eval
open eval

inductive type : Type
  | tint : type
  | tarrow : type  type  type
open type
infixl ``:50 := tarrow

definition ctx (m) := Fin m  type

inductive types : Π {m}, (Fin m  type)  tm m  type  Prop
  | tvar {m} Γ (x : Fin m) : types Γ (var_tm x) (Γ x)
  | tapp {m} Γ (e₁ : tm m) e₂ (A B) : types Γ e₁ (tarrow A B)  types Γ e₂ A  types Γ (app e₁ e₂) B
  | tplus {m} Γ (e₁ : tm m) (e₂) : types Γ e₁ tint  types Γ e₂ tint  types Γ (plus e₁ e₂) tint
 -- | tlam {m} Γ (e : tm (nat.succ m)) (A B) : types (@scons _ m  A Γ) e B → types Γ (lam e) (A ⤏ B)
  | tconst {m n} (Γ : ctx m) : types Γ (const n) tint
notation Γ `  `:50 x ` : ` A:50 := types Γ x A.
open types

definition agree_ren {n m} (Γ : ctx n) (Γ' : ctx m) (ξ : Fin m  Fin n) :=
    forall x, (Γ (ξ x)) = Γ' x.

notation Γ ``:50 Δ `:`:50 ξ := agree_ren Δ Γ ξ.

definition neutral {n} : tm n  Prop
| (lam s) := ff
| _ := tt

inductive SN {n} (R : tm n -> tm n -> Prop ) : tm n -> Prop
| sn_step (e1 : tm n) : (forall e2, R e1 e2 -> SN e2) -> SN e1.

definition SNe {n} := @SN n eval.

constant ren_tm : Π { mtm : nat } { ntm : nat } (xitm : Fin mtm -> Fin ntm) (s : tm mtm), tm ntm --...

definition R : Π {n}, (ctx n)  type  tm n  Prop
| n Γ tint s :=  (Γ  s : tint)  SNe s
| n Γ (tarrow A B) s := Γ  s : tarrow A B  forall {m : nat} ξ Δ t,
    (Γ  Δ : ξ)  @R m Δ A t -> R Δ B (app (ren_tm ξ s) t)

theorem CR₁₃ {n} (Γ) (A) (s: tm n) : (R Γ A s  SNe s) 
  (Γ  s : A  neutral s  ( t, s  t  R Γ A t)  R Γ A s) :=
  revert s Γ n, induction A; intros,
  { split,
    { intro h, apply h.right,},
    { intros, split, admit,
     constructor, intros,
    apply (a_2 _ _).right, admit,
  { split,
    { intro h, apply SN_appzero,
    have p:= (A_ih_a_1 (A_a.;Γ) (app (ren_tm shift s) (var_tm var_zero))),
    apply p.left, apply h.right,
      { intro x,  refl, },
      { apply (A_ih_a _ _).right,
        { constructor, },
        { simp [neutral], },
        { intros t q, cases q, },
    { intros h₁ h₂ h₃, split, aauto,
    intros m ξ Δ t p₁ p₂,
    have p₃ : SNe t,
      from begin
        apply (A_ih_a _ _).left, aauto
    induction p₃,

There are some more definitions about properties of tm n, though

Sarah Mameche (Jan 08 2019 at 08:58):

It compiles if I run it from the command line but I can't finish the proof in interactive mode

Kenny Lau (Jan 08 2019 at 08:58):

you still aren't showing us the exact part of your code that crashes

Uranus Testing (Jan 08 2019 at 09:03):

Look at “Lean: Server Errors” log in Visual Studio Code, it may be useful.

Sarah Mameche (Jan 08 2019 at 09:07):

It added the induction where it crashed, but right now I can't even edit something at the beginning of the proof...

Kenny Lau (Jan 08 2019 at 09:08):

you are advised to put end immediately after you put begin (and then add stuff between), etc

Sarah Mameche (Jan 08 2019 at 09:12):

Oh that solved it! Thanks a lot

Patrick Massot (Jan 08 2019 at 09:20):

This may be a good time to start using VScode code snippets. In menu File/Preferences/User code snippet (or slight variation on this, I'm making up translation from French) and select lean.json. Then put in:

    "Proof": {
        "prefix": "proof",
        "body": [
          "  $0",
          "  sorry",
        "description": "Proof tactic block"

Then you can (start to) type proof and auto-completion will suggests using the snippet. After accepting that suggestion VScode will write "begin", "sorry", "end" and put the cursor at the right position

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC